Sony is, reportedly, planning to release a new PlayStation handheld. But before you absolutely lose your mind over the potential of a PS Vita 2, know that this rumoured device is apparently dedicated to Remote Play. Yep, the codenamed 'Q Lite' is a specially built system that's designed to sync up with your PS5, letting you play your current-gen games on the go (as long as you've got access to a high speed internet connection!).
But is this a worthwhile move, from Sony's perspective? What's the actual point of having a handheld that's dedicated to Remote Play, when other devices can already fulfil that purpose? Let's talk about it.

Why Should a Remote Play Handheld Exist?
Well, from where we're sitting, we don't think this 'Q Lite' will be marketed as an actual handheld console — because going by these early reports, it isn't one. To us, this sounds a lot more like a kind of accessory — and Sony has been very keen on establishing a range of accessories for the PS5.
From specialised 3D audio headphones to the DualSense Edge, Sony has been trying to branch out when it comes to its current-gen console. This portable machine would be the Japanese giant's official answer to Remote Play, much like the aforementioned DualSense Edge is the official answer to 'pro' controllers.
As such, we think it's important to correctly set expectations for this thing. Most people are going to see "new PlayStation handheld" and sh*t bricks, but again, we don't think that's what the 'Q Lite' is about.

The All-Important Price Point
Let's face it: Sony loves its premium products — PSVR2, anyone? — and there's a distinct possibility that this portable system will be quite pricey. The report says that the 'Q Lite' will have a 1080p screen and will support 60 frames-per-second. It's also rumoured to have adaptive triggers and haptic feedback — so it's basically a DualSense pad with a high quality screen in the middle. Yeah, we can't see it being especially cheap.
We've already seen a lot of people saying this handheld is destined to bomb, but we're not sure Sony will see it that way. Again, if this thing is billed as a PS5 accessory, it obviously won't be competing with the likes of the Nintendo Switch, or the Steam Deck. At a higher price point, Sony will be looking at a fairly low impact product that generates decent enough profit from hardcore PlayStation fans.

Existing Alternatives
Of course, the elephant in the room here is that PS5 Remote Play is already available through loads of different devices. Whether it's via your phone, a third-party gaming machine, or even a PC, Remote Play has been a thing for years — so Sony's own system would have to position itself as the best way to play.
Look, if the 'Q Lite' comes with the haptics and the internals that allow for a seamless experience, then maybe it will be the king of Remote Play. At the very least, you'd expect Sony to deliver a quality product. Would that be enough to drag existing Remote Play users away from their established methods? Tough to say.
Now that we've shared our thoughts, we want to know what you think. Would you be at all interested in an official Remote Play handheld from Sony? Do you even use Remote Play? Have your say in our polls, and then explain your stance in the comments section below.
Would you be interested in a PS5 Remote Play handheld from Sony? (2,634 votes)
- Yes, it sounds great to me
- Yeah, I'd at least check it out
- Maybe, I'd need a lot more info
- Nah, I don't really see the point
- No, I couldn't care less
Do you use PS5 Remote Play at all? (2,407 votes)
- Yes, I use Remote Play all the time
- Yeah, I use it now and then
- Not really, I've tried it once or twice
- No, I've never used Remote Play
Comments 148
Everyone wants cloud gaming to happen except the players
So much depends on the price. If this is under $200, I'd buy it. That's not impossible - think a DualSense with a screen built in and not a lot else - but it's unlikely.
The more brains it has, the more expensive it will be. At $500, I'd buy a Steam Deck, live without the haptics and fancy triggers, and play a lot more than just Remote Play. It's got to stay well under that bar. If it's as much as $400, it's a dud.
If it was a proper native system, I’d be there Day One for a new Sony handheld. Just like I was for both the PSP and Vita.
Never really bothered with remote play though. I’ve tried it a few times – while in the SAME ROOM as my PS4/PS5, and with great WiFi, too – and the performance was pants. The Wii U could do it, but a PlayStation can’t? No excuses. Therefore, there’s no way that I’m down for anything that’s either remote play or cloud based.
I use remote play a lot on the back bone.
Would definitely get one for me having the option to play my games when I want is important.
I have a baby on the way in may so anything that can improve my gaming time and still allow me to continue my hobby is welcom.
Remote play is a very handy feature. When visiting family for example I can still play my games on a weekend away.
But forking out what will inevitably be £150+ for a Sony branded piece of kit to already do what I'm doing on my tablet/phone?! No thanks.
I can see this being silly expensive.
Personally I would make good use of this, that's why I like the Switch being able to sit on the Sofa instead of being sat in front of the TV is great. Especially when you've had a day of it at work.
If it is affordable and will produce lag-free gameplay, I would be tempted to buy it
The hard reality of it is that there are so few places throughout the world with internet stability capable of supporting remote play consistently. I've tried Remote Play and I have a good internet connection, but the experience still sucks compared to just playing natively.
If it doesn't let me play ps5/ps4 games on the go, then what's the point? It's literally just a ps vita but can only be uaed for remote play.
I don’t know what going on at PS but it seems they’re having a hard time reading the room lately. Who asked for this and especially in remote play form? Hopefully this stays on that rumor mill and never sees the light of day
I have more interested in a "g cloud ps5 edition" than a ps5 Pro, that's for sure
I would rather Sony sort it out so the games available to stream on ps plus can be streamed to my android device without having to use remote play through my PS5.
I’m definitely interested, but it has to be the right product at the right price. I use Remote Play on iPad quite often which works pretty well, besides the random controller disconnect which usually resolves within a few seconds. If the controller issues are fixed and the device itself is nice to use then I could see myself using it, but it would have to be a significant upgrade over using the iPad or PC and a Bluetooth controller.
Remote play has become one of my favorite modern gaming features and I use it daily. However, I mostly just use it at home and my iPad with an Xbox controller does the job. Not really sure I need a probably expensive handheld to handle this. But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't kind of intrigued by a sort of Wii U type tablet controller existing for a PS5.
Maybe, but games like God of War and Horizon are experiences I want to have on a big T.V. screen. I mainly want a new handheld from Sony for smaller games I can enjoy on a smaller screen. Key word being smaller. I don't want a handheld system the size of a t.v. tray that'll break my toe if I drop it
Remote Play is hypothetically cool, but the one time I tried it it was basically unplayable. I know other people have had success with it.
I think the Q Lite could be a cool device for a very specific audience. I wish I was part of that audience, but between only having okay internet connections and not having enough time to game anyway it is not a product for me.
I'd be more interested if it was a PS Plus connected device with some flash memory.
Give me a native Steam Deck App
If it meets certain criteria, I'll be very interested since I like remote play. If it doesn't meet those, not interested at all. Wait and see it is.
Zero interest. A lot of rumors suggesting Sony is diverting a lot of resources to a lot of stuff that isn't going to have much traction. PSVR2 barely has a market right now and that's a mighty fine piece of hardware. I would prefer them to focus more on GAMES.
I would be interested IF it’s not a dedicated device. Like, if it was an android handheld, comfortable, affordable, with Google Play and a browser, I would get it as I would be able to use it to play Android games as well as stream xCloud games.
I have maybe only once it twice used remote play on the PS5.
Firstly, all these recent rumours are rubbish spouted for clicks. This is only marginally more likely that the preposterous “imminent pro” rumour.
But, to answer this question…only if it worked with data so I could use it anywhere, and the remote play app was more reliable. Currently I can only use it in places where I can connect to wifi (friends and family, hotels don’t work) and it still cuts out enough that I’ll only play games like visual novels or puzzle games without time limits.
If I could play Catherine or Tales of when on the commute then sure. But that’ll never happen.
I don't know, I've tried bith Vita and Switch and I just cannot get used to handhelds. The way they feel compared to a controller is just really uncomfortable for me.
Remote Play is the one where you have to have your console on anyway isn't it? I've never found it to be very good connection either, very hit and miss and I mainly use it for just setting up downloads, managing my SSD storage, changing settings via my phone without having to turn the TV on.
Is there also a thing where remote play is actually cloud streaming too, as some people seem to think this is an okay idea. And someone even said they use it whilst away from home (but I'm not familiar with this being an option as the console is still needed, isn't it?)
A powerful handheld that could play my PS5/4 library would be incredible. 100% on-board. Remote only? No thanks.
I got a game controller over Christmas that slots my phone in and makes it like a Switch. Allows me to play some phone stuff or link up to my PC via Steam and my PS5 via Remote Play. I use it around the house when my basement is occupied. I also use RP on my laptop when I'm in my office. Been playing a lot on it recently, actually.
Even as what probably qualifies as a heavy RP user, I'd be hesitant to dedicate funds to a device that is solely for streaming titles via RP. If it's Vita-like device that can run native titles? Sure. I'm almost assuredly onboard. But JUST streaming? I already have a phone and laptop for that. And would rather get a tablet in the future that can do more than just stream PS5 games over a RP-focused device.
Sony wants to re-enter the mobile market? I'm all for it. But in this manner? No thank you.
I constantly had trouble getting Remote Play to work. It didn't like my modem and network settings. I made some changes and it didn't work.
I refused to open the DMZ just to play this so I gave up on it. I will pass.
Now as to a freestanding PS handheld? Nope. Steam Deck has nail-gunned the coffin shut on handheld gaming consoles and coated it with quick dry cement to boot. It would sell a bit better than the VR but nowhere near enough to justify Sony developing it.
I think it's a great app to offer for existing handhelds, like for iOS and Android, especially given all the Android based gaming handhelds out there these days. As for Sony making their own, I think that would defeat the purpose of Sony making another handheld console.
@Tharsman That's pretty much the Retroid Pocket 3 plus, or the Ayn Odin. I have the pocket 3 plus and it's an amazing device for the price. Emulation and android gaming is great on it.
If its just remote play then no, but if it includes cloud streaming of playstation plus extra/premium games then yeah I'd get one.
Just want VITA 2 😭
Across the Vita to my phone today I've probably used it 3 or 4 tines, I've got access to Gamepass on my phone and almost never use that.
To me this is an utterly pointless device, I need a PS5 and games, preferably digital as I can't change the disc if I'm not at home and if I am at home I'm just going to play on the TV. Away from home I need a great WiFi connection and cross my fingers.
Say if they made a device that could run games natively up to the PS4 AND do remote play, surely that's an easy win. Think about all the classic games being added to PS plus that could be played and micro SD cards are dirt cheap for storage these days and it wouldn't have to cost that much more surely
I have pretty high internet speeds and a decent router, and have never really enjoyed remote play or any kind of cloud-based gaming. The lag is always noticeable and annoying, and I’m not someone who is especially sensitive to such things. I wish companies would stop trying to make it happen.
Nah I can't see myself ever using something like this. If it was a proper Vita 2 I'd be all over it but just cloud gaming? No thanks.
Sounds pointless. Even putting aside my considerable misgivings about game streaming, you can just do that on your phone or tablet with a controller.
Yes, if the price is right, and comes with an OLED screen.
@Korgon Not cloud, remote play. Your PS5 is the cloud. Sony doesn't want to make another PSP, people need to get over it.
This sounds great if you have super fast fibre broadband but for the likes of me who don’t it would be a waste of money. I’m lucky to get 50mb and that’s shared with the wife and 2 kids!
I have precisely 0.000% interest in anything cloud only. Steamdeck is my Sony platform of choice.
No,. Not at all. Not if it requires a dame network tether to the Ps5. I get that some like to play sitting on the toilet or in bed or whatever, but that's not my situation. If I'm home and I want to fire up the TV and console I can and will.
I can see the appeal for some, however the lackluster state of remote/cloud gaming in terms of latency, along with the tone deaf pricing to come down from the Sony board, makes this very unlikely for wide adoption. Cloud gaming is just not there yet and Sonys remote play implementation is bare bones.
I do wonder if you take into account the psvr2, that maybe Sony's just trying to do one-time cash crabs on the whales that will buy anything because it's a new toy to fulfill whatever void may be there. Or those that just buy any Sony playstation branded item or game tech. It reminds me of the whole monitor thing. It was cute, but more dedicated companies have produced far more affordable and feature rich monitors than the cute white Sony screens. I wonder if this rumored handheld is maybe coming from that division that they created.
In that case if they are marking these things way above cost to produce, then it's an easy influx of cash for them and would be on par with their overall treatment of their long time fans as of late...
I know they won't do it. I'm not expecting them to do another handheld ever again but I'm just saying if they did I'd be there day one. But just a cloud/remote play (whatever) streaming device? Yeah I have zero interest in that.
@pip_muzz Isnt the purpose of visiting family not.... visiting family lol
For me the only thing that matters is lag and price point. I’m a dad so sitting in front of the TV usually isn’t an option but when my girls are spacing out to Bluey I’d be fine with using something like this in my living room if it can handle 4K 60 FPS etc.
But to get the most out of this the price point would likely be intolerable so this comes off as VERY niche
I think Sony could still do a traditional handheld. Let's say they do an ARM-based machine, and Sony gets their first party developers to cross-compile and optimize their titles for ARM, you could have a machine that could play the same games as a PS5 but with obviously downgraded graphics, although maybe not that downgraded depending on the quality of the hardware.
The biggest problem at that point would be third-party titles, but x86-Arm interpretors are getting better each year so that might not even be an issue.
I use ARM BTW because it's more power efficient and easier to cool than x86.
@Korgon Never say never. It depends if the they get the latency down. Something around 20-25 ms, will feel like you are playing right on your PS5.
No, im always on my phone when im on the toilet.
The price I'm looking at for a unlocked phone with a proper display and a controller is $200-250. Obviously no adaptive triggers, but you have a phone too
Would I pay £200 for a Wii U Gamepad? Maybe. If the latency is as low as the Wii U.
If it also played digital PS4 games, I'd be interested. The streaming by itself is not enticing as if I wanted to play underperforming PS5 games, I'd just the Remote Play app on my phone
Only thing I'd consider would be a full on handheld PS5, where I can play all the games without needing to own a PS5.
I have zero interest in streaming.
I use cloud gaming with gamepass more than I expected to and i am surprised by the quality of the streaming. But the remote access doesn't do it for me. I can't imagine a scenario where I would use this.
I really like remote play, but there's no way I'm buying a dedicated device if that's all it offers. For that I got a phone or tablet. If it's a x86 device with some useful power inside, perhaps... if that device could also run ps4 natively then absolutely, but we all know Sony doesn't have the balls for that.
Release a dedicated app for Steamdeck. Or let owners use it over a browser like GeforceNOW and xCloud.
No need for Sony hardware. Just release on what is already out.
This is not something I’m at all interested in. I have multiple devices that I could use Remote Play on, and I don’t use it.
I did try it once. I used my iPad to Remote Play Downwell, so I could play it in portrait mode. But I have a rotating mount on my TV, so I can now play TATE mode on a 58” screen.
I read the whole article and still don’t understand how this is different than a handheld. It IS a handheld, right? But one you can only play the games with that are active on your PS5 at that moment?
I won't waste any money on this accessory.
@brewersteve It’s supposed to be used outside of your house, I assume? So on 5G or wifi? If you use it indoors I don’t see a reason to not simply use your PS5 that’s connected to a much bigger screen.
UK internet sucks for anything like this.
I use RP on my XB a lot more than on PS simply because I'm more set up for it and have an XSS dedicated to being the "RP server" right now without putting wear & tear on the power consoles I'd rather use when I'm properly using them, but also use cloud a lot, really from GP. I'd do Premium, but cloud seems like an afterthought and a lot of the older games there I already have on the PS4 I set up as a dedicated streamer.
Critical feature for me, but not from an expensive single platform piece of hardware unless it's cheap.
Not something I would use a great deal. The only time I would is when I staying over at a families house for the weekend or something, and I have a Switch for that. Which hardly gets used these days anyway, as any gaming I do away from PlayStation is either on Marvel Snap or Vampire Survivors on my tablet/phone.
I do use remote plate, but with my iPhone and a razer Kishi, why would I need this?
I used remote play once (with Returnal on a phone), and I was surprised how well it worked, I just don’t have any real use case). I never even play my Switch unplugged, just can’t deal with small screens.
This would be completely pointless for Sony not including the money loss from each sale of such hardware 🤷♀️🤷♀️ all phones can do this so there really is no point
I buy a PS5 to fit under my TV, not walk around my flat streaming my games in less quality. Never seen the point in remote play personally. If I had kids and wife I'd buy another TV for when needed. If we talking PSP2 or Vita2 then yh I have a genuine need for one
@brewersteve try 20MBPS sharing multiple internet hungry devices, it starts to get fun after awhile, no way would I embrace cloud gaming in this scenario, maybe this is why I don't use remote play at all, I just bring a retro device on the go when needed (new 3ds XL or 2000 vita) and play that instead 100% offline and fun too gaming on the big screen is at home anyways I'm fine with that
@oOShodanOo I seen about that but I much rather have something a bit more robust in specs and with more ergonomic design. I don’t even hold the Switch without a Satifye grip.
I tried Remote Play a lot, with different apps on different devices, heck I even bought a smartphone holder for the DualSense. I also found out how to play remotely while the DualSense is connected to the PS5 directly, not via the smartphone. But my experience is bad: 1) Text in most games is too small. 2) The extra latency is just too much for me, and I talk about 802.11ac Wifi connection for the smartphone and Gigabit LAN for the PS5. This is at least one issue too much for me!
Did they not see Stadia? The internet isnt where it needs to be to have a Streaming only device succeed right now. Remote Play on Vita +PS4 was cool for RPGs but didnt work well enough for action games imo.
The price has to make sense for me to buy it
If is similar to Steamdeck and Switch then I will be there day one! If is just Cloud garbage and Remote play junk I wouldn't want one for free, waste of plastic 🤦
Nope not this and not psvr2, every time I Hear playstation news it's not a showcase but some ***** I have no interest in. They are determined to lose my interest.
Depends on the size, price and what it can run emulation wise. Cause Sony make a very comfy handheld
@3Above yep and Stadia had huge advantages over this, for that you just needed a controller and any device with a browser and a subscription. For this you need a console, a second piece of dedicated hardware, both eneds to have a good Internet connection and then the games on top and if you own physical games, then good luck changing them when you're not at home
@Darude84 yep, it's a handheld that only plays what is on your PS5 just like your smart phone can also do right now
Don't see why I would ever want such device.
In order for me to purchase it would need to be completely lag free. Currently I can be in the same room as my PS5 and remote play is completely unstable. For me, the remote play experience is actually worse than streaming PS3 games on the PS Premium service and unfortunately they are practically unplayable. Fingers crossed it's something cool that would work. If it's like the Wii U Gamepad I would be interested if the price is not atrocious.
@carlos82 Thanks! Might be interesting then to use on holiday/in the train (playing games that are on your PS5).
Ok. So it's not just me, I'm relieved.
I wouldn't pay a buck for something like. Besides, how much shall I pay for sometime like that I wouldn't use. Playing 1 hour of The Last of Us... Your data volume has expired...
It's really tricky to pull it off because the main selling points of PS5 don't translate to remote play very well. That's why their PS Vita failed. (Or they didn't hang around long enough.)
A remote play handheld will be useless when not on the same network as your ps5. I would buy a switch 2 before this remote play handheld.
The few times I’ve tried it it was terrible on my wifi. Half the time I can’t get it to work.
So no. No interest.
No interest at all for me in a remote play device but I’d be all over a PS Vita 2. I quite enjoyed my Vita but the lack of support for it along with not many good titles (or at least titles I’m interested in) have basically relegated it to being an expensive paperweight 🙁
The issue is that the Switch (and its successor when it drops) has that market pretty much locked up.
The niche applications (like open source software, emulation, PC AA games with decent battery life) is dominated by the Steam Deck.
I don’t think there is room is for a Vita 2. Sony is super controlling so they would never make it as open to use as the Steam Deck. It would be forced to compete with Nintendo, who would bury it; they consolidated their studios with the Switch so they can get games out quickly.
A dedicated Sony handheld would have a lack of 1st party support from the get go because they don’t have enough studios to support two different platforms.
The only option Sony would have is to make a portable console that runs PS4 games pretty well and could play specially prepared PS5 games with much lower settings. That way Sony wouldn’t need to split its game development resources. But as a consequence it would have pretty awful battery life.
But once again, it would need to compete with both the Switch and Steamdeck for portable AAA gaming. I just don’t see how they could be successful at it.
@Smiffy01 😅🤣 I meant in the evening/morning when my family are doing some of their own things. I'm not such an antisocial gamer that I play games all day having travelled to see my family 🤣😅😂 but before settling down to bed, having a 1/2 hour gaming session via the tablet & cloud is really very good
Not in the slightest. I already have Steam Deck and Switch where I can play my games natively. I just wish Sony could make another Handheld like the PSP and Vita.
@pip_muzz I reckoned that was just avin a laugh 😉
Hell yes 💓💓💓 my internet is rubbish in my house so I can't connect to my ps5 with a device if I'm in bed ect
Zero care for this. Give us a PS Vita 2 that is more powerful than the Switch, some good games and no gimmicks. It can remote play at a bonus for all I care. Personally, the reverse would be more desirable, a new handheld that can dock with a PS5.
I'd be 100% pre-ordering a Vita 2.
I have a PS Backbone that I love to use and used to work flawlessly - especially with the now dead iOS PS Play app, RIP and damn you Apple! - but with a PS system update at some point has turned really unreliable / stuttery / laggy. Not sure what’s happened there, but it turned an amazing experience into something very much not useable.
I’d buy a system like what’s rumoured IF if worked flawlessly via local WiFi and didn’t have to go through the net. I’m assuming that’s what’s been causing me big problems, and I have no idea why it needs to beam to an offshore server when I’m usually sitting about 6m to 10m from my console…
Can people please stop complaining about the PSVR 2 price?! last time i checked apple airpods max cost the same amount and those only let you hear music
Nope, already tried remote play on my ipad, I prefer playing on actual console. I prefer ps4 portables, let me play resident evil 4 remake on portable and continue it on my ps5.
Now more than ever in the post covid world where many of us work from home 5 days a week the mobile gaming plartform just isn't a valid proposition. With all due respect Chardonnay and Anton like to play "Swipe the Bird" on their phone but I mean real gaming, the sort of gaming you get on Playstations.
It was OK for me in PSP days when as a student I had time on my travels, but Vita never got more than 10 hours use in 5 years I bothered to keep it out of the loft. Switch is the same, other than BOTW, its collecting just for 5+ years. Many of us gamers want experiences that blow us away - available on consoles or PCs. And even the same game on a micro screen just isn't going to cut it.
Sorry, not interested. As Sony must know given no-one bothers to stream games to their phone from a PS5, so why would they stream to a phone that cant make phone calls, i.e. a cloud handheld. No reason, no use case.
Yea I want new ps vita like device with internals for the jailbreak community to take a Crack it remote play would still be great and I would buy it just for that but if it's jailbreakable with a better processor and dual sense like features bring it on Sony I'll get two!
I got a Back Bone an it’s great if kids or missus are watching ***** on TV in living room i can still game. They’re £99 but got mine on offer for £62. Works on Series X too. You need an iPhone to play.
Love sitting down on the couch behind a big screen and a good controller. I hate smaller screens I only want one to play exclusive games for the handheld only.
No interest in remote play but I'd love to see a new handheld that plays PS4 and PS5 games. Don't mind the games being downgraded and having loading screens, the PS5 would still be the best place to play. Would love to continue playing the games when I'm not near the PS5. Would also be a great little machine to have some exclusive features that the PS5 can't do or have unique games that are better played in handheld.
I mean, if it has an OLED screen, fast WiFi and all the bells & whistles of the DualSense controller I would definitely be interested. I can see my self playing Octopath Traveler II in bed with some real buttons.
How about we get PS5 sorted with 4k@60fps first?
The only gone WiFi that is available to me has a download speed of 8-15mb/s. Until GB/s shed becomes normal, things like this just are simply impossible.
If love a new Sony handheld but if this is only about remote play then count me out.
Unless it could be used without a network connection, whats the point. The reason the switch is really popular is as well as on the go, it doesn't require network connection to play games
As someone who rarely gets to use the TV and as a result games primarily on the Switch, this would be fantastic. A dedicated device that offers quality and performance akin to the WiiU's Gamepad? I would be all for it if they can hit a sub $150.00 USD price point.
I'm in the same boat, lol. If they can create a WiiU GamePad like device for PS systems and hit a $150.00 USD price point then I would be there day one.
I use remote play to use my ds4 controller on ps5 games. Extremely pointless that you have to jump though these hoops to do so. Remote play would be amazing on switch. I just hate how it loses connection ALOT
I’d be interested only if it’s a real handheld able to play games natively, if it’s remote play o cloud based Sony can shove it up their ***.
I'd think this were dumb but my cheap phone won't do remote play and I've no interest in replacing it with something more expensive so at the right price point I could maybe be persuaded into buying one of these.
I believe this is product will be more aimed at the Japanese market and they are huge mobile gamers, so to hit the sweet spot for more consumers then. It only right that they make a dedicated mobile streaming device for that market. Im not sure how or if the steam deck has hit the Japanese market.
But I believe we are thinking about this all wrong.
Ps5s are doing well.in japan but 90% of gamers in japan are playing on handheld devices. This could just be another way for Sony to earn more respect and money from Japanese gamers and why not sell it all over the world for an added bonus income.
Me personally do not travel all that much anymore (wife, loads of kids, bills to pay.)
So a streaming device for me just isn't worth my money. Plus it makes no sense when we have a very top notch device in the steam deck to stream ps5 to.
But I am old school now and like my Ps5 games on my lg oled 65in with my 3d pulse headset and lights off experience, than a tiny screen sat in bed. Im not that impatient that I need to be gaming while in bed, ill just wait for the tv to be free.
There will always be too much lag with these types of options; even 50 msec of lag pretty much ruins racing games and makes fighters and platformers annoying, and this is going to cause substantially more than 50 msec of lag.
@Bez87 You may be right, but I think Sony has pretty much decided to ditch Japan, which was only 6-7% of their market. Otherwise, they would have gone with a hybrid, like the Switch. Competition in Japan against Nintendo and phones is too challenging/fruitless to be worth the investment.
if it let you play ps4/ps5 games along with ps vita games , it would be a day 1 buy for me.
Sony did Playlink and Vita Remote Play if people did or didn't care then (which the latest Remote Play video has people confused, the obvious newcomer never used past Sony consoles that offered it so it's new to them and of course Vita fans posting in there) why would they now. Let alone other second screen, dual screen or other functionality. Those that use remote play get remote play.
Sony has done a dual screen tablet in the early 2010s before Samsung, Microsoft and LG and others have gone to dual screen phones over the years for late 2010s and 2020s. Sony did the Xperia Play. Pocket PCs (among Samsung and others). Many devices have gone around and around doing things ahead of their time before Steam Deck, before the return of dual screens, before 3D came around again instead of only movie cinemas and many customers do not care only enthusiasts or companies trying.
As someone that gets it console, device, router to talk between the two (unlike Cloud which is server, and can send to the console but like with Stadia or Luna shows you don't need to or even Xbox they have it with TVs which Sony could make PS+ a TV app for all they want) I see this as making no sense at all. Sure I want a Switch successor that makes it clear like an Evercade or a Wii U but the hardware is the same and sync-able data between them or people can buy a console or handheld and not miss out on the other but it's a dream it won't happen too confusing, to expensive and making a handheld/console have same hardware is tricky.
Remote Play requires a console, a router and a phone, PC, or a PS4 for PS5 Remote play, if PS4 remote play a phone I assume PC and a Vita for PS3 it was just the PSP. There is an app for it the PS4 that came via an update that I never use as I use Vita/Phone for PS4 remote play. The PS Vita had PS3/PS4 apps intentionally and of course phones got these second screen and remote play (both separate apps for different things) to Android in 2019, iPhone recently or so.
Cloud does not it needs a server it doesn't even need the console technically so a remote play handheld makes no sense. Besides for support if third parties from the west don't deliver why bother it will be a Vita all over again. I like the Vita but I mean I'm a Japanese games, Indies, kids games and controller gimmicks type I fit all 4 groups there besides western games just not the ones that would need to sell the system which is why I'm not really interested in a PS5 let alone most of the PS4 first parties so my PS4 is a third party machine usually.
Cloud handhelds at least have Android support besides the Gamepass and other Cloud services to access so they aren't dead even if a phone with grips makes more sense.
Sony having PC ports or Phone games or even remote play to those platforms, let alone iPhone grips and the iPhone support for the app is fair but Android got it a while ago and people have no clue. Why would Sony have production for something that isn't going to be well communicated let alone need to offer that solution? Then again people didn't understand the Wii U besides the name, I love the Wii U and it's concept. Using my phone even to a TV is cool but who understands that compared to a Chromcast or a cast button in a YT app or streaming app?
VR makes sense because it's console VR something no one else does (Switch cardboard is Google Cardboard, it's cool but not the same extent) and that it's that dual screen/remote play concept they can continue.
I want a new handheld but not like this nor do I believe this. As why would Sony make a paperweight. Fans want a new handheld always but it hasn't happened even if parts allow for one. I like the Vita, Wii U, Switch and so on and researched other tech clearly but do I think one will happen even regardless of not caring for their current IP first party direction no I don't see it happening. I like to be optimistic but also with this I can't because they wouldn't go mobile or PC by now.
it will be dead on arrival. as the article states, people can already use their PC or cell phone to stream via remote play. you can even get a controller attachment for your phone for a better experience. i doubt even 5% of the playstation community would bother to buy a dedicated remote streaming device because it serves little purpose.
I would love a handheld that could play the whole game catalogue that I pay £100 a year on PS+ BUT you can use a mobile or Tablet to play games already.
The problem with a handheld is internet connection to download or stream games on......... If there no WiFi or you have a bad connection then you constantly lose connection and the experience is pants.
IF they make a handheld then it must have 5G capability built in so that you can connect free IF you have a top tier PS+ membership (You have to have PS+ to play online?) So that should include internet access on a new PlayStation handheld in my opinion.
@Tharsman Doesn't that already exist? Or is that your point?
@tselliot my point is that I would buy a Sony branded device that filled that space, and if it happens to dub as a device that boosts PS in Japan by giving them a mobile presence, its win/win.
But if its locked to only be a PS5/4 remote play device, and perhaps PSExtra streaming client... that would be too narrow of a use to spend money on.
@doctommaso PS5 Has Surpassed 3 Million Sales in Japan, By the Way
You are a little out dated on this mark, my friend.
Story actually published on push Square.
After years of being neglected in their own country, sales of the Ps5 have gone up 427%
Sellng 320 000 in just one month in japan alone.
So them actually looking at a handheld portable streaming machine, has alot to do with the Japanese market I think to push it that bit further.
So yes you are right that before ps5 they didn't have much market share there and didn't push a hybrid like Nintendo, but now they are actually competing at a better sales number there and probably see the success of the switch in Japan.
I actually see this as them trying to get on level playing fields with Nintendo on their home turf.
Think about it.
Nintendo dominate all the time over their and probably dominating with the switch.
If Sony can some how match that. Their sales will go sky high.
Us in the West many will probably jump and buy this just because its Playstation.
But this might be a experimental release just to see if people would bite for a hybrid.
No one really wants a remote play device. Now a dedicated handheld from Sony again and I’m in. Got to have games tho.
@Bez87 Well, that's actually in keeping with what I said before. That puts Japan's share at no more than 9%. I think Sony is happy to get sales in Japan, I just don't think they are going to fight hard or spend tons of money to win that territory, which is pretty much already lost. It would be cool to see Sony get more sales in Japan, though, and perhaps you are right that this device could help in that regard — but I'm not convinced a device like this that is tied to your console is going to be a winner for them.
Well, it's easy peasy, let Sony make a "reversed engineered" piece of Nintendo Switch with a bigger screen, forget the haptics, VRR, 4K,120Hz, the last gen graphics... just tone down the games to run at 60fps, at $20 or PS+++ mobile, have enough room to download and play the games offline, with such a "console" at $300 and Sony is the king of the world!!!, ... many claim to have got every system from a 10K PC ring to Switch, but they haven't got a decent TV that costs 1/10 of such PC to properly run with VRR, 120Hz, HDMI 2.1, the lot... and they whine for the usual $70 price tag... so, $300 console, $20 games or a PS++ mobile a la Game Pass and tada!!!, most of the "discerning gamers" are going to adore Sony!
I’m going to go ahead and assume this isn’t going to touch what a Steam Deck can do. Plus I can remote into my PS5 with my Steam Deck. It’s actually a dumb move to me. I think Sony is doing pretty good on almost all fronts. Go buy Konami or Square please. I need another Castlevania, MGS, Chrono, and Vagrant Story. They should really focus on games, that has been their sweet spot and why they are killing it.
@Agramonte Yes! A Sony Remote play steam deck app would be killer.
There's nothing "reported" or "apparent" from what I've seen so far (outside the typical waste products pretending to be which I do understand remain part of Push Square and other fanblogs' bread and wine), but outside last May and this half year's lucky streak I can never afford to take for granted, Remote Play has always been the pinnacle of my "home" PlayStation experience, at least where control schemes so allowed. Vita, while purchased first and foremost for its own offerings, was the reason I ever came to invest in a PS4 at all whereas PS5 limiting RP to peripheral-crutched third parties single-handedly (or "-footedly"?) kicked me out of the market for it.
When it comes to new PlayStation portables (the likes of which, unless/until proven otherwise, I wouldn't expect until a few years into Gen 10, especially with Sony barely just ending its struggle to produce ONE current console), I've already fantasized that even a "PlayStation Legacy" using a Vita-esque format with more buttons and possibly just enough juice to handle decent PS2 emulation (with PS3-5 left for streaming) and gathering all the libraries (sans the delisted/delicensed stuff, but what will you do) under one roof would be bee's knees. A streaming handheld machine obviously sounds like less than that, but still viable enough to turn my head, hand under chin, towards PS5 again. Of course, I've voted to "at least check it out" here because the resolution options would matter as well - Vita's generally work (once you claw your way past the whimsical connection assessment screen which better have less of a final say on a hypothetical new device in general) but 4G can't even stream 720p under the slightest network strain (read: anywhere urban where it's available in the first place), and 5G largely remains a first world cryptid. But if this were to be solved... again, you'd definitely have my attention. For whenever such a handheld actually shows up where I live, of course.😄
All depends on the details but there are now a good selection of android based devices that can do this as well as play retro titles, android games as well as Xbox Cloud, GEForce Now as well as other remote streaming like Steam LInk. So it would have to have a USP to be worth it.
I'm all for cloud gaming, love it. But having it tied to the console is a bad move. Just have it in the cloud like Gamepass or Stadia (RIP). Still wouldn't buy a dedicated handheld for cloud only though. My phone with a Razer Kishi is a much better alternative.
Hmm, even after all this information and my questions that were answered I think I still didn't understand what remote play actually is. I now get the feeling your PS5 needs to be turned on to actually use it? So it's not just a case of "Spider-Man is on my PS5 so I can play it on my handheld (with my PS5 turned off) because I have bought the game already"?
In that case I really don't see the point of remote play at all.
I'm interested as I like gadgets, but from a practical point, no. I rarely used remote play on my Vita for PS4 games, although it was cool when I did (just hampered by the Vita not having L2/R2 buttons).
I do like the idea of streaming PS4/5 games in the living room when the tv is otherwise being used, but tbh I'd rather invest in the Backbone PS edition for my iPhone. It seems to fit the need for all the right buttons at least.
I wouldn't expect that the streaming element would be qualitatively improved on a dedicated device, as I think that there are too many third party factors involved in streaming?
Especially when you consider the experience outside of the home is going to be inconsistent and variable to stream PS5-quality assets and again, at the behest of the internet capacity and capabilities where you are.
If it works seamlessly this will be a game changer in Japan.
Microsoft won't like it.
Ahhh jesus. I just want an 8” oled and official robust Dualsense mount, what year is this
Not really, no. I prefer playing in front of a big monitor anyway. Admittedly handheld play might be nice for the rare day I'd rather lay on bed, but does that once in a blue moon day warrant shelling out for a whole new peripheral? Nah, not to me.
@Darude84 You have to put the PS5 to sleep (not off) and then you turn it on from the device via Remote Play app.
As for the purpose... I guess the main point to make is that it works over the internet, so you can be anywhere in the world and play your PS5 - although if you're playing the disc, you only get one game to choose of course.
Depending on circumstances there are plenty of other reasons too. I don't put Mortal Kombat on the TV when the kids are about, as one example.
The devices name (Q Lite) may suggest it will be a cheaper version of a device named just Sony Q? Maybe it is going to be like it is with xbox series s and x. One is for mostly cloud gaming and the more expensive will be proper handheld.
@nocdaes Thanks! Good to know for some users it would be a solution. For me personally I'd never ever use it. My (preferred) setup is that my tv switches to gaming automatically when I turn on the PS5 and when I'm on holiday I unplug it.
Interesting that they would want to consider this, given the failure of the WiiU and Vita, not to mention an already crowded space for this. I would stream to my Steamdeck or tablet befor dropping dough on this….
@Darude84 I am using this feature too but sometimes it is annoying because it works both ways. If i turn PS5 and TV off late in the evening then when i want to watch cable TV in the morning and turn the TV on it turns on my PS5 too :/
Depends on the price point. I wouldn't mind paying for an out of box solution that I can just turn on and use without taking on and off controllers. More a convenience peripheral really, so I wouldn't pay too much.
I am most definitely, 100%, Totally and utterly NOT interested in this in any way. I have an iPhone with a Backbone for this kind of thing.
My wife and I just got a switch for Christmas. She plays games on it while I play other games on the PS5. But if we wanted to switch that up and me play remote play and her play on the TV... that process is long and complicated and doesn't work as seamlessly.
My thoughts... unless the handheld is some kind of Switch esque competitor - it is not going to have a high adoption rate. If I can pick up the handheld and instantly take over a session on my system and then put my system into rest mode or even turn it off somehow and then instantly plug it back in and get right back to it on PS5... then maybe it is worth it. Otherwise... pass.
Sony if you haven't considered this please LISTEN:
The only way you are going to make this product stick - above and beyond what is already offered for remote play - is by giving it its own internal SSD that can download at least a few games from one's Playstation collection of games. This would allow offline play for PS4 and PS5 games!
If you can DO THAT... then it might just be the game changer in the Remote Play market
Assuming that this is true, I understand if PS5 and maybe some PS4 will require remote play but give us the option to play older titles natively. No excuse to not allow us to play older games, especially PS1 titles without having to stay online/stream via remote play only. Give us the option to play games offline
I wouldn’t mind a handheld remote play device if the price is right. Not more then €$250.
@Darude84 Yep I know what you mean. I do think there's a market for it though. I see there being core gamers who literally never use remote play - and these are the bread and butter for Sony.
There is definitely a growing market of less core gamer though, who don't have as much time (for various legitimate reasons) and therefore would be interested in finding ways to squeeze gaming into gaps within their schedule. Remote Play is genuinely a good solution for this.
Switch does this already, and Sony would be smart to target the Switch gamers that want a similar setup but with more AAA games the PS5 can provide.
Nintendo have masterfully reactivated an older gaming audience with Switch, and Sony should take the opportunity to swoop in and get them onto PS5 now as well.
The UK broadband is complete arse. Even if you get the big Virginie deals it's less reliable than paper pants.
Remote play via Android works well enough, I'll just keep my deck for the better games.
@amersga Remote play requires a router/console and a device to cast it to phone, Vita, PC. Cloud is server to the device it doesn't even need the console (Stadia/Luna) but they make games/apps connect with it.
So it can't be offline. Casting games via Bluetooth or Wifi isn't what Sony's remote play does it's not the same as the Wii U which was from the console wifi chip or whatever to the Gamepad.
Throw in a card slot for Vita cartridges and I'm all in.
@SuntannedDuck2 Those are all good points.
I think what I'm suggesting is that this new portable console isn't just for remote play but also semi-functions as a console by itself, with a bare or limited version of the PS5/PS4 hardware. Therefore, it would have the capacity to run whatever the limited storage capacity would hold.
Imagine a portable PS5 that has enough room for a game or two to play on the go, and a robust Remote Play option when you're connected to a solid wifi connection.
I have zero interest in portable gaming at all, and I will never try out Remote Play.
Share Play on the other hand is still very useful, you can let your online friends borrow your controller and help you beat tough bosses or get pass certain puzzles/obstacles.
I use remote play to match make and pick my team efootball team while i poop
@amersga Make sense. The semi as a console itself would be nice. It's why I enjoyed the Vita and PS4 I can use it for remote play or I can take it with me for it's own library besides the PS4 library. Cloud handhelds I wasn't into at first but once I understood they were Android based and you can use Android apps beside Cloud I didn't freak out as much. So I get the semi side of using it being a console but having remote play as an 'option'.
I would expect a digital console though, I don't see physical games happening even if I like physical I can for see it being they would skip cartridges if it were 'real'.
But yeah more powerful hardware handheld with remote play option and PS4/5 powerful games for sure then just a phone touchscreen controls, PS4 to PS5 remote play app like does exist, PC or phone with grips like Sony is offering already.
I've always theorized a Evercade (same hardware inside both handheld and console I think at least, that's the reason why I'm bringing it up) so a console and handheld, same hardware, but you can sync data easily between the two, or have dual screen functionality aka your remote play or dual screen mode. Offers more on what the Wii U did and what the Vita had of some dual screen features with Playroom but not much. That or whatever Playlink did the casual PS4 party games I don't see many people talk about it had UNO (I always thought need dual screens to make it easier to hide your cards), Singstar, a few other games. The Until Dawn devs one seemed pretty interesting (I thought the PS camera with voices would have been better than a smartphone to make choices in that game but eh the point is the smartphones for Playlink games).
That or a Switch but that can cast to your TV without a dock or HDMI cable but wirelessly. So instead of a Gamepad tied to a console it's the console can cast to the TV or still be a handheld. Like a phone can cast itself to the TV. It delays what's on the TV so the phone is always ahead but it works quite well from what I've tested of apps that allow you to do this on Android that I play around with. Sure you can use a cast button in an app (say press the cast app in the YT mobile app) but the app has to be on the phone and TV. I mean using your phone to mirror and no need for the app on both devices just the phone and using apps you can't on a TV with the phone mirrored (sure it's delayed quite a bit using a phone on a TV but still a console that can do that wirelessly would be awesome I think). The thing is consoles make the process easier for the handhelds to not only connect to your TV but handle hardware tasks too which if a TV isn't powerful enough then well. Hence why we have servers cast to the TV (Xbox Cloud Gaming, Stadia, Luna) for cloud gaming or cast to the console (Sony's approach) so we still access it from a UI stand point or because well Sony wants us to use their consoles still.
That or finally a multiple apps/games on a single screen or dual screen. Aka what Windows 8 or I think Xbox One's 2013 dashboard..... did with multiple apps. Sure TV TV TV and all that but I always wonder what would happen it we did have apps, games and more able to on a Series X, we have Quick Resume and we have app/game swapping in the background on Xbox One I swap between Soundcloud and the game I'm playing all the time but it's not the same. That or picture in picture like the Wonderful101 has to replace the Gamepad features and put them on the screen to toggle on and off whenever you need it but for not just the game but any game/app anywhere on your screen like webcam footage (or the PS5 picture and picture thing they showed I don't remember enough about it).
Or you have picture in picture or dual screen phone approach like the Samsung Fold/Surface Duo (what the Wii U could have lead to besides the console tied phone to the TV wireless example then the Switch being a handheld and a HDMI cable to the TV device like any tablet with a HDMI port).
I always get some crazy ideas in mind. Sorry it ended up as a wall of text. XD
Sony are missing a trick here. They SHOULD make a fully fledged Vita 2, 8 inch plus screen minimum with a PS4 or 5 controller set up either side and dev kits for developers now. I adore my Vita and my PSP. I still play on both. Mainly on holiday or just kicking back on the sofa. Remote play or original games.
Racing games are fantastic on the Vita as are the LEGO games that I play with my young son. The vita was way ahead of its time. The issue was the smart phone market.
Why buy a touch screen handheld in 2011 when smartphones already had the market cornered? Unless you are like me and HATED fingerprints all over your screen! As well as the lack of precise controls!!
IF they changed their minds and made it as they should do, then it would sell. Just do the Vita, bigger, with a proper button set up (unlike the Vita or PSP) and I guarantee it would sell.
In fact I wrote to SCEE advising the same. Last year. They replied. "Our focus is and will remain on the mobile phone market and remote play. We do not see the benefit at this time of entering into the handheld market".
Hmmmm. Seems they had a half change of heart!
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