The PSVR2 turned one this year, which obviously has us feeling reflective. PlayStation’s latest VR gamble hasn’t really hit it off in the way that many expected, with an anaemic first-party release lineup and a fairly withdrawn line of communication from Sony. But has the PSVR2 really had such a disappointing first 12 months on the market?
We aimed to answer that very question when we sat down with GAMERTAG VR, a VR-specific YouTuber who covers the latest games across all VR platforms. Discussing everything from our favourite titles to our hopes for the year ahead, you can tune into our chat over on the Push Square YouTube channel.
As much as we are fans of the tech — and it is genuinely great in some aspects — we really would have expected some more first-party titles by now. And it’s frustrating to see that outside the occasional cluster of announcements, via the PS Blog, Sony doesn’t really seem to be doing much to push the headset. A year later and there is still no VR Worlds equivalent, and it’s not like gamers are able to pop into their local game shop to test out the latest releases.
However, there is a part of us that wants to remain optimistic. The PSVR2 is still home to what are arguably some of the best VR experiences available today. Resident Evil Village, Gran Turismo 7, and Horizon Call of the Mountain are all available exclusively on the platform, which may just about overrule some of those lacking library accusations. We would just like to know what’s next for PSVR2.
But to our readers here on the site, how do you feel the first year of PSVR2 has gone? Is a release like Horizon Call of the Mountain enough to warrant the eye-watering £530 price-tag? Or has Sony’s latest bid to make the PSVR2 headset compatible with PC gave you some hope for its future? Let us know down in the comments below.
Comments 116
The short answer is No
Not being able to try it first has kept me from buying either PSVR 1 or 2. It's just way too much money to hope for the best. Not a single one of my gamer friends has it. Which can't be a good sign.
Answer Hell no...
Really good hardware, but honestly, I never really use it since a good moment… they need to put out more quality games. I don’t want cheap horror games after a long day, sitting alone in my room wtf. Give us some fun games where you can have a good time!
I don't think so, apart from Horizon there's not many other good games that are drawing me in to buy one. If I can find one for less than £300 on ebay I might be persuaded but I'm not paying more to play a couple of games.
I went with the quest 3 after feeling burned by psvr1.
It’s been a fantastic first year! GT7, Resi Village and Resi 4 alone, plus both Red Matter games, both Moss, both Saints and Sinners, Vertigo 2, Hubris, and of course NMS being highlights. Not to mention the Pixel Ripped games, and the perennials like Beat Saber and Pistol Whip. Too many great games to mention in fact. Far more must play games than on the PS5 itself in my opinion.
The only bad thing about the first year has been the lack of an Astro Bot game, and a few more easy ports of last gen games would have been nice. As I’ve got more to play than I can possibly find time for it would be churlish to complain.
@UltimateOtaku91 don't buy one, save the money for all the good PS5 games coming out.
@XenonKnight Yeah you're right with FF7 ReBirth, Dragons Dogma 2, Unicorn Overlord and Rise of the Ronin all less than a month away I need all the money I can get.
I think for VR I mainly want full fledged games as that's what I'm used to but the majority just seem to be mini games/party games and indie level games, where's the AAA support?
With the failure of VR2 there will not be a 3rd one.
I suspect Gamertag will lose his bet.
Before the PC announcement I would have put it at one or two this year but now I think zero which is sad, even upsetting. I hope to be wrong as it has put me right off purchasing one until more PSVR1 first party ports(hell even one would be nice) or announcements (I did hear that Twisted Metal might be coming as a hybrid game).
I’m get so much use out of my PSVR2 headset. Looking forward to some great games coming this year. People like to give the PSVR2 bad press. I don’t think all the negativity helps take up. There are so many great games. It is a lot of money though. I think if they could sell it for less. The £350 mark, then it will take off much more especially when PC support kicks. And we need Astro bot.
The quicker they bring this to pc, the better. Otherwise, it's pretty grimm.
If you can try GT7 with a wheel and PSVR2 + a fan in your face, you’ll buy one straight away.
I think the PSVR2 has pretty died off and has been a catastrophic failure for Sony, even more so than the Vita was.
Especially when you consider the Holiday season to be one of the most important times of the year to shift hardware yet according to this sales data from US the PSVR2 got destroyed.
I am sure this will be Sony's Last VR headset, unless they buy someone who can develop a VR mode for all Sony's PS5 first party games otherwise people aren't going to invest into something without big IP games.
I also expect a hefty price drop at some point this year, maybe in time for when it comes to PC.
Once they add PC support, I'll be picking one up.
As I’ve said in the other couple of articles, I’ve really enjoyed the first year. Sure it would be great to know what Sony’s own plans are for it, but aside from that, there has been loads of quality titles. Looking forward to seeing what the future brings.
@Splat Same. I’d be way too worried to find out I get motion sickness immediately after spending € 600.
I'm playing PSVR2 more than ever lately. Just finished Resident Evil Village & The 7th Guest. Play GT7 almost daily. But I got a kick ass cockpit so I know GT7 ain't much of a draw without one.
I'd say it's been a 'good' year.
Short answer: NO
Where is TrickyDicky? I’m sure he has a few opinions.
Not my thing but I’d say a big NO even for me
I'm having a great time with it lately. I definitely drifted away from it for a few months, but since Legendary Tales came out I've been using it a lot.
I think it needs another Astro game, but I have plenty to play on it for now too.
Just let me be dictator of Sony for a year or so and I'll whip it right back in shape, starting with Spider-Man VR.
Sony sucks in the VR department.
It costs more than a brand new PS5.
Until that changes, VR will always be a failure. Anyone with a mortgage and an average job will never be able to justify this thing to themselves.
People like comparing it to the Vita but that system had way more support and first party games than PSVR2 will ever have. This is the fastest Sony has pull support for hardware, it didn't even make it a year before Sony pulled the plug.
If you can afford a PS5 in the first place then you can afford PSVR2, even if you have to save a little. To make up for it games are a half to a quarter of the price on average.
People who claim the price is an issue don’t actually mean that, they mean the price is an issue for something they aren’t sure about because they haven’t tried it. Same way as someone who has never played a videogame before can legitimately say a PS5 costs too much in their view, yet we all consider it worth the money.
Sony just need to find a way to let people try before they buy, then the cost won’t be considered an issue. That’s the problem.
I think there is of course room for improvement but damn I think people expected this thing to fly of shelves when in reality its done about as well as other VR headsets, in fact the only headset with a modicum of succes (that I think people expect) is the MQ2, cuz even the MQ3 isn't exactly flying off shelves. I think people still haven't realised how niche VR still is.
It also seems that most who enjoy VR (not necessarily VR2) like it and those who were on the fence or don't own one believe its failed horrifically. I honestly think its done about as well as sony expects which probably explains the price.
@Splat @Darude84 if you order via PS Direct, they have 30 day return window during which you can try it out. From what I've heard, they are very accommodating.
@dschons I second that, mine had a weird glare on it (looked like glue?) They changed it no problem, and a buddy of mine couldn't tolerate VR so he returned it no problems.
@BacklogBrad How are you liking it? I'm seriously thinking of buying one.
If Sony's goal is for PSVR2 to simply exist, then yeah
@XenonKnight thank you Sony for letting us know
I dont regret selling mine. Really liked druns rock, pistol whip and GT7 but the forecast just looked too bare nones so i decided to try get a hefty chunk back on it. The forecast looks no better 6 months later imo. I csnt believe that they havnt made an Astro bot for it or atleast ported the psvr version.
You say that as if it would be unusual. Sure, everything a company invests in has to not just make a profit but more profit than something else they could invest that same money in, but VR will be the future in some iteration (likely when it is far more cool looking, more convenient and cheaper). Whoever is still in the game at that time and has a standing reputation within the field will be in a fantastic position. So, as long as the R&D that is working towards mainstream success in the future is recouped through sales, it doesn’t need to be a phenomenal success at this point in history. Companies play the long game. It’s called investment. And this is a pretty low risk investment for Sony given the potential payout.
Tried it out awhile back, borrowed from a friend. It's fantastic but there's nothing I want to play on it so it's not worth the money.
Did anybody expect that psvr2 will be positioned as something that will sell 100M and not as something that will sell 5M with luck 10M ?
VR is still a niche, will stay a niche for some time and will never reach everybody. So, to expect as many VR titles as flat titles does not seem to be realistic. psvr2 got 2 first party titles at the same time there was spiderman and the burning shore dlc on the flat side. I don't really understand what people expect.
No other headset got so many big titles during the first year even their lifespans.
Sure it would be nice if there was a new astro bot and an uncharted or last of us vr adaptation, and it is also puzzling why not all the remasters did not get a VR mode at the same time. But with respect to the expected market share, one can presumably not expect much more. Does meta do so much better in comparison with its 20M headsets sold ?
@Juanalf They haven't pulled the plug at all. They announced several games for it in the past few weeks alone and the library is already quite large.
What it is lacking is first-party support and a bit of marketing momentum. As much as I'm very excited by the prospect of Metro and Zombie Army in VR, I'd have liked it's first anniversary to have featured at least some news about first-party or exclusive titles. Before release they made a point of saying they would help studios to build development processes that enabled VR titles/modes to be built alongside flat versions but so far we're not hearing too much of what that's achieved.
They also aren't doing a great job of communicating with PSVR2 owners about what's already available for it; people regularly say they want HL Alyx, meanwhile excellent titles like Red Matter 1 & 2 get overlooked. Perhaps they need to start offering more trials or something.
It's an expensive bit of high-end kit so it was never going to sell volumes; people are much too keen to sound the death knell for it prematurely. I don't get to use mine as much as I'd like but when I do it's excellent, and I have a backlog of games to play and more I plan to buy.
I use it more as a second screen to play games in a busy house when the TV is in use.
I get sick from a lot of vr games so would rather test them first.
I would love YouTube 360 stuff like on psvr though. Shame it doesn't let you watch 3d movies and such.
Sorry but it’s worth it for GT7 alone ha. If someone had come to me as a Gran Turismo obsessed spotty teen and told me I’d be playing GT in VR one day but it would cost me a grand… I’d of torn there arms off. It’s literally the pinnacle of gaming!
@Mikey856 sorry, not sorry. It was worth it for me for GT7, RE Village and RE4 alone as well. Not to mention other great games I've played.
@dschons I concur 100% Village is insane too incredible👌 I’m also hoping for a VR mode for the new Mudrunner Expeditions.. that could be really cool. Looking out the window down at the ground getting past those rocks 😝🔥
I love my PSVR2, but the only thing I’ve played on it is Call of the mountain and Help Wanted 2. PC support would give me more reason to use it. I enjoy the quality of Sony products vastly more than any other VR HMD manufacturers
@Mikey856 GT7 in VR is so good, its damn near impossible to go back to the old flat version. Makes me excited to think. a PS5 could improve the visuals further. Its why I'm happy the headset isn't wireless, that way I can race without worrying about the battery dying mid race. Got my first pole position, 1st place, clean race ever using the headset on laguna seca.
@JayCee-007 I think that its not so much the headset but that the PS5's blu ray player doesn't support 3D output, but still hopefully for an update maybe one day. But with the death of mass market 3D media I can't see it happening.
@XenonKnight "With the failure of VR2 there will not be a 3rd one."
That's what people said about the first one and yet we got a second. VR is still niche and I doubt it's making anyone much money but I for one am glad the likes of Sony keep trying.
I'd be interested to know why you think it's a failure, what metrics are you using? I hear it said a lot but how would anyone know, as Sony haven't said? I guess some simply want to see things fail.
@Juanalf I missed that announcement, do you have a link?
@UltimateOtaku91 FP support is lacking, but it’s still getting a lot of third party, indicating VR devs see money on the platform. If it’s like the first PSVR, while Quest sells more, the attach rate for software here is much higher.
@MrHabushi It really needs marketing momentum. Sony ***** itself in the foot by keeping it exclusive to PS direct. It was an insane move I called out the start and I was totally right about.
This was really great, thanks for your efforts here!
@Paramahansa so far I really like it. Asgards wrath 2 is great.
I’m not buying it because the game library just isn’t there yet. I do feel like VR could be the future, but it’s too resource intensive and most of the best developers don’t want to bother with it.
Play more VR games if you want more VR games. It is very simple!
@Darude84 i had a friend pre order for launch. He was hyped for the headset but got terrible motion sickness from most of the demo’s. He was pretty gutted that he couldn’t get more than a few minutes into horizon. He requested a refund using Sony’s returns form, packaged everything up and was fully reimbursed after Sony had received and checked the item.
Year 2023 Top 20 most sold games and 0 VR games, that is a reason why there is no VR games, why would game company make a VR game if they know it dont sell? It’s not any cheaper to make a VR game is it? Buy and play VR games and i promise that there is going to be a lot more VR games!
@NotTelevision why would there be any library if you dont buy the one’s that are on the market? Explain me why would game company make a VR game if they see that people don’t buy the one’s that are on the market?
The true reality, not the virtual one, is that only a minority of people are wanting to isolate themselves and to put a VR headset on their head, not even mentioning the motion sickness, eyes blood vessels breaking, or just the general inconfort to wear that. So no, VR will always be doom to fail as a mass consumer product. The only successful applications that will generate money are certainly in the military, for pilots or tank drivers.
@SJBUK “… as Sony haven’t said” - we’d all know exactly how many units they’d shipped and sold if it were a success.
Sony regularly declare the sales performance of their PlayStation 5 console. We all know exactly how many units they’ve sold - we even know how many units they’re forecasting to ship this year.
Publicly traded companies often don’t reveal sales figures if they’re significantly below expectations. Legally, they only have to present quarterly earnings reports. It’s why Microsoft hasn’t officially revealed the sales figures of Xbox series consoles for the last few years. Sony recently released their sales report for the third quarter ending 31 December 2023, they sold 8.2 million ps5’s during that period, but there was no mention of how psvr2 had performed during the holidays.
We can only speculate about the sales numbers for psvr2 at this point, but an analysis of Amazon US sales figures by the website roadtovr, showed that Meta Quest had massively outsold psvr2 on Amazon over the holiday season. For every 1 unit of psvr2 sold, Quest sold more than 30 units. Obviously Amazon isn’t the only retailer for psvr2, but it’s usually a pretty decent reflection of the whole market.
If PC support happens then I’ll probably invest. The exclusivity is holding me back. On all platforms
I find all the negativity around PSVR2 in general kind of baffling if I’m honest. I totally get that VR in general isn’t for everyone, and that’s fair enough, but (and I know I’m in the minority here) as a first year it’s actually had a fairly decent run in terms of quality games.
The big flatscreen ports (which I’m guessing Sony have paid to have done) such as Resident Evil 8 and 4, Gran Turismo and No Man’s Sky are all incredibly well reviewed, with even more than a few reviewers stating VR is the definitive way to play them.
The indie devs have been killing it with games like Vertigo 2, Light Brigade, Synapse, Walking Dead Saints & Sinners 2, Red Matter 2, Pavlov and recently Legendary Tales.
You’ve got the fan favourites like Five Night’s At Freddy’s and Beat Saber etc. And not to mention upcoming titles like Metro, Arcan Age, Wanderer and Soul Covenant.
I 100% think we could do with some more big Sony titles, and I really wish they’d start adding apps. So yeah, there’s definitely a lot more they could be doing.
Like I said, I totally get VR is not for everyone. I’m really new to it and having a blast, but it’s definitely marmite for some players… but in terms of a first year, I really do think there’s a lot of high quality, well reviewed titles up for grabs, which is more than can be said for some consoles in the first year.
@SJBUK PC support is a sign they have given up. And zero new 1st party games shows Sony doesn't care about the thing.
it was dead on arrival. however, this applies to the entire VR space and isn't specific to sony's headset failing. a sustainable market simply does not yet exist for VR so people should get their expectations in check. the VR space has not grown much in 10 years which should be very concerning to sony and other hardware manufacturers. they aren't doing enough on the software side to push the hardware. the chicken and egg story has prevailed.
@thefourfoldroot1 whole lotta yapping over a joke. Sorry that happened to you or congrats idk
Seeing as how there won't be a single first-party Sony game until mid-2025, I wouldn't be optimistic about the PSV2 getting any better.
I haven't touched it in nearly a year. That being said the technology is amazing.
It's the best part of owning a ps5. Proper next gen gaming! Every genre I've played is better in vr.
The £529 entrance fee is high by console standards, but once you use it, you know you got a bargain whilst also buying into a new ecosytem with over 160 games to collect already.
Devs kits probably went out mid 2022, so were looking at late 2024 at least for AAA games to start releasing.
I've been gaming 40yrs and PSVR2 is the best gaming experience i have ever had!!!
Edit: And it's not even close
I used My PSVR2 since launch exactly 5 times ... that can answer the question. I still hope we will get great games in the future.
Definitely needs more games or updated psvr 1 support, like Hitman VR and Super Hot
@showface But that isn’t really how electronic entertainment works. People bought an NES because it had Super Mario Bros. on it. They didn’t buy it in anticipation of a great innovative product to come along. PlayStation hasn’t really put their best foot forward in the space yet, and it’s their second iteration of a VR device.
Good morning! I saw it coming... I am permanently asking EA and Sony on X to release games like Fight Night or Formula in PSVR2. There is so much potential but I fear it will end up like the PS VITA.
Not sure where to put this question since there's not a lot of vr conversation otherwise, so I'll put it here. Maybe, if anyone, @thefourfoldroot1 knows.
Anyone know how to get to vr mode on Tin Hearts? I bought the bundle that says it supports vr. It has the vr2 icon on the game. I've seen a video of the vr2 version. But for me it just launches in 2d big screen mode, and also doesn't recognize the VR controllers. I know humanity, GT, and Wingman all require normal controller so that's not strange but it's not kicking into VR mode. I know it's in there somewhere.
Hi NEStalgia, haven’t seen you around in a while.
I haven’t been keeping an eye on this as I’m not really that into puzzle games, but I know a little while (few months) ago I heard it was put into the PSVR2 section prematurely - I think when the VR2 demo released. When did you buy it? It’s not in the the PSVR2 section now, I just had a quick Look, and searching just brings up the flat release with no mention of VR2 (UK store- app), so I suspect the VR mode isn’t out yet. They have promised the VR mode will be a free upgrade though, so if you bought flat it just means a bit of a wait.
Could be wrong though.
Even Sony doesn't think PSVR2 is doing enough. Hence why they are working on PC support...
@thefourfoldroot1 hey, yeah I've really been just lurking for a while. I pop up here and there!
It's a confusing release, it doesn't show up in the vr2 store page. And the stand alone edition doesn't show vr. But if you look at the bundle edition it does show all the vr compatibility stuff on the store page and the game launcher does have the vr2 icon on it. I bought the bundle because of that, it seems like it should be vr compatible. Yet I can't figure out how to get it to run.
I know project wingman launches non vr and the main campaign isn't vr, you have to launch the other campaign and it asks if you want vr or regular and switches at that time. But I can't find anything for tin hearts.
Maybe it's really not available yet, but if the store has all the vr mode details and the launcher shows a vr icon you'd think it'd work. Might have to contact the devs and hope they're responsive.
tbh and of course imho it came out with its main competitor being almost half the price, i.e. the Quest 2 at £299, and having perhaps 2% of the games that competitor has access to via PCVR, and finally not having the freedom and immediateness of the Quest 2 in standalone mode.
Its literally as-if Sony didn't look at the competition.
Its still over priced, it still has very few games, it still has no access to the vast expanse of PCVR games because Sony elected to make it proprietary, and of course it will never be standalone.
Makes you wonder which execs said "Yes".
They haven't really supported it. Maybe they need to start adding some psvr2 games to ps extra
It's the classic story of the chicken and the egg and what came first.
VR gaming is, many years later, still very much a niche-market. It might eventually become mainstream but it might also not.
To make the VR platform (the chicken) great, you need games to play on it (the eggs). However, because VR is such a niche, investing in developing a VR game is a huge risk, one that many publishers are not willing to take.
Hence, the games are not coming out en masse, because of this people see no reason to buy the psvr, in turn giving publishers less incentive to make vr games.
The only solution to this cycle is Sony-backed big titles for PSVR2, they have to invest in some platform sellers that make people want to buy the device, so there's more common ground for other publishers to order development for it.
@XenonKnight "PC support is a sign they have given up. And zero new 1st party games shows Sony doesn't care about the thing."
Matter of opinion. My opinion is that if you don't care about something you let it go, you don't spend more time and resource on it. I also find it hugely amusing that people have campaigned for PC support of some kind and yet, when it looks possible, it becomes a portent of doom.
Gamers are an odd bunch, never happy.
Edit: Oh, as for first-party games, yes, more would be nice. But there's plenty else to play, so I don't really care.
I want to try that co op rpg that just came out on psvr2. It looked interesting
It's a tricky situation. On the one hand, you could make a valid argument that Sony should be creating more first-party content for their own VR platform. How else are you going to get people invested in it?
On the other hand, any first-party team that's creating VR content is probably not creating flat PS5 content, since a lot of those games wouldn't support both. With how much they're already struggling to get first-party content out, that would only exacerbate it and make a lot of regular PS5 customers feeling increasingly disatisfied.
I'd still give Sony credit for being the only major console platform holder that is willing invest in VR at all, and as a PSVR 1 owner I can say that some of the best video game experiences I've ever had were on that platform (Resi Evil 7 VR, Astrobot Rescue Mission). But sadly the economic reality of the situation means they're never going to be quite as invested in it as I would like them to be.
@Godot25 "Even Sony doesn't think PSVR2 is doing enough. Hence why they are working on PC support..."
Maybe. Or maybe they listened to people who have been asking for PC support? Or maybe, behind the scenes, there's some sort of collaboration going on to drive up adoption? So there's more profit to be had by all?
You can put any spin on it you like depending on how you view VR.
@Neither_scene " For every 1 unit of psvr2 sold, Quest sold more than 30 units"
Which is a surprise to no-none, surely? You can use a Quest on its own.
I'm sure PSVR2 is not selling as well as Sony might like, but it is selling well enough for them to still be working on ways of improving sales. Sony's problem is Sony PR, it's shockingly bad.
@SJBUK They subsidized sales of PSVR2 so they can later recoup that investment through software sales. How exactly do you want to do that if you allow PSVR2 to work with PC where people wouldn't give you single dollar though software purchases?
Like. Nobody actually believes that Sony is doing that from kindness of their heart. They are doing it to salvage their investments into device. They stopped reporting sales numbers of headset, they slashed manufacturing of the device.
Whole proposition of PSVR2 was insane from beginning. You have 550$ VR device that needs 500$ console to work properly. While your competition is offering similarly priced device that can work on it's own.
@AverageGamer could I ask why you've not played the best games on psvr2 like gt7,re4,re village,verigo 2,walking dead saints and sinners 1&2,red matter 1&2.....these are the best games in vr full stop not just psvr2
@NeonPizza everyone rattles on about q3 being better than psvr2 but I strongly disagree.I own both and a 4080 5800x3d pc but I'd much rather use my psvr2 because 1:games just work without any messing about 2led panels 3svr2 is much more comfortable imo than q3 and I own bobo m3 pro for q3 and globular cluster for psvr2 4:hate q3 lcd panels with no blacks 5:most importantly psvr2 has the re4 remake,a proper not modded vr version of village,gt7,cotm and mostly really good versions of all the big vr games.I know I may be in the minority and I'd have been really happy if sony had managed to get pancakes working with oled panels but pound for pound its a top headset and I've owned them all
@Godot25 I would need a solid source on the claim that Sony is subsidizing the PSVR 2. We know they do that with their consoles, but I would be very surprised if they'd do the same with their VR headsets.
@SJBUK I wasn’t surprised by quest outselling psvr2, I was surprised by the ratio of over 30 to 1.
How exactly has Sony been working on ways of improving sales? There hasn’t been any news on first party games since launch, no price cuts or massive marketing promotions. The only thing rumoured is that Sony are looking at making the headset compatible with PC. Which suggests that they are just looking to recoup as much of their investment as possible right now.
I didn’t think ps vita was a failure, but its total sales were eclipsed by ps4 after just one year. This, and the fact that the Nintendo 3ds was completely dominating units sold led to Sony reducing support and eventually discontinuation. We haven’t had a true handheld from Sony since.
Psvr2 is looking an awful lot similar to ps vita right now: A relatively successful gen1 device (psvr1) as with the psp, which led to a successor. The ps5 is proving considerably more successful than psvr2 and the competition, quest, is completely dominating it in terms of sales.
For shareholders, why would they want Sony to continue investing in a market that has shown little growth or return when that money could be spent supporting the wildly successful ps5? Meta have achieved more than any other company within vr and they have struggled for years to make money. Less than 5% of ps4 players purchased a psvr1 and it doesn’t look like that number has changed for psvr2. In fact, given that we haven’t heard anything officially since launch, it’s likely that number has shrunk.
@Godot25 I think it's pretty obvious why Sony are looking at PC support. To help push people on the fence about PSVR2, people trying to decide between PCVR or PSVR, to go PSVR. Of course they're not doing out of the goodness of their heart, they're a business not a charity. The fact they are doing it at all means they still see a future in VR, or they wouldn't bother.
We're all going to see this through our personal bias. For those not interested, or disappointed in PSVR, it's going to be negative. For those of enjoying it, it's a positive. I doubt either side will convince the other they're right.
As a day 1 adopter of the PSVR1, I couldn't justify the cost of the PSVR2. When the PSVR1 launched it was the cheapest mass consumption VR headset. It had some technical limitations compared to the big PC equivalents but it was a full VR headset.
Fast forward to the last year and PC and AAA VR games are very thin on the ground. The Quest range is affordable and can play PC and standalone untethered games. Then the PSVR2 comes out with impressive tech but still needs a PS5 and costs more than the base PS5 console does. Without heavy software expenditure, it's just not that attractive to consumers.
SO my prediction is that PSVR2 will get PC compatibility and backwards compatibility to soften the blow to early adopters, maybe 1 or 2 more big exclusives then just the normal ports of Quest titles for the rest of its life.
@Neither_scene And yet we have PSVR2, even after the same things were being said about PSVR1. Again and again and again. VR is niche for all sorts of reasons but I'm convinced it will be big business one day. I think Sony are just trying to be in the game. And I for one am very glad, because they always bring something a bit different to the table.
I simply don't get the apparent need that some people have for this to fail. I had no interest in a VIta but never once thought to slag it off, hope for or celebrate it's demise.
@NeonPizza oh its fantastic, my mate. Aiming is too easy in VR so the manual reload is a much needed tension builder.
For me personally it's a big disappointment, and yes I paid £530 for it at launch. Sony just released it & then thought oh well not sold great so let's forget it. Instead of really investing in the amazing tech & giving us incredible VR games. All we get is existing games in VR. Puzzles, rhythm, fps, crap.
@SJBUK until the issue of vr sickness is resolved, which I’m not even sure is possible, vr will always be a niche product. AR has a far greater chance of becoming mainstream as it is inherently grounded in your environment and therefore has no issues with sickness. It’s why meta added colour pass-through to the quest 3 and quest pro, why Microsoft launched an AR device and why it is a major feature of apple’s new headset.
I absolutely agree that people shouldn’t be cheering for the psvr2’s demise or failure, and it’s incredibly sad that some are. The technology isn’t where it needs to be right now for it to be a mainstream product, but that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t exist.
I was very excited when I heard that apple was entering the vr space, not because I want to buy their new headset, but because they have both the money and expertise to realise the technology in the future. I can’t wait to see what apple are doing in the VR/AR space 10 years from now.
All in all, I’ve been rather disappointed! I would like them to do something like big screen for a theater type experience when you watch a movie. I’ve been disappointed in a lot of the games just need to have a trial (demo) before I buy anything from now. The pulse elite earbuds have been somewhat of a disappointment as well, of course Sony doesn’t care, they just wanna make money…it’s all about the bottom line.
@Neither_scene It would be interesting to know how big an issue VR sickness really is, I mean from a numbers perspective. You obviously hear more from people affected by it than not. It's encouraging that Sony have experimented with head haptics to try and reduce it, though I'm not sure how effective it is.
I guess it'll improve as headsets shrink in size, lag reduces and refresh rates rise without reprojection. Lots of other factors involved, though.
I kind of like the idea of AR but not sure how soon the novelty would wear off for me. It looks great in the ads but it seems to rely on a fairly wide open, uncluttered environment.
We'll see how it goes, it's been a slower process than I hoped!
I feel a little tricked. They announced GT7, Climb of the Mountain (mediocre game btw), and RE Village for release. I thought that they were setting a standard for the future of PSVR2 where we would expect similar releases during the course of the year. Sony's own title Horizon was really sub-par. A climbing game. Capcom has helped keep PSVR2 alive but Sony is really stumbling on this one. Jim Ryan did not greenlight this product and he has not supported it. Instead we get a screen to carry and earbuds that make you look like a nerd if worn in public. Great work, Sony!
It is actually great work. PSVR2 year one has been fantastic. The portal gets me playing much more with the convenience of playing in bed and it works perfectly. I wouldn’t buy the earphones admittedly. Do you not feel PSVR2 has had a phenomenal year one?
The technology is good. But the number of games that are able to push the sale of the PSVR2 is just too small. And the price is too high for most people. For me personally, I want keyboard and mouse support for the games that I play in first person, so that's not gonna be on PS5.
@Neither_scene AR is great for a lot of stuff, especially in productivity applications, but gaming? Maybe I'm old fashioned, but when I think about what I want from video games, being transported to fictional, often fantastical or sci-fi worlds is still a major element.
Doing stuff in an augmented version of my own daily reality, well, I guess there's a place for that, but it's certainly not something I'd want from most games. I'd still want games to go all in on full VR instead of AR, or simply not bother and keep it on a flat screen.
Having said that, I agree with the idea that AR will become much bigger than VR, as it goes way beyond video games.
I have had the most enjoyment with GT7 on my PSVR2. Games which require you to remain stationary and in a cockpit are ideal for VR. With that in mind, a mech piloting game in VR could be perfect.
Same Here!
$550.00+tax USD for a console locked and wired VR device with limited support and outlook. Plus other newer VR headsets on the horizon. People that are going to buy PSVR2 already have and at this point it needs to be sold at >$300.
I just got a psvr2 about a month ago and I am impressed with it, but yeah they need to release some games for it.
I'm a very late adopter to PSVR1 (bought it Jan of 2022) and I've only played about 6-7 games on it so far, with another 5-6 in my backlog. So it'll be a long time before I get onto PSVR2 unfortunately.
One benefit is that maybe there'll be a decent sale. I feel like the high price point is a factor for a lot of people. PSVR1 had a big sale in 2019 for Black Friday I think, so maybe something similar will happen.
@ROTTIEMAN16 Simple answer: I have a PC.
@AverageGamer but you bought a psvr2?plus re4 remake,gt7,synapse are not on pc and there the best vr has to offer
@ROTTIEMAN16 Yes. Cause I’m a VR enthusiast, own 6 other VR HMD, and wanted to add PSVR 2 to my collection. The Official RE4 Remake VR isn’t on PC, but I have access to Praydog's REFramework VR mod. I also already play the OG RE4 in VR when it launched for the Quest 2. I don’t need GT7 when I have Assetto Corsa and iRacing… Only PlayStation only gamers are excited about that. Synapse is cool looking but not my cup of tea. Don’t care for roguelites.
I'm a quest 3 and psvr2 owner with a pc but I know good vr games and the few I mentioned are as good as anything I've played on pc
Just reading a comment on Reddit about additional controllers, would think at least by now Sony would allow people to buy other Controllers.
@thefourfoldroot1 Very happy! But the coming year is looking bleak. I have played RE 4 and Village and do not replay games. GT7 is a casual game I play sometimes. Not many other AAA games. Sony made it seem that it will be easier than ever to have hybrid games. If these are the only games we are getting in the coming year or two then we only have indie games...I want AAA games in VR. We don't even have a proper shooter with a good story. Synapse is a fun game but it is more of an arcade game. 3rd party developers delivering something thankfully.
I have a Logitech G Cloud that can do what the Portal does plus Game Pass, GeForce Now, emulators, and much more. Am glad you have a use for it but you are limited to playing on the PS5 only.
Glad you’re happy with PSVR2 so far anyway. Sure the roadmap should be outlined, but this is Sony, they haven’t done so for PS5 either 🤷♂️
Plus I’m not bothered by whether a game is considered triple or double A, is first or third party…as long as they are fun to play.
Portal works great for me. I don’t have time to play all the PS games I own, so paying more for hardware that will just be adding more to my backlog is not for me. Good you have the time though.
@thefourfoldroot1 That’s my fear. Since the PS5 has hardly a roadmap and neither does PSVR2, it makes me think that there is no roadmap/outline at all. Sony is just afraid to present the outline for PS5 and VR since it would have been so thin. We are in the fourth year of PS5 and second year of PSVR2 and I am not optimistic. They hope that the Portal and earbuds and other peripherals might generate revenue to cover the lack of games. Also, if one of the many upcoming live service games takes off then that will definitely generate money to keep the executives happy.
@NeonPizza You're deliberately overlooking some of the advantages offered by PSVR2 though. The haptics and triggers are better, the quality of visuals and game performance is better, it supports eye tracking and while the cable can be annoying it also means you're not constrained by battery life. A friend has a Quest 3 and a few times lately has had to charge it while using it just to finish a game of Walkabout Mini Golf. I have no complaints with the comfort of mine either, meanwhile the Quest 3 has an entire range of aftermarket heads traps designed to solve shortcomings with the default one.
As much as a headset that combines all the good features of both would be great, it'd also be incredibly expensive. Price is already a barrier to entry for PSVR2 for many, pushing the price up further won't help it. It needs a first-party push and some marketing momentum to drum up excitement, not some ringless controllers and colour cameras.
@NeonPizza You can't have it all on a gaming-focused headset costing £530 either. Both companies made compromises yet you seem more willing to forgive Meta's for some reason.
The hardware is already proven to be excellent, no amount of changes to it will fix the fact that it currently has an image problem due to lacklustre marketing/comms and an apparent lack of first-party support. The vast majority of PS5 owners who are interested in VR just want more games and a price cut.
I got a psvr2 and it got sooo boring. Its like they stop making games and other than them same AAA games theres nothing fun. Idk why they dont add apps google maps something like that maybe look at photos of places etc not just games i dont always want to play games smh the psvr2 suck i want to sell it but im trying to hold on to see if they going to add new stuff and not just games if not im gon sell it and get a quest 3 where you can do a lot more than boring vr2. Im tired of gt7 no man sky resident evil pavlov the walking dead its like everything its zombies smh SONY YOU SUCK GIVE US NEW GAMES GIVE US APPS LET US DO SOMETHING ELSE OTHER THAN PLAY GAMES
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