
Topic: How can I best share screenshots from games to PC?

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Taking a photo of my screen isn't great and I don't really want to post everything to Twitter. I don't have PlayStation Plus or similar.

[Edited by LiamCroft]



@Bluefield I have a dedicated Twitter account just to upload screenshots to but if you don’t want to use that have you tried using the PS app at all?

It will automatically upload screenshots to the app and keep them there for 14 days (I think) and doesn’t include automatic trophy related shots either. I’m not sure if you can push screenshots onto the app outside the 14 day window but I don’t think it does that.

I know some people have exported them to USB sticks from the console as well.



Thrillho wrote:

@Bluefield I have a dedicated Twitter account just to upload screenshots to but if you don’t want to use that have you tried using the PS app at all?
It will automatically upload screenshots to the app and keep them there for 14 days (I think) and doesn’t include automatic trophy related shots either. I’m not sure if you can push screenshots onto the app outside the 14 day window but I don’t think it does that.

Jeez they make the download hard to find.

I know some people have exported them to USB sticks from the console as well.

Thrillho wrote:

@Bluefield I have a dedicated Twitter account just to upload screenshots to but if you don’t want to use that have you tried using the PS app at all?

It will automatically upload screenshots to the app and keep them there for 14 days (I think) and doesn’t include automatic trophy related shots either. I’m not sure if you can push screenshots onto the app outside the 14 day window but I don’t think it does that.

I know some people have exported them to USB sticks from the console as well.



@Bluefield No, the iPhone app (presumably android too), although that looks like it might only link to PS5.

USB transfer might be the way to go if you’re on PS4 unless anyone has other ideas.

(Tagging our screenshot legend @RogerRoger )



I set up a separate Twitter account for screenshots and linked. That was a headache (logging in).



Is there a way to shortcut the share to Twitter thing so I don't have to go through the options every time?



@Bluefield @RogerRoger On PS5 (so not sure if it is the same on PS4), one of the options I have is to upload screenshots to my Twitter account. I have linked my account to my PS5, just like I have for YouTube for any gameplay clips I want to share to none PlayStation friends.

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