
Topic: I can't find anyone else who has this problem... (broken zoom feature)

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Since the last firmware update on my PS5, the the zoom/magnify feature has had a graphical glitch. It only occurs when zooming OUT and ONLY on games and nothing else. (PS button plus SQUARE). It leaves a black bar across the middle of the screen and also on the upper and lower border that only lasts for a second.

I've looked and posted everywhere for days now and can find no one else that seems to have this problem. I tend to use the magnify feature quite a bit, so it really bothers me.

Does anyone else have this problem since the last firmware update?
Does anyone have any thoughts on how I can fix it? - I tried different HDMI cables and different televisions, and the problem persists.



I’ve been having the exact same problem since the new PlayStation update. I was worried that my PS5 might’ve broke but if others are also experiencing it I guess it must be a software issue, due to the new update. I assume not enough people use zoom feature for the issue to be talked about that much, but I’m sure Sony will notice it eventually. I don’t think there’s physically anything we can do to fix it seeing as it’s likely an issue with the software, so I guess just report the issue to Sony and hope it gets fixed sooner rather than later.




I'm glad I found someone else with this problem, so I know i'm not alone.

I imagine anyone who needs to use the zoom feature would be pretty annoyed by this. If everyone could just try the zoom feature once to check it i'm sure Sony would notice.

I did try the to use the official Sony support page, and all they could say was that I should re-install the system software in safe-mode and I wasn't willing to try that until I saw more people with this problem, since that response seems very pre-determined and basic.

The newest update (23.01-07.01.00) did not fix the issue.



I had a little go with this last night, it seemed to work fine for me - for what it's worth. Hope they get it sorted for you.


PSN: WigSplitter1987


A few updates have gone by and I'm still having the issue.


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