In the penultimate episode of The Last of Us TV show, we're beginning to see whether HBO's ambitious adaptation can hold a light to the PlayStation classic. Through its faithful recreations and daring diversions, The Last of Us is in the pay-off stages of its slow-burn post-apocalypse, and we're not entirely sure if it's working out.
After last week's flashback episode, we're thrust back to an injured Joel and a panicking Ellie who desperately tries to keep her protector alive. However, an encounter with a new survivor group led by the ominous David may decide the fate of this father/daughter duo.

Before we get into our issues with this latest episode, here's what we did like. While by no means has HBO's take on this series been all sunshine and rainbows, episode eight is a great reminder of just how brutal this world can be. And we're not talking about its violent tendencies — although more on that later. No, we're talking about a world that makes survival tough, one that calls into question whether it's worth going on. Seeing the red noses and worn faces among David's deflated congregation showed a new cold and barren side to this post-apocalypse, one that feels grounded and real.
On the surface, and likely to newcomers to the series, it's a great, pulpy apocalyptic narrative filled with disturbing realities and brutal spats of violence. We suspect that, for those that have been let down by the lack of violence on display in HBO's adaptation, this latest episode will appease that appetite for blood somewhat.
Without Ellie's brutal guardian, there's a level of anxiety building throughout the episode. That knife's edge tension is delicately balanced thanks to the performances on display from Ramsey's Ellie, Scott Shepard's David, and Troy Baker's James — the original voice actor for Joel making a fun appearance.

However, here's the issue: as we're getting to the huge emotional beats of this story, we're struggling not to look to the video game for comparison. And the truth of the matter is that the video game just did it all better. We'll not go into specifics here — you can check out our video review over on the Push Square YouTube channel for that — but whether it be a moment of tension or the climax of the episode, we couldn't help but feel like this pivotal act in the story of The Last of Us just isn't hitting the same.
Previous weeks have showcased how to streamline the bulkier video game narrative while holding onto those precious moments that made us fall in love with the series in the first place. Episode eight, however, is an example on how it can hollow out those moments. There's nothing particularly bad about this latest episode, and for the most part it comes across as a brilliantly crafted and faithful retelling. But when you get to those big story moments, you begin to realise that one missing scene from the games actually propped up another that we got in the show. Like a house of cards, without one the whole structure begins to fall.
It's a worrying predicament to be in with just one episode to go, but the show has attained varying levels of quality across its streamlined adaptation, so we're holding out hope yet. And let's be real, the latest episode isn't bad by any stretch of the imagination. As we've said, it looks nice, it's performed well, it's got a good pace, and we reckon without the context of the game you'd have a great time with episode eight. But as fans of the game, episode eight felt like a fantastic jigsaw puzzle with just a few pieces missing.
To find out when you can tune in for the next episode, click through to our Where to Watch The Last of Us TV Show guide. Additionally, our Full Cast List provides more details about the actors and characters. And of course, be sure to let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.
Comments 77
I read an interview last week, where they said that they suspect that the last episode would devide the fanbase. Reading this review it seems a big part that made the endgame so great is going to be missed from the series.
@Martijn87 As if this show hasn't been divisive enough already.
I laughed when Ellie shot the dear with her riffle and David and James find it and are like, ‘What do you think? I don’t see anyone. But they might be nearby.’ Surely they heard the gunshot? The deer couldn’t have travelled too far before bleeding out.
I only wish the season had been given three or four more episodes to allow the plot to develop more. It feels like I’m watching a three hour movie that’s been condensed into a 15 minute summary on YouTube.
The infected have been severely under-utilised too. The whole point of the story is that they’re looking for a cure because the infection has ravaged the global population - yet we’ve barely seen them or how big a threat they pose to the survivors. Why do they even need a cure when encounters with infected are so few and far between?
@Martijn87 please don’t tell me it’s the giraffe’s. That was such an important scene in the game. I’ll be mad as hell if they skip over that.
I feel like Bill and his love life were giving more care and attention then the biggest moment in Ellie's life prior to TLoUP2 events. Winter is when Ellie's innocence is lost, its when she fully loses her childhood and what sets her on her path going forward, Winter changes her forever and well i feel the episode let Winter down and it all felt very rushed and lacked what made the events of the game so great.
I did like that they showed a lot more of David’s community but the fact that no one shows up when Todd’s Grill starts to burn felt strange. For me, this episode was missing the sense of desperation and fear of the unknown for Joel as he is making his way to Ellie. I missed hearing the school bell ringing and the fog and the encounters. In the show it just moved way too fast. Joel was near comatose in one minute, and the next he finds her backpack and shows up at the butchery. This episode did not deserve to be the second shortest.
I said it already with my comment on the video. This is not a game or fantasy. Ellie can barely hold the rifle and is 14 years old. What 14 year old girl or boy for that matter can take down dozens of infected and grown up men. I already thought Joel taking down those 3 men as unrealistic. Two shots of penicillin is not going to cure that infection in a couple of hours. Every doctor will tell you he would need weeks of recovery. So expecting a heavily wounded man and a 14 year old girl to take down dozens of people and infected is just ridiculous. Maybe you should pinch yourself a few times to remind you this is suppose to be a realistic take on a game and not a fantasy. And the game is called The Last of Us and not The Last of the Superheroes.
Ever since the second episode I've just felt numb to this whole show.
They're missing what made the game special and the whole thing just seems like a much weaker version of what we already have
@roe your opinion is the reason movie or TV show adaptation fail. You think what you play is real and expect to see it in the show but everyone else just thinks what the hell those unrealistic scenes of a 14 year old girl acting like Rambo next to a heavily injured Superman. That’s just stupid. And the movie or Tv Show gets ripped to pieces by critics. It’s a live action show not a fantasy game of almost immortal human beings that take some med packs to heal and fight another day.
" looks nice, it's performed well, it's got a good pace..."
I strongly disagree with all of that when it comes to this episode, but, hey, different strokes for different folks.
Really like the show as a whole. Though some moments, specifically the 'and I damn sure ain't your father' scene, have felt a bit unearned. As good as the Bill episode was, it took a lot of character development time from Joel and Ellie. Great show overall though.
@BadPlayerOne it is 'fantasy' its based on post apocoliptic world with a deadly infection. not exactly realistic. plusits based on a game where your characters do that stuff.
@BadPlayerOne it’s a show about infected mushroom-zombies wiping out most of the human population - we’re already suspending our disbelief to a greater extent. The reality is, Joel would likely need surgery after sustaining such an injury so we’re already past the point of realism anyway. One way around it would have been for Joel and Ellie to encounter another survivor (with medical training) who patches Joel up. They could even be someone who escaped from David’s group. This survivor could go out hunting for food one day and doesn’t return so Ellie goes out to investigate/hunt and encounters David. She gets the penicillin, gives it Joel and they lay low for a few days before David’s men show up. Ellie is taken prisoner and held for a few more days before Joel comes looking for her. In a sick twist, the meat that they’re serving to the community could turn out to be the guy or girl that patched Joel up. Ellie could find their head on a shelf and their dismembered body hanging from a meat hook or something.
@BadPlayerOne that's not what I said or think at all but ok 😂
@MayaMousavi I guess that's my main complaint though. Do you really feel like we've had more drama and character development from the show?
Aside from adding some additional back story, I can't think of any other things the TV show has delivered better than what we have with the game
@MayaMousavi exactly that. Couldn’t have said it any better. The only ones complaining are gamers and hardcore conservatives that hate anything related to lhbtq+. Everyone else loves the show, the drama, the character development.
To me, I felt it was a little rushed. But I asked my wife and daughter, who have never played the games and are going into this fresh, and they said it was awesome.
So I enjoyed it, but the game definitely draws it out more, and that is what is burned into my mind. But if my girls say it packed the punch, then I say they are doing a great job.
Loving this show.
@Snackfood Exactly and that has been the problem of game adaptations in the past. Director’s listening to gamer’s and I am happy this time they don’t. Everyone around me that isn’t a gamer absolutely loves this show. I played the game countless times because for me the game will be always the best game I ever played and thankfully I can make the distinction between a game and a TV show. I love this show.
This article actually forgets to mention while some puzzle pieces might be reshuffled or missing they did add some interesting context which enhances some of the story beats as well. I don't want to spoil anything of the latest episode, but take episode 2 for example. I loved the opening scene in Jakarta, which was chillingly haunting imo.
And by the way not sure what people thought about David in the game, but his character was meant to depict a narcissistic pedophile. There was no need for Ellie to impress him. Her age was enough for him and everything he said about her was not because he believed anything he was saying but to convince her to let this creep into her pants. I really don’t hope people really thought what David was saying about Ellie was his honest opinion about her. That would be really messed up and creepy.
My main issue was with the weird Darth Vader-like monologue that David did toward the end. “Join me so we can rule together…”
It was a bit of a jump for him to make such an uninformed conclusion about Ellie’s
leadership skills. I don’t remember that from the game, but it’s been a while since I played it so I might have forgotten. Either way though, it seemed to come off rushed this way.
I'm enjoying the show a lot but it was never going to be as good as the game. Different mediums, different ways of telling a story and very different time frames to tell that story. The show has done an incredible job of recreating the look and feel of the game and the performances have been mostly worthy of a HBO prestige drama. Both game and tv show are great in their own right.
@BadPlayerOne “The only ones complaining are gamers and hardcore conservatives that hate anything related to lhbtq+.”
Speaking as an individual letter of that group, that excuse is wearing thin even for me. I’m sure there are people writing-off the show for that very reason but to dismiss any and all criticism is infuriating and a little insulting tbh. We deserve more than being used as a tool to create controversy or as a shield against criticism of any kind.
@Th3solution It wasn’t in the game. But for me a charismatic cult leader that manages to manipulate a group of people to follow him is very good at reading people. So in his sick mind I think he was trying to compliment Ellie and her strong will. He was very good at being manipulative. But Ellie looked right through him.
He's trying to manipulate her. Saying nice things about your victims is a key way to do this. He doesn't need to know she's a good leader, a great hunter, or even a good survivalist. He thinks that she WANTS to be these things so he is using this to bring her over to him. As it turned out she was way better at manipulation than him and now he has a broken finger, and later no
I think the TV series has been great-a real achievement. And, even though I am going to criticize it, I liked this episode. There was a lot good about it. But it was by far the most disappointing episode for me up to this point. Two big reasons:
1.The game simply did this part much better. I know that is not a consideration for those who have not played it, and to some degree the show needs to be judged on how it works as a TV show. But for those who did play this masterpiece in video game form, this is gonna be hard. The game simply had more time to ratchet up the tension and flesh out the situation, and some key scenes were missing from this version. Again: what we got was good. The episode could have really soared with thirty minutes or so added. I really think a lot who played are going to be underwhelmed by this installment-I was.
2. There really have not been enough infected in the show. Trust me, I don’t want the Walking Dead, a show I could not even get through the second season of. I am glad that the show has worked to established that humans are such a big threat.
But the infected here are not simply a plot device-they are the stakes. The whole reason this journey HAS to work is because Ellie holds the promise of the vaccine. The game does such a fantastic job of driving this home so that there is tension about the outcome of the journey. Here, they establish the relationship between Joel and Ellie well, and the desperation for survival. But we go long stretches forgetting that the infected are even around, and other than Episode 5 there are just a few wandering around when there should be many. Humans are bad here, but the infected don’t feel like much of a threat-and they need to for the journey Joel and Ellie are on to have weight beyond their growing bond. I think this is a big mistake the show is making.
It is strange that the early episodes went to such length to establish the Clickers and the fungal network stuff, only for the infected to then be used sparingly except for one episode. This has been a great show, but for the first time I am nervous about the creative team sticking the landing.
The set design on this show is so ridiculously good and super detailed. Todd’s Grill is a great example. Down to the wall art and banners etc. Felt and looked just like the game!
@BadPlayerOne lol. You didn't think Joel & Ellie's feats against the infected and swarms of men in the videogame was unrealistic? lol. It's a videogame/TV series --- we know none of it real, you just gotta roll with it, enjoy it for what it is.
@MayaMousavi Thank you for your well stated argument. I think the show has done a fantastic job of showing the growing bond between Joel and Ellie, and the general state of humanity in this world: where the ties that bind us are so important and so fragile. And it was clear from the start that some of the action scenes were going to have to be removed for TV. Undeniably, the show has been great.
As I talked about in my last post, I am nervous as we get to the end because without at least a few of the action scenes, I think the weight behind the journey to get to the Fireflies has been mostly lost. The infected have largely been an afterthought on the show for a few episodes now, and without that Ellie and Joel's journey feels important on a personal level but like wandering around in the grand scheme of things. I don't want to say more than this until the series is over-only that I think placing a similar weight on the purpose of the journey that the game did would be to the show's benefit. It is hard to do that if the infected are sidelined for half the show.
Again, I am glad the show is more character focused drama. I think that is the way to go. I am worried they have gone too far that way, not because I crave more bloody action, but because I think that the reason for the journey beyond Joel and Ellie growing closer is getting short shrift.
Think it's the 5th time this season that an episode ends with Joel and Ellie sneaking away with no one noticing or bothering to pursue much. Pretty faithful adaptation despite the lacking Sawmill horde scene.
@eagletrippin I think you should re-read my comments.
@MayaMousavi I agree for the most part-but I also think the overall journey has to have more weight for an aspect of the ending to work. I am tiptoeing around this to avoid spoilers; all I will say is that I look forward to resuming the discussion next week! I truly hope the ending is fantastic (and the game has one of my favorite endings of all time in any media), because the series has been something special.
My family and I all gathers around to watch the show every week. We have all loved every show and the time spent together watching it. I am the only one to play the game. While my wife sat behind me on her computer playing Farmville and other Facebook games. She did turn around to watch me play many scenes.
The game gave me a real fear of the infected that was much more of a threat to me. While the Infected side was almost completely left out of the show, showing the Human side of the game was still a great story in itself. Maybe season 3 will show the infected side. That's a nice wish but I wouldn't hold my breath.
They were close to creating a great and believable bad guy with David in this episode, but then they had to go all "megalomaniac" when talking to Ellie in the cage, and he ended up just another evil caricature in the end. Shame.
@ItsBritneyB_tch Spoiler alert: The giraffe scene is in there, 99.5% sure. I saw a picture published somewhere when they were shooting that particular event, maybe it didn't make the final cut but that seems highly unlikely to me since it was an iconic moment in the first game.
@BadPlayerOne maybe it's my southern upbringing but I don't find the idea of a 14 year-old holding, and efficiently firing, a rifle to be at all unrealistic. Now could a 14 yr old take down dozens of men or zombies... Eh, maybe not a dozen but a few sure. Zombies would need to exist though and they don't so we're kinda back to that suspension of disbelief thing.
In any case, I certainly wouldn't go running at any teenager holding a rifle that's for sure. But again maybe this is a southern United States thing where you got kids in middle school and younger skeet shooting and hunting and all kinds of other things. Fairly normal.
@BadPlayerOne plus Bill single handedly fortified and defended an entire town, because of his vast experience as a... paranoid doomsday prepper. Not sure how realistic that is.
I honestly thought it was very well done.
@zupertramp I am happy I live in Europe we don’t give our children guns or any other kind of weapons. We have the police to protect us. Still as you can see in the episode Ellie could barely carry the gun. Like Joel stated in the beginning of that Episode with Bill and Frank the town was located very remotely and that FEDRA would probably leave them alone since they were concentrating inside the QZ’s. He had to be careful because of raiders and they showed that from time to time those attacked the town. Being at a very remote place somewhere in the wild protected them and knowing that probably 99% of humanity was dead the chance of big raiding parties was limited. And I am sure Bill’s ingenuity was able to kill most of those who tried with his traps.
@BadPlayerOne well yes, all of that is true because they wrote it that way. If that makes sense.
But no need to take a dig. Explaining what's normal in America is different than agreeing with those things.
@zupertramp @BadPlayerOne For the sake of argument, the second amendment zealots point to the purpose of it as a check on the government, ie to protect us against government rule and oppression, rather than from each other. It was a byproduct of the Revolution that is oft misrepresented in today’s standards. Again, not that I’m speaking of any personal endorsement, just clarifying the general point.
I do agree that areas of the US has youth starting deer hunting in their early teens, for sure.
That said, there is a lack of realism in general across nearly all movies and TV with the lack of recoil on these weapons. If you don’t know how to shoot a powerful gun it will knock you on your backside, a fact that is rarely accurately portrayed in movies where they are shooting blanks.
There is a bit of chatter here about how people who played the game are only disappointed because they want the TV show to be too much like the game, or even a one-to-one adaptation. And how those people shouldn't expect a one-to-one adaptation because TV works differently.
This is true, a TV adaptation of a game shouldn't be one-to-one, it should be adapted for TV and changes should be made where necessary. So I don't understand how episode 8 is being defended in this way because this episode WAS a one-to-one adaption from the game. It took all the cut scenes from the game and took away the "gameplay" bits. It made me feel like I was watching "David's greatest hits", like I may as well have been watching one of those YouTube videos which plays all the cutscenes in a row uninterrupted.
It isn't the action scenes being taken away that makes this episode disappointing. It's the fact that nothing was added to it.
Not like episodes 3/4/5 which are still my favourites. They took Sam & Henry's story and expanded on it over two episodes with extra characters/back story. It was very good! Why couldn't they do something similar for David? At least do something to build him up a bit more.
Don't get me wrong, I still enjoyed episode 8 for what it was. Troy Baker was great.
The 40 minute~ runtime on the finale doesn't fill me with confidence though. Better get to that hospital sharpish! I feel like we might be skipping the Giraffes but I'd love to be proven wrong.
@zupertramp you are right that was unnecessary for me to say. My apologies.
@BadPlayerOne definitely no biggie. I wasn't so much offended as worried you might think of me as a typical gun toting American. I actually lived in England for roughly 3 years. Cornwall. I loved it and dearly miss going about the day without a fear of randomly being shot. And that's about all I'll say there.
@Th3solution it really kinda depends on who you ask honestly. For some it's a tyrannical government, for others it's a right to protect themselves generally. But yeah it's original intention was a check on government power. So basically we have Britain to blame lol. I mean, I've a pretty unpopular opinion on guns, even amongst fellow (US) leftist, so really I just try not to talk about it.
So what you’re saying is I’m actually in a better place having not played the game.
Having played the game, I obviously had expectations. But putting my impossible desire to relive what I previously experienced with the game aside, and looking as it is: what an episode.
The only reason there are complaints is because there story is known to us all. Had it been an original HBO show, we would all be too busy giving praise to Bella Ramsey's phenomenal performance. To see the despair in her eyes, the trauma. Supporting actors all well too. Pascal shined in the brutal scene that shows how brutal Joel can be, in the few moments Joel had in this Ellie episode.
Bella is incredible.
@SleepyNick I don't think it's either. The problem is simply that the show is shorter than the video game, even if you remove all the gameplay bits. They inject a bunch of new story lines, but at the expense of the existing story, so it all feels kinda rushed.
Bella has really grown into this role over the series, very well acted. Someone is going to be nominated for a few awards after this. On the show itself, I'm very much enjoying it, but a few details were skipped which was a shame, but I understand why they would have been. But I do agree with comments on here, it is a little rushed and really this episode could have been split into two easily, the whole zombie scene would have been ace, but this skipped it.
Incredible tense episode and currently my favorite so far.
As I said after the 3rd episode - they invested too much time in side characters, a filler episode should not exist in a 9 piece season. And that I feared they will end up rushing it in the end, skipping meaningful steps, cramming it all in the last mile before the finish line... just as it happened with Game of Thrones.
Well, here we are and here it is, already happening.
And there's just 1 more ep to go.
I wonder what those "divisive" scenes will turn out to be, how much will they skip and/or stray from the game before the end. Guess we'll find out in about 1 week.
The main problem is you spend hours with Sam and Henry. You spend hours with Tess. You spend a considerable time first with David then evading David. As is suggested these moments can't all be fit into a television show.
I would have liked to have seen HBO do a couple more episodes, maybe 12 total, but they couldn't predict how great the show would be, if they could go back im sure they would do a few more.
As great and praised as episode 3 was, in hindsight it took a lot of time away from the real story.
Still, I'm loving the show, I thought episode 8 was fantastic. Given what the show has been, I think the pacing here was the status quo.
I will say that the lack of infected is definitely a problem. Should be at least 1 infected killed per episode. Several episodes don't even have a trace of infected which does downplay the world being scary and actually needing a cure. It was also silly to implement the underground zombie network thing to never go back to it again.
@EquiinoxGII The funny thing about Bella is when I first saw her I said to myself "That's not Ellie"...
Now if I were to go back and play the game I think I would look at Ashley Johnson's character and say "that's not Ellie".
@MayaMousavi Agreed. The last of us is my favorite game ever and the show is officially one of my favorite shows ever, it ain't no breaking bad though
Seriously, what would be the point of doing a 1:1 recreation? Almost everything they have changed they have done better in the show.
But just so you know, someone who thinks the game is the best game ever made, also still loves this show. The only thing I'm mad about is that it's ending next week.
@zupertramp Nah, you’re good. 👍🏼
I didn’t intend to open up the topic for that can-of-worms discussion, but I do know that this site is mostly populated by British and European users and felt the need to give some context. I definitely feel like original intent in 1791 has been lost in 2023, like most things. And like you say, I think the pervasive nature of our culture has made the world at large think Americans are all as crazy what’s shown on the five o’clock news.
Incidentally - when I watched the little video on my PS5 front page which was a sit-down interview of Ramsey, Pascal, Druckmann, and a couple other guys I don’t know, I am embarrassed to say that I didn’t realize Ramsey is actually British. Perhaps that explains why she held the rifle so awkwardly. 😅
@LeeHarveyOzgod When I first saw Bella I too thought, "she's not Ellie."
Difference is I still look at her and think, "she's not Ellie."
Honestly, I don't think she could act her way out of a paper bag. When I see people writing how luminous and brilliant she is, I just don't see it. Opinion is subjective and I'm glad so many people are enjoying the show, but I'm hate watching at this point. I'm just not enjoying it at all.
Only gripe I've had with the show so far is Joel not rushing in while Ellie is hacking away. The ending of this episode for all it's spectacle felt anti climatic for me. But, I keep reminding myself that this show was filmed during the strict Canadian COVID lockdown measures and they had to cut corners. C'est la vie. All in all, they're doing an excellent job, but you rarely is the original art outdone by adaptation.
I had already played the game, so knew what was coming. Still alarming to see it again though, and this time in live-action.
Troy Baker did a great job acting as James, though it's a shame he didn't get to share a scene with Pedro Pascal's Joel.
tbh I personally thought last night's episode was much better than the borefest of last weeks 'stroll through an old shopping mall'.
Ep 8 really brought out the growing strength of Ellie as a survivor and the growing strength of the parental like love between Joel and Ellie.
Of course it also said that surviving humans are in the main far worse creatures than surviving infected, but every zombie epidose/film has trodden that road for 50+ years, so you can't blame em for that.
I still dont see how they can end game 1 next week; surely they are not even 50% thru the game yet (I haven't replayed it since the month it came out on PS3).
@LeeHarveyOzgod With only 9 episodes, one dedicated to Left Behind, and one to Bill's backstory, the entire story has to be told in just 7 episodes. So it's going to feel rushed either way. The irony is that the game isn't that long. 10-15 hours, depending on your playstyle. If this show had 10-12 45+ minute episodes, there would be plenty of screen time to cram everything in your want.
And yeah, the lack of clickers is very disappointing.
@lindos When Joel said "I got you baby girl"... NO, YOU'RE CRYING!
I thought they did the Winter section pretty well personally. My only real complaint was how no one else in the group came out to see what was going on with the burning restaurant. I suppose we could just imagine Joel got through them but other than that? Pretty solid I'd say.
Looking forward to the finale.
@Th3solution Well context is always good. But don't let me disabuse you of the notion that America is full of crazies lol. And it's kinda funny you mention not knowing she was British. I got in a bit of hot water with a fair few PushSquare members for saying she looks too British. Which I should reiterate wasn't a slight at all, just simply that Ellie isn't and therein lies the rub (for me). And another disclaimer: i'm not at all saying all Brits look the same either. okay. well anyway hopefully i'm done being offensive for the day as it is quite early.
Martijn87 wrote:
I suspect that they are referring to Joel's decision. Is it morally right? Was he right to do what he did? Was he right to lie to Ellie? That has ALWAYS divided the fanbase.
I know several people who used to think he was 100% wrong but now they've had kids have 100% about turned. It's endlessly debateable and a key part of the core of The Last of Us' success.
@MayaMousavi Gagaooolala acknowledged that some people truly disliked something based on that.
But episode 3 is literally just an episode about two men in love and it still has an 8 out of 10, clearly the people who don't like something because there's something LGBT related in it are few and far between. Other episodes are in the 8s as well even though they don't centralize any type of LGBT themes.
Episode 7 is the only episode below an 8 and rightly so. It was unbelievably boring. I watched it the whole way through just to say I've watched it.
Meanwhile my second favorite episode (tied for 2nd) was Episode 3.
What this show needs is more infected.
@zupertramp Haha! Having lived overseas, having mixed parentage and growing up in a cultural hodgepodge, as well as residing in a few different regions and states in our Union, I also can relate to all the flavors of ‘crazy’ unique to our neck of the woods. 😄
Regarding Ramsey, it was interesting to see in that interview how she mentioned her lack of confidence. I’m sure some of that is her age and relative lack of experience, but probably has also to do with this role being so (quite literally) foreign to her.
Pascal seems like such a cool guy, though. He seems to be having a lot of fun with his work and off the set appears to be the kind of person you could just hang out with and have a pint (as the Brits say 😄)
@Th3solution yeah I've certainly warmed to Pascal the more I see of him. Had only really seen him in the baby Yoda show and as a terribly corny villain in WW84 so not much to go on there. Still not 100% sold on him playing Joel but they definitely could have done worse.
I guess I didn't realize you are American. I assume everyone on this site is from the UK by default. Whoops.
It's understandable she'd be inexperienced. But she is an actor so I assume they were leaning into that inexperience for the show instead of training her to be capable with a firearm. I actually can't even form an opinion here because I haven't watched this far but I have no doubt, with British actors being some of the best in the business, she could have seemed more proficient if that's what they'd wanted.
But to revisit my original point, normal or not, kids can definitely be deadly. There are examples of this since the advent of guns or you can even look at the child soldiers in Africa for a more contemporary example. A kid with a gun ain't nothing to mess with anymore than an adult with a gun. Turns out it's kind of an equalizer across the board. "Oh you're bigger, stronger, and older... awesome, well I have a firearm so..."
@Octane technically it was 10 episodes. Episodes 1 and 2 were combined because they were worried about ending episode 1 without having met Ellie. I don't like the word rushed though. I don't think it feels rushed just because we don't get hours of dialogue. Like who wanted to see Ellie and Joel walking around a little neighborhood with Henry and Sam scavenging for a half hour?
@Korgon That is a little plot hole, or a suspension of disbelief. It's a little more believable in the game since playing as Ellie and Joel you kill their entire crew.
@themightyant That's all I think it is. For people like Pedro and Bella who haven't played the game 15 times in the last ten years like a lot of us... The ending in and if itself in it's truest form would be divisive. I don't expect them to stray far at all from the game here.
I'm hoping they do the infected tunnel otherwise there is no room left for the infected in the show. I think the giraffes will be there. I'm thinking the hospital will be cut down to just a couple minutes. The finale is only 43 minutes long, I was hoping it would be at least an hour.
@LeeHarveyOzgod Personally not sure the tunnel is all that important, nor are the infected, Ellie hasn't had to get on pallets, so we don't know she can't swim, etc.
I think the main story beats are:
Just hoping they do that last scene justice really.
@themightyant I don't think the tunnel is necessary and I think there is a good chance it doesn't exist, or is glossed over like the sewers. My point is I think it would be a real tragedy to have no infected what so ever in the last 2 episodes.
As others have noted, the idea that infected are so few and far between makes the idea of needing a vaccine seem more like a luxury than a necessity.
I don't see any way they leave the giraffes out. As a matter of fact that would piss me off and I haven't been mad about the exclusion of anything thus far.
LeeHarveyOzgod wrote:
That's an interesting point, I hadn't considered.
But I think we've seen several QZ's with pretty awful and oppressed quality of life. We've seen David's starving crowd who are eating people because they are so hungry, and presumably can't easily hunt far and wide to get food due to infected. We've seen many people get bitten and turned, or be torn to pieces. All because of the cordyceps / infected. The only place that looked semi-normal was Jackson.
I guess my point is you don't need to see the infected constantly to see their impact on life, and fixing all that with a cure is definitely a necessity not a luxury.
Agreed on the giraffes!!!
I think I'm doing The Last of Us right judging by all these sour comments. I haven't played the games so I don't have any preconceived notions of what the show should be and when I do play the games I have the The Last of Us Part 1 on PS5 to play and a 10 dollar copy of The Last of Us Part 2 to dig into afterwards.
The show has been awesome and Episode 8 was the best to date.
@BadPlayerOne it's not a game but it's a TV show and is fictional.... you know cordyceps don't infect humans in real life either. Don't see the point in nit picking and cherry picking the little things when the whole premise of most TV shows need some sort of suspension of disbelief.
@themightyant just a side not... she does mention to tess that she can't swim so we do know she can't swim in the show too
@veryhoudini11 thanks I missed that Easter egg. I thought they might have at least one Wooden pallet 😂😂😂
@Ludacritz Ye, that's what annoyed me a bit too - Joel not actually being in the room and calming her down. Otherwise, faithful episode imo.
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