
Topic: Ideas for the site.

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@antdickens Yes but calling anyone who votes for Trump an idiot? Someone missing a few brain cells? The discourse shouldn’t be like in either direction. Especially when it’s not related to the virus, but acting like you’re superior to others because of your political belief. I understand related to Coronavirus being a little more allowed, but some of it hasn’t been civil. If you need specific example, I’ll use the contact form as to not name any names.



@get2sammyb @antdickens I may have called Trump supporters ‘a few sandwiches short of a picnic’. I apologise, picnics are in short supply in lockdown and so it was clearly an insensitive comment.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@Shogunrok A Persona 5: The Royal guide for the most efficient ways to max out confidants to increase your chances of maxing them all in one run.



@Jaz007 Believe me, it's crossed my mind more than once, but the amount of work such a guide would require is huge. Sadly I just don't think I have the time or the resources to do it, even though I'd love to give it a try. Maybe for Persona 6!




@ShogunRok Understandable. Could we settle for a bullet points list in the comments section then lol?



@Jaz007 Maybe a quicker hints and tips for confidants guide would be good? I could give that a shot.




I wasn’t sure where to put it but mega props to the Push Square team for dropping so many awesome reviews today. Impressive stuff!

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


I can get demo just not full game lol



What about using in your reviews some screenshots taken directly by the reviewers while testing the game instead of pictures that are used by all the sites? For example, I was looking for other reviews of Deliver us the moon and I found a 2019 one for the pc version on an italian site and the pictures were the very same.

Praise the Sun, and Mario too.

PSN: andreoni79


I've seen this asked on other sites, usually the answer is it's a lot more of a faff than using the supplied pics.

Unrelated, what's going on with the comments in these TLOU2 articles? Seems to be a fair few angry people making a lot of noise about how they hate ND. Looks seriously unpleasant.



@andreoni79 I think a trailer would also help. I don't know if they do it at all, but I just noticed on NLife the other day. I was reading a review, but I was wondering what the actual gameplay was like, but no trailer. I think having the launch trailer in the review would also be useful.



Maybe I'm just an old analogic man in this new digital era, but it bores me a bit the fact that after reading a review I have to google to discover if a game is digital only or not, if it is localized, how much it costs etc.
Memories of the old gaming magazines, I suppose...

Praise the Sun, and Mario too.

PSN: andreoni79


@andreoni79 Screenshots are usually supplied by the publisher/developer, that's why you see similar ones on various different websites. Sometimes we're provided with b-roll to make videos with, too.

We don't take our own because it's, frankly, more hassle than it's worth. I know it sounds like a minor task to push the share button and upload some images, but reviews in general are already a bit of a loss leader (they're the least viewed part of the site by far, surprisingly!) so it's just easier for us to use the provided assets.

@Octane Agree with you on the inclusion of a trailer. Noted.

@LieutenantFatman Yeah, the Naughty Dog situation is real weird right now. We've got some extra moderation tools now which will automatically hide spoilers from displaying on the page, and we've issued loads of bans. People want to be toxic about this game right now, though, so it's just how these comments sections are going to go until things calm down.


Cheers, toxic is definitely the word, I don't envy you guys having to deal with all of that, good luck with the banhammer. Think I'll be avoiding the comments on those ones for awhile.


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