
Topic: Major Problem

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Hey everyone. My HDMI cord got tangled up and I had to move it in order to clean some stuff up. The problem is, before I reached for the HDMI cord to unplug it from the PS4, I held down the PlayStation button on my DS4 controller and scrolled over to "Put PS4 into rest mode." I clicked on "Put PS4 into rest mode" and grabbed what I thought was the HDMI cord; it was the AC Power Cord. I grabbed it while the lights on the PS4 itself was flashing and the screen specifically said "Do Not unplug AC power cord while on this page" or something along those lines. Now, whenever I start my PS4 up, it automatically takes me to a page where it says "Please insert USB with latest reinstallation software on it 7.02........" From what I've read about reinstallation, it's basically factory resetting the whole PS4. I don't have all my info and games downloaded to the cloud or an external device either, so what I'm saying is that I'm basically screwed. I went and bought a USB drive, downloaded the most recent update on it, then updated my PS4 but it still takes me to this reinstallation screen. I am not able to leave the reinstallation screen without turning the whole PS4 off or actually reinstalling everything. I am an avid gamer and I have had my PS4 for years. Someone please help me so that I don't have to lose everything.

[Edited by DincDaddy]



System updates shouldn't remove user data.

Have you tried updating in safe mode?

PSN: KALofKRYPTON (so you can see how often I don't play anything!)

Twitter: @KALofKRYPTON (at your own risk, I don't care if you're offended)

"Fate: Protects fools, little children, and ships named Enterprise." - Cmdr William T. Riker

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