Warhammer: Vermintide 2 is a brilliant game. I bought it in a PlayStation Store sale ages ago, but a combination of home network issues and choppy PS4 performance made me drop it a lot sooner than I would have liked. Fast forward a couple of years or so, and I can't stop playing the bloody thing on PS5 (where it runs at a silky smooth 60 frames-per-second, it should be noted).
For those who might not know, Vermintide 2 is a character-based, co-op-focused, first-person action game with RPG elements. The game's split up into missions (each falling under an overarching storyline), and the goal is to make it out of each level alive for maximum loot. It's a bit like the classic Left 4 Dead formula, only instead of guns and zombies, it's swords and ratmen.
It's all about the combat, really. You swing your chosen instrument of death at hordes of ugly monsters and occasionally unleash special abilities. On paper it's pretty basic, but in practice it's... well, it's still pretty basic. But there's immense satisfaction to be found in cleaving your way through whole armies of creatures big and small, as your precisely aimed blows lop the heads off overgrown vermin, and send clanking undead warriors spiralling from battlements.

Vermintide 2's got that Chivalry thing where every successful hit looks and sounds like it really hurts. The audio design is masterful, with each slash, bash, or stab resulting in a squelchy explosion as your screen gets splattered with blackened blood. The game revels in the utter chaos that ensues, and it's even better if you're playing alongside friends.
I haven't enjoyed a co-op game like Vermintide since the heady days of Mass Effect 3's multiplayer. It's definitely got that "just one more mission" moreishness — it's hard to stop when you know that there's another unopened loot box waiting for you at the end of the fight. You never know, this one might contain the ultra rare great sword that you've been looking for!
The characters are excellent as well — proper antiheroes. I'm not hugely familiar with Warhammer, but outside of the lore references, it doesn't really matter. Whether you play as Markus the cocky cockney mercenary, Bardin the belligerent dwarf, or Victor the hilariously righteous witch hunter, the banter is consistently entertaining. It also helps that the voice acting is top notch throughout — some of the delivery is laugh-out-loud funny.

Honestly, I could gush about Vermintide 2 for another thousand words no problem — but I just wanted to highlight a game that's been a surprise hit for me in 2021 (despite being three years old). Late to the party and all that, but we never did review Vermintide 2, so I think it deserves at least a few minutes in the spotlight.
Have you played Vermintide 2? Do you agree with Rob's assessment? By Sigmar, smite the heretics in the comments section below.
Comments 33
Oh, this is available on PSNow so I'll give it a go. Totally overlooked this game. Thanks Robert. Is there a PS5 update?
I presume this can’t be played solo?
"Soapbox: Vermintide 2 Might Be My Game of the Year (But It Released in 2018)
Soapbox: Cyberpunk 2077 Might Be My Game of the Year (But It Released in 2020)
@Gloamin would the PS5 update be applicable to the PSNow version do you know?
I was playing this at a buddy’s recently and had a lot of fun with it. If I had the time, I’d definitely pick it up and join the group. Might still anyways.
@Gloamin Can the drop-ins be randoms? I haven't any friends 🙃
@Warspite2901 yes apparently
@Integrity There is! Runs at 60fps on PS5 and the performance is flawless. Also has faster load times. As long as you're downloading it through PS Now, the PS5 update should still apply... I think?
It’s always nice when you discover an older game you missed. I played Mass Effect: Andromeda and NieR: Automata for the first time earlier this year and really enjoyed them both.
@ShogunRok if I download it from PSNow will it update to the PS5 version?
Sorry, just noticed you've edited your comment so my question is redundant 😊
@Integrity I believe so — the version you get from PS Now is still the same game.
@Bentleyma- jealous! I wish I could play Nier again for the first time, if you know what I mean 😁
@ShogunRok well it's getting downloaded then! I've still got R&C and Guardians to get through though. Good problem to have 😊
@Integrity Have you played NieR Replicant? A lot of people prefer Automata, but I think Replicant is the better game, so I recommend it if you haven’t played it.
@Bentleyma- I have not! That's the answer, how I get that feeling back 😁
@Warspite2901 I don't have many friends either. Are you on PSN?
Really? I mean yeah as a Left 4 Dead with swords it's pretty good. I can never binge these types without getting bored, myself 😕
@XFinest_KnightX I rarely find time to play uninterrupted anymore, hence no friends to schedule co-op play. Do drop me a request though 👍
Also played it recently, great game - but suffers from a similar issue to a lot of these service type games where they just drop you in it with no real explanation of what to do or what is going on so it’s a tad confusing at first.
Nier Automata was my game of the year in 2020, so I respect this take.
@Integrity yes, locked 60fps! Thought this left psnow months ago?
@ShogunRok your whole article is basically my story behind this game minus the bad internet part! Enjoyed it on ps4 but bounced off solely because of performance and when I heard about the ps5 update, (from this site nonetheless!) I literally screamed for joy lol 😂 been in consistent rotation on my ps5 every since with about 80 hours so far. Just got the DLC bundle on the last sale too so that’s about 40+ more hours for the future.
@Nightcrawler71 yes it can.
@Dishonored29 it's still there
@Dishonored29 I know what you mean, it's a great game to have in rotation — especially if you can organise a few sessions with friends every week. You forget how satisfying the combat is when you've had a couple of days off!
Article is spot on. For me, I finally tried out the game this year on Xbox and absolutely loved it. I was afraid to play with others at first because of the skill level but once I did then the fun really began. I actually made a few good friends because of the comradery you develop with other players in the game which I haven't done in years.
@Gloamin I know! You'd think being an anti-social introvert was a factor, but I simply haven't the time 😅
Can't argue with that, Control on PS5 is my game of the year and it's definitely not a 2021 game.
@Gloamin Never tried this one as it seemed very wave based and staying in 1 or 2 areas, like CoD's Zombie mode. Is that true or is it more open and big like Eternal Crusade tried to be? Also, if you have played SH: Deathwing, which do you think is better?
@XFinest_KnightX I only have a handful of friends and only 1 still uses psn now and then. Add me if you like, psn is the same as my user name.
@Nightcrawler71 The first one you could but believe me it was just terrible dont onow about the sevond though.
@Gloamin Cool! Thanks for the info. I actually used to play Left 4 Dead years back and haven't played any of the games that took that genre yet, not even Left 4 Dead 2 for some reason lol
Sounds like a good game, though, so I'll go for this one instead of Deathwing.
@Gloamin Thanks, dude. Feel free to add me, my psn is the same as on here.
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