
Topic: DualSense Right Trigger Loose?

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Hey all, I just recently noticed that one of my DualSense controllers has a pretty loose right trigger. The haptics features still work fine on PS5 games (played Avengers over the weekend with a lot of varied trigger functions that seemed to perform regularly), but now moving onto some PS4 games it's feeling loose enough that I can't comfortably rest my finger on the trigger without it starting to press down and activate attacks/gunshots/etc. unwillingly.

I take very good care of all my PS5 hardware, and I spent a good deal of time troubleshooting only to find out that my controller is past its warranty (purchased with console just under two years ago) and could only be repaired manually without help from PlayStation Support.

As it's still functional and doesn't seem extreme enough to the point where some people in other forums were dismantling their controllers to fix it themselves (reportedly with the springs snapping in half in most cases), I'm wondering if anyone else who has a DualSense from close to launch has experienced something like this, and how they've handled it? It doesn't currently seem like something worth a $70 replacement or a self-repair, but I also definitely don't want it to get worse if it's on its way to just not having a functioning right trigger at all. Thanks!

[Edited by LimitedPower]



@LimitedPower sounds like you have some anxiety about this which is understandable but what I am reading is you have a problem with the trigger, it’s still functional, you don’t want to try to fix it yourself or pay to have it fixed at this stage. So I guess just carry on using it as normal, if it gets worse you can reassess. Otherwise have a go at fixing it, or pay someone to fix it. Not sure what else you or anyone in a similar position could do, other than avoid pressing it which is not really an option! Perhaps just press it more gently to avoid making it worse..? 🤷‍♂️

[Edited by kyleforrester87]


PSN: WigSplitter1987


@kyleforrester87 Haha yes apologies if anything came off as being too lazy or cheap to do something about it. I just expected my $70 device to have more longevity than that, y'know? In the meantime I might use a secondary controller and reserve that one for multiplayer sessions or something.



This happened to me when playing man eater. The R2 button is used lots in that game. Turns out a spring had worn and broken. It's a pretty easy fix with lots of videos on YouTube to help. The spring you need is cheap to buy on ebay. Hope this helps and if not you can solve it



Getting to the triggers is one of the early and easier stages if you teardown the controller and easy to fit back together no problem. You could take a look, following a YT video, then have a better idea whether to pay out for a new one or if it just needs a clean or cheap new part.



My right trigger went snap last night playing Dead Space 🙄 I’ve turned adaptive triggers off all together now in the system menu, don’t like it anyway, and ordered some new springs.

I remembered I did actually have the controller open before to (believe it or not) clean jam off the track pad that was making it stick 😂 it wasn’t hard to get into I recall.

Piece of crap for the money, really.

[Edited by kyleforrester87]


PSN: WigSplitter1987


@kyleforrester87 I hope the jam survived.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder

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