
Topic: Please help an old man

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@Mr-Elusive is that a new thing? As my ps4 and vita were definitely linked to my Hotmail. I don’t use gmail.



@BowsersBuddy news to me. So to put it lightly I have used outlook for PSN account creation and it did not work As 4 yahoo and AOL I do not know all I know is Gmail for playstation outlook for Xbox. It's that simple since PS3 Days.

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@Mr-Elusive weird. My account is definitely linked to my Hotmail/outlook, as are my Xbox and Nintendo switch accounts. All the same email address with no problems for any of them.



@BowsersBuddy what can I say it didn't recognise the email address. I was trying to get all my console accounts under 1 email address Xbox one worked fine PS3 Nope. Any way I don't want the old man coming back to see this. I shared the knowledge I have nothing more.

Discussion starter// This is my Twitter now X// Indie Game Dev//

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