
Topic: Ps4 controller not turning on not charging

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So, yesterday I turned on my ps4 with the ps button on the controller and it turned on, only to see that my controller switched off after that,

I've reset it multiple times it turns on for about 30 seconds all buttons work it lights up BUT the PS button doesn't work, then it switches off and doesn't respond to anything until you reset it again and repeats the same thing

I opened it up and disconnected the cables and put them back to which it started charging and the PS button worked but then again it died like it happened the first time.

when I disconnect the battery cable and put it back in, it lights up and then dies again,
So is it a battery fault?? Or any other solutions?



Are you able to disconnect the battery and check if it works connected with a USB cable then? If it does, it's likely the battery.



@lolwhatno the controller isn't even turning on so I don't think I can get it to pair or unpair



@Voltan Ohh I haven't tried that, I'll check if it works, hopefully it does



@lolwhatno haha yeah I'll have to do that if nothing works



@Voltan I removed the battery, plugged in the charger and boom it's turning on with the ps button, I'll replace it and that should finally be it, thanks for the idea I hadn't considered doing that

[Edited by striX46]



I know these forums get inundated with people coming here and asking for technical advice and then disappearing forever, but I actually have a PS4 problem now that I thought I would share. 😅 I suspect it’s my Wifi antenna glitching out.

I’m not asking for advice per se, just wondering if anyone has any experience with having WiFi antenna issues with their PS4. I did some internet searching and I think I’ve come to the conclusion that is what I’m having.

The symptom: My poor old OG launch PS4 has run like a champ all these years but this week I’ve experienced my first issue — the controller will disconnect randomly and then cannot reconnect, even with the USB cable (both my controllers) and it effectively freezes my PS4 requiring a manual power down by pressing and holding the button on the console. When I reboot, sometimes the controller will stay connected for a little while, but it permanently disconnects again, usually after about 10 min. It appears that the WiFi connection drops or lags around the same time also. Interestingly the DS4 will charge while plugged into the USB, but won’t establish a connection.

After much research online, I learned that the console’s Bluetooth and WiFi antenna are housed in the same unit? Or are literally right next to one another such that one affects the other.

So interestingly the collective wisdom of the internet suggested if one can get into the settings and change the wired connection preferences to exchange data through the cable rather than through Bluetooth then it would solve the issue, which it amazing appears to be working. Alternatively, shutting off internet connection and only using the Bluetooth function also appears to fix the issue and I can use the DS4 wirelessly if I don’t have the console connected to the internet. I could hardwire via Ethernet to bypass the WiFi antenna usage, but my modem is in the other room.

I now can either have the PS4 use the Bluetooth function OR the WiFi internet function, but not both at the same time. Weird.

I use the PS4 sparingly, and it’s just an extra console for when I can’t use the PS5 on the main TV, so it’s not a huge deal, but it’s just a sad day for my old grey mare of a PS4 who is finally showing signs of breakdown. Apparently replacing the WiFi/BT antenna is relatively easy and not terribly expensive, but I don’t think I’ll waste the effort. I’ll just use the workarounds and play wired or offline.

Anyone else had this issue with the antenna being figgity?

[Edited by Th3solution]

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”

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