Soo my ps4 decided to not turn on unless i factory reset it. Power seems to run fine. I switched out all the cords multiple times with multiple cords tried 3 different tvs and all it will ever do is boot up, show the ps4 logo switch to blank(black) screen then Turn off…the blue power light will flash in the mean time. This started 3 months ago. I got around it with a factory rest witch would fix it for about 2weeks where it would run fine. Then one day it just wont turn on anymore…i took it to ibreakufix for a diagnostic but im convinced that ill payy $100+ for them to factory rest it and give it back-.- like that wont fix the issue. I dont understand how it can be a software problem when im forced to run the latest update each reset…unless sonys doing it purposely? Lol thatd be pretty messed up considering noone can get a ps5 yet. Wondering what i can do about this. If any1s seen this before or know how to fix it. Thanks
Try contacting Sony to set up a repair if it's still under warranty it should cost nothing.
To be honest I wouldn't trust a place called IbreakUfix, unless you know how to fix it. Besides why would you pay someone to break something that's already broken or something you can break yourself.
RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.
Lmao its ubreakifix* supposedly there pretty big at least in the NorthEast usa. But like, yea wasn't trying to pay for a bandaid i want this issue to dissapear. Sony wont help with old gen. No warranty sadly. @Tasuki
Topic: Ps4 bricked
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