After its bombastic premiere, The Last of Us episode two, entitled Infected, showcased exactly why the property is in safe hands. As Joel, Ellie, and Tess venture outside the walls of the Boston Quarantine Zone, we get our first exposure to the show’s infected, plenty of Ellie banter, and of course, more recreations of infamous scenes from the video game.
We were surprised to see episode two take us back to its 2003 pre-apocalypse setting once more, this time two days prior to the calamitous outbreak in Jakarta. Similar to the 1960s talk-show scene from last week, the episode opener starts out rather clichéd. A professor of a particular science is whisked away to investigate some disturbing findings. We’ve seen it a million times over. However, with both Mazin and Druckmann’s writing along with some excellent performances, we were left disturbed all over again. It acts as a reminder that The Last Of Us is at its best when the quiet reality of horror sets in.
Flash forward two decades to the crumbling ruins of Boston, and the Cordyceps infection is front and centre after being relatively absent in the premiere. The show takes some courageous new swings with its infected, which are just about as surprising as they are horrifying. As massive fans of the game, our heckles did get up a little bit as this new lore was established, but as Druckmann — in his TV directorial debut — leads us further into the city, the effectiveness of these changes becomes all too clear.

As Joel, Tess, and Ellie venture deeper, the city takes on a haunting new atmosphere. One that is both eerily quiet and empty, with its evils laying dormant in the shadows. The approach added a whole new element of fear to the Boston segment that we hesitate to say was missing from the game, but one that certainly feels amplified here. And the tightening tension comes to a snapping point with the introduction of the infamous Clickers, which not only looked incredible in live-action, but are far scarier than anything we got in the game.
Clashing the inexperience of Ellie with the fearful gazes of Joel and Tess is what made this trepidatious trek through Boston all the more enthralling. Their bemused smiles as Ellie rattles on about long-told rumours of the outside expertly elevated the moments where the seasoned smugglers realise they are in genuine danger. And we move between each of these moments with ease, as we get to spend our first decent chunk of time with Ramsey’s Ellie.
We still don’t entirely feel like Ramsey has embodied the role in the same way that Pascal has, but there were moments where we actually laughed out loud as Ellie annoyed Joel with some witty remark. There is some great back-and-forth between the two characters that we simply cannot wait to see play out as the season progresses.

Fans of the game will be happy to see some of the hallmark scenes of the game recreated in episode two. While some are word for word the same, others have that HBO spin on them, and there is one particular moment that is sure to prove divisive to fans.
All in all, though, this latest episode was another fantastic showcase of how to adapt a game. The changes to the infected are pitch-perfect for television, and the horror of its setting will undoubtedly surpass that of the game for some. We are still early days for season one of The Last Of Us, but Mazin and Druckmann are two for two, with no signs of slowing down. Bring on next week!
To find out when you can tune in for the next episode, click through to our Where to Watch The Last of Us TV Show guide. Additionally, our Full Cast List provides more details about the actors and characters. Once you have watched the first episode yourself, place a vote in our poll and share your first impressions in the comments below.
Comments 66
I'm off work for another week. Just sitting down to this episode now with a cup of tea.
I'm 10 minutes in and I absolutely loved the opening. I can't help but feel anxious as I watch it, which is something the games were very good at doing too - Making me very anxious.
Is the divisive moment you're talking about "the kiss"?
It was a bit weird yeah, but I didn't mind it too much I guess lol
Overall, great episode. The clicker moments are really really great, and I do believe that if I didn't know them from the game I would be genuinely scared on this first encounter. Also, congrats to Neil for directing this episode and doing such a great job.
Incredible so far! Just worried how they will fit the rest of the game in 7 episodes. I am thinking this:
Perplexed as to why you don’t think Bella has fully taken the reigns as Ellie. She’s a highlight every second she’s on screen for me.
My only frustration is not being able to rate this episode an 11/10 to be honest. And maybe Ramsey is not the Ellie we may think we know, but damn she’s Ellie to me.
Honestly though, given the majority of this episode (past the opening credits) rests on the shoulders of 3 principal actors - plus the writing, directing, score, and the magnificent set pieces - it’s an absolute marvel of an episode, and I’m so grateful Druckmann and the team have made these brilliant characters accessible to an even larger audience. 🌟
They kept the important things consistent to the game, lore wise. Like how you can wade through waist high dirty water, then just climb a few flights of stairs and end up with dry, relatively clean trousers.
Overall a fantastic episode
I didn’t like ‘the Kiss’. I felt it took something away from Tess’ heroic sacrifice. It would have been better if she pulled the pin on one of the grenades rather than letting the infected violate her that way in her last moments. That scene played out much better in the game imo because Tess went out fighting. But I loved the episode overall.
Glad I did not play the remake or remaster so I can enjoy this fully. So far so good.
I had no idea that "Cordyceps" was a real word and that it does exist as a parasite on some insects. Wow! The science on this is pretty scary!!!
Even better than the first in my opinion. They absolutely nailed the clicker sequence in the museum. Bella as Ellie has fully grown on me as well
@z0d15g0d what? I did play the remake and remaster. I'm absolutely loving the show. So how, in your opinion, does playing them make someone not able to enjoy the show fully?
Did anyone else think the infected all being connected by the network of roots remind them of the movie/novel ‘Cell’ by Stephen King?
@bpomber you need to learn the difference between saying "I" and saying "someone/anyone/everyone". It's possible to make statements about the way you prefer to do things, without them also being broad generalisations about how everybody should do things
Y'all should really try and get some outside perspective on this. My wife never played the game(s) and she is enthralled.
She has nothing to judge this or the performances against and she has nothing but praise (and horror) for it all.
Like it or not, Pascal and Ramsey will BECOME the definitive renditions of these character for a huge huge swath of fans. You can't constantly hold it against them that they're not copying existing performances 1:1 at all times. Part of acting (in any capacity) is to bring a personal spin to material, not to mimic someone else in exacting detail. They're both nailing it, imo. As did Anna Torv, which I expected. She's always a boss.
The show is great so far. There are some changes that weak the science and are a bit awkward. For instance, fungi spread by spores and/or small pieces of hypha in real life, these are in the air mainly and that's why they use masks in the games (except for Ellie). They remove the masks to not hide the face of the actors in the TV and I understand that. However, what is awkward and innacurate is that, in the show, cordyceps hypha shows the capacity of movement (that is absent in any fungi) ad are used to its propagation. These hypha look more like little tentacles and, despite being disgusting, it is innacurate. In the game, areas with spores are some of the most dangerous, dark and intense and I hope they include this in any point. By the way, the clickers's sound effects are very similar (if not the same) we hear in the games, that was amazing.
@MFTWrecks didn't occur to me until reading your comment, but TLOU part 1 is getting released on PC soon (or is it already? I lose track) - you can guarantee that there will be a mod to insert models of the actors from the series into the game
@danlk1ng I asked how playing them makes "someone" not enjoy the game fully. I'm pretty sure @z0d15g0d is someone, unless it's a bot.
I provided my personal thoughts on it then asked them to expand on their thoughts. Sorry creating conversation triggers you.
@bpomber maybe I misread your comment - a personal preference for how someone enjoys to do things was expressed, and I thought you took as saying that other people ought to do/have done likewise
@danlk1ng Fair enough. This is the problem with text conversations. You can't hear tone so things can be taken the wrong way sometimes. I'm not saying they are wrong for feeling how they feel. I was just trying to understand why they would feel that way because I have very different feelings on the subject.
Yeah, that "kiss" was very strange and I don't mean that as a compliment... I liked the episode overall, but Tess' revised "going out guns blazing" moment was the first big misstep of this series for me. It came off as awkward and goofy. Greatly preferred how it was handled in the game.
still bothers me the lack of spores thats whats scary about it the air you breaths can kill you.
unless your elle
@trev666 I suspect the spores are gone just because well, they just wouldn't be as nicely localised or as visibly obvious in real life. You walk through an open door and see a cloud of spores, so put your gas mask on? Yeah, chances are you've already breathed some in.
In a video game at least you can just put it down to it being a video game - whereas I can imagine it looking more ridiculous on a TV show. Obviously both are fictional, it just seems to me that there's stuff you can get away with in games that don't always translate well to TV - in this case they may have been better off just getting rid of the spores
@Blackmagehobbit It is nonsense in the game putting masks on at certain points to avoid spores. As people have said, the spores would potentially everywhere. You'd have to live in a mask to avoid them. Especially if all it takes is 1 spore. Completely understand why they changed it, as it was always dumb!
@kyleforrester87 In the game, these areas have higher density of spores since they are closed spaces. Maybe the imune system of people can deal with a few spores in open area, but under higher concentrations these cause a severe infection and then makes sense using masks in closed sites. My point is that these areas were creepy (more dangerous enemies, low visibility, a bit claustrophobic etc) in the game and they will not be present in the show. These two episodes in the show have introductions that tried to increase the science aspect, but there are problems (there are others but I'll avoid comment to not be interpreted as negative points). I really like the show.
@ItsBritneyB_tch sounds like gears of wars hive to me
@Blackmagehobbit I think the show has tried to change the science because the idea that survivors wouldn't pretty much live 24/7 in respirators, while visiting scary areas or not, to protect against a disease that turns you into a deranged zombie through contact with airborne spores is just really unbelievable, especially for an audience that has spent the past 3 years living with Covid. I don't think anti-maskers would do so well in this context...
I loved the episode! “The kiss“ was kind of weird but not too bad. The best part about it is that my girlfriend has never played the games and wasn’t expecting what happened to Tess. But now she wants to play both games before she finishes the show. It’s great that that’s her response because she’s not even a gamer.
Edit: Also the scene when Tess asks about Ellie’s “Mother? Father? Boyfriend?” And Ellie’s awkward look when she answered about her “boyfriend”. I chuckled and my girlfriend asked why I chuckled. I didn’t tell her.
@ItsBritneyB_tch agreed. I didn’t mind it but the game did it better.
Everyone needs to relax about the spores. They’ll still probably be in the show, as the creators themselves have indicted in interviews that the door has been left open for them to appear later. They likely just don’t want to overuse elements that are used repetitively in the game, and they wanted to further differentiate the mythos from other zombie stories by including the tendrils, which were inspired by concept art. I have a feeling we will indeed be introduced to spores. Bloaters anyone?
@MFTWrecks I really like Anna Torv - wish she was in the show longer. She was brilliant in Mindhunter.
I just wish they didn’t have the tentacle kiss. The way the infected leaned in and Tess slowly opened her mouth, it was just weird.
The way she chose to sacrifice herself in the game (to buy Joel and Ellie time to escape) was so bad-ass. It was one of the reasons her character stood out and was so memorable for me in the game.
Did anyone else chuckle at the part where the building collapsed a little bit and blocked Joel, Ellie and Tess from going back the way they came? I mean it wasn't massively funny in itself, I just don't think there are many times on TV where the protagonists are forced to progress through an area because their entrance has been blocked - seems like more of a video game thing to me (I'm probably completely wrong on that)
I've only watched the first episode so far but I think Bella pulls of a great Ellie. The whole cast are very good at portraying their characters. I'm really impressed.
@ItsBritneyB_tch I didn't take issue with the change. Remember, she's bitten. She has that stuff in her system. I took it not as some sort of romantic or weird sexual thing, but as a clear indication she was further along in her infection than we realized.
The fungus was forcing her to unwillingly become one with it, as evidenced by her eyes still able to register the shock of what her body was doing.
I thought it was excellent horror.
Just like MFTWrecks said, my buddy had the same theory about the infection causing Tess to submit - just a further extension of how the fungus spreads. Works for me.
I kinda wish the other infected had just rushed past her, showing that they already sensed her as one of their own and therefore not a concern. Tess, accepting that she is doomed, sparks the lighter and we get the same scene as is. But nobody asked me how to write their multi-million dollar show for some reason, so I'll accept their choices I GUESS. This show rocks.
The second episode is god damn amazing! Neil Druckman is the man! Really impressive stuff!
@MFTWrecks when she showed them exactly where her bite was, my mind shot straight back to episode 1, to the FEDRA poster on the wall in the room with the infected kid (pretty much exactly 36 minutes in - I don't have a photographic memory at all, I've just had a look for it in episode 1).
5 - 15 minutes
Yeah, if that poster was anything to go on, she was on borrowed time as it was
I'm in the minority. I'm just not really feeling this adaptation. I think Bella's acting is okayish, but not great. She acts like she is ina tv series and not reacting to real situations. She is way too casual about everything. Her lie about being alone when bitten, in the hands of a better actress, could have been very special. There was no clue that she was lying.
The Clickers just felt like people wearing makeup and weren't frightening at all.
The change away from spores makes no sense. If the fungus is only spread by a bite, how did the grandma in the first episode get sick? If she was bitten at a hospital, I'm pretty sure it would have been discovered.
Biggest gripe was the lighting. Everything looked and felt like a set. No dust particles in the air. Convenient ceiling collapses.
Also, had did Tess get bitten through a jacket and shirt without obvious signs of blood? Just reeks of laziness.
Overall, not impressed.
@kyleforrester87 Anti-maskers would be certainly doomed in that world, LoL. The problems with the science of the show and the game are not directly related to masks, I just enjoyed my time in those areas. I rather can't belive in moving fungi and vaccines made from a child's brain (this is ridiculous even in the game, vaccines are not made this way). For instance, fungi cells have thick and hard cell walls (that animal cells lack) turning them very rigid (being unable to move, like plant cells in general) that is one of the reasons that fugi are sessile organisms. Also, fungi lack tissues and proteins related to tissue movement like actin and myosin. Anyway, I believe that writers deserve some poetic license to make the show/game interesting.
@bpomber I was referring to myself. The memory of the game is a blur so I can enjoy the show with relatively fresh eyes. Might be fine for you to rewatch or re experience stuff but that would bore me pretty quickly.
The spores plot element was changed in this series to make the plot more believable as if the virus was spread through spores humanity would be completely wiped out in less than a week.
@Blackmagehobbit well, exactly. To be fair, I haven’t seen the show so I am not fully informed, I just feel the method of infection was changed purely because it’s too unbelievable to assume it wouldn’t ultimately spread everrrywhere (or at least people would be paranoid that it would do that, keeping them behind masks). I do think it’s more interesting, having spores, frankly, and it works well in the game but I think a TV audience would struggle to suspend there disbelief on that one. The new method sounds cool, too, and I’m sure they thought long and hard before making the change.
I loved both episodes! It makes me want to replay Part 1
And stay away from Part II even more
@Controller-Drift Apparently the episodes are of "varying length". I haven't seen any runtimes myself, but I guess it's possible some episodes could be much longer than others, and therefore fit more in.
@danlk1ng Exactly. I took it all as her thinking, "Oh *****. I can't believe I'm doing this. But there's nothing I can do to stop this."
Her stiffening up was like, in my head canon, her body not allowing her to get away. Almost like she was pushing up against the pillar trying to "escape" the same way the unfortunate soul may have pressed against the office wall in the first episode in their final moments before coming wall decor. Trying to escape but not being able to actually control one's body. She didn't run, because she couldn't. It wasn't letting her.
All that was afforded her was her mental capacity (recognizing what was happening was wrong/off) and the limited physical function of her hand with the lighter.
@z0d15g0d Interesting. Yeah for me personally if I really like something, I can watch/play/listen to it over and over and over again and not get bored. Even more so with The Last of Us show since it has lots of changes. I'm excited every week to see the story in a new format and to see the extra details and environments and plot points, etc. that they put in.
@Human_Tornado “sensed her as one of their own” - like the Xenomorph in Alien 3 that won’t harm Ripley because she ‘has one inside her’? Or like the infected in the World War Z movie who don’t attack terminally ill people?
I’m not sure I like the idea of the Cordyceps virus having an agenda or an evolved sense of awareness. I really didn’t like the root-network / alarm system and them all being connected to one another. The virus is scary enough already. It doesn’t need to be ‘bigger, louder, more teeth’. The horror was in its simplicity.
The infected will be talking next…
@DeanySevigny Couldn't agree more. Bella IS Ellie in a way I couldn't even comprehend before I watched the show. Casting is so good.
One of the things i'm really loving about the show is how great it sits as an accompaniment to the games. Almost like it's the games looked through another lens. Almost all the changes and additions have been smart and welcome. The backstory at the start was horrific. When the doctor said "bomb them" I felt it deeply.
The only thing I didn't like was... like @ItsBritneyB_tch didn't like the "kiss". Not just because it seemed weird, creepy and out of place, but more so because it seemed out of character for Tess. Here was a character that had accepted death but was going to do anything she could to save Joel and Ellie and after doing the hard bit just stood there like a lemon. Was also waiting for her to hurl herself accross the floor, pull a pin on a grenade and smile as they closed in to devour her. This felt like a bit of a slap in the face.
But the rest of the episode was magnificent. If that minor thing is my one major complaint I am VERY happy and cannot wait for next week. 9/10
@Controller-Drift some episodes are longer, episode 3 is about 30min longer around 80min, Episode 4 is a similar length to this episode.
I like the episode, love the changes but I have a huge problem with the camera.
That thing is shaking too much during regular scenes. I get it when there is action but walking around does need a stable cam, I got motion sick.
Typically episodes in HBO series from my experience (excluding the pilot and the season finales) tend to be anywhere from 50-60 minutes. Though there are also exceptions even to that, almost every episode of House of the Dragon was more than an hour.
@InvaderJim oh I didn't know that the runtimes where published. I just found them and you are right the next one is 80min long. But then the rest are all below 60 min with the last one just lasting ~45min . I would have used the extra time in the Pittsburgh chapter instead of Bill's and just have more episodes during the winter section. Anyways, I have faith in them as they started really great.
@PegasusActual93 they are already published and the next one is 80 min. The rest are going to be all below the hour mark sadly
Thats still six more episodes after Bills town. Last of Us was only a 10 hour game and that included long stretches of combat and traversal that are obviously going to be cut out of this show. I'm not worried about it being rushed.
@PegasusActual93 well good for you beating it faster than average, I can't remember how long it took to me but according to howlongtobeat the game takes on average 15hours, not counting Left Behind, which is mostly cinematic. They have done an amazing job so far so I trust them, but have only covered 3 out of 17 chapters that the game has (I know that left behind's are much shorter). So that is why I am worried that they will rush certain sections which are more memorable than Bill's for example
Alot of people have quoted how long to beat but I have never found their estimates to be the least bit accurate. They have a tendency to overestimate things. I stick to what the average of people beating games on youtube as the much more accurate estimate and on average most are finishing at around 9-12 hours. Left Behind takes about 90 minutes.
@RBMango I thought she comes back in the games, but my memories aren't what they used to be. Don't see how she survived that but in the games it was left a little more subtle. So a return wasn't that crazy.
Not a fan of the shows version of Ellie, but otherwise its alright.
'The Kiss' creeped me the **** out. I was horrified and empathized for Tess in that moment. Did I prefer the original way that Tess died? Of course. Nevertheless, I theorize that in that moment, she was horrified, shell-shocked, and also the infection was coursing through her veins, so she was well on her way to turning at that point. Just happy she was able to get it lit just in time kill all of the infected in the building.
Great episode. And that scene ('The Kiss') I won't be able to un-see from my mind at least until the morning. lol
I personally found it hard to accept this girl as Ellie. But after this episode, I am all in. She certainly captures her firecracker, curse like a sailor nature. Her mimicking a Clicker after she's told they will shoot her if she even makes a sound had me seriously laugh-out-loud😁
I thought the first half of the episode went a bit slow but the second half was incredible.
When they finally revealed the Clickers it was excellent, not with a predictable jumpscare, but by showing them blindly shambling into the room as they would in the game. They didn't rush that scene either and took their time to truly show the clickers off. I'd even say the finale of the episode improved on the game. Having a horde of infected storm the capital is more exciting than FEDRA soldiers turning up. I think having Neil so heavily involved really helps, it keeps everything great about the game but amps it up and even improves on it in some places.
I love the gross kissing scene. Tess was already succumbing to the fungus and there was already an battle raging inside her. That’s why she had trouble to ignite the lighter a part of her was already resisting the attempt to kill herself and the infected. The runners sensed it and that’s why they ran all passed her instead of attacking her and that why one of them kissed her. With the last of her willpower she ignited the lighter. What a tensed moment.
@ItsBritneyB_tch I personally thought she should have used a grenade as well but with them wanting to implement "the kiss" I can see why they didn't. I disagree that the game handled that scene better though. To me having a horde of infected rush the building and then blowing up is a better finale than just some FEDRA soldiers showing up.
@Type_Trubbish FEDRA soldiers which you then have to kill lots of, don't you? (Can't remember if you actually have to or if I was just particularly killy in my playthrough)
Grizzly Everyman Joel working his way through a bunch of soldiers makes for decent gameplay, but less than believable TV
I read somewhere a complaint that this show was nothing like the game because Joel didn't die 20 times trying to get through the
@grapetrap I mean in fairness, that clicker definitely got him good. TV Joel has some serious noob luck going on
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