
Topic: Data Transfer

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Anyone know if it’s possible to move the saved game data of a PS4 game (being played on a PS5) onto another PS5 with another account? I know I can export it to a USB but will it be tied to my account still?

If anyone’s done this, let me know!


PSN: WigSplitter1987


@kyleforrester87 Unfortunately, your save data is tied to your account. If you want to use your save data on another console if you need to login with your account on that console. It’s to stop people accidentally over writing or deleting each other save data.



@kyleforrester87 I looked into that years ago and didn't find any official way of doing it. There is a slightly dubious way using a thing called PS4 Save Wizard that you can buy which will decrypt your save and then encrypt it for use with another account. It's 50 US dollar though so didn't bother trying it.



@kyleforrester87 Have you tried using two cups and a piece of string? I assume that still works?

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PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@render it is pretty annoying, in this case someone has started a save at my place and wants to transfer it on to their own console and play it on their own account but it’s not (easily) possible 🤷‍♂️


PSN: WigSplitter1987


@kyleforrester87 That's pretty much the reason I was looking into it at the time. I wasn't willing to spend money on some unproven piece of software to do the job though but it's a real shame that there isn't something official. Even if it was a built in feature that had a limit to the number of times you could use it within a set period of time, at least it would be something.

[Edited by render]



@kyleforrester87 Although I’ve never done it, it appears that it’s fairly easy to just log in on their own account as a guest on your device, and then their save goes to the cloud (if they have PS+ I guess) and is there waiting for them when they get back to their own console. A thought for next time…

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