
Topic: Push Square Quizzes - We Need Your Feedback

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Hey everyone,

Hopefully some of you remember that we used to post bi-weekly, weekend quizzes here on Push Square, testing people's PlayStation General Knowledge. They were a surprisingly big hit, and we had a lot of positive feedback.

For reference, you can find the last (regular) quiz here:

However, primarily because of time constraints, we stopped publishing regular quizzes at the end of 2022 — but we've always wanted to start them up again.

In short, the return of quizzes is fast approaching (hooray!), but I've come here to gather your thoughts before we nail anything down.

The kind of stuff I want to know is:

  • How often would you want quizzes here on the site?
  • How many questions would you want to answer in a quiz?
  • Are there any structural improvements you'd like to see, compared to the old quizzes?
  • Do you have any additional ideas about how to make quizzes more fun?

Any and all feedback is welcome. Again, we really do want to bring quizzes back, but we want to make sure that they're better than ever, and worth everyone's time (including our own!).

Thanks for reading, and feel free to @ShogunRok in the replies.





  • I would welcome a quiz every 3 months. 4/year doesn’t seem like it would wear out its welcome.
  • 15 questions feels like a sustainable amount of questions.

-It’d be cool to incorporate some kind of video element into the quiz, similar to a video daily double from Jeopardy. e.g. It can’t be said this helpful ally has no soul after making a name for themselves by helping over 5000 players defeat the toughest boss found in the lands between…(Let Me Solo Her).

-Gonna throw a bunch of increasingly impractical ideas at the wall here but you never know what little tidbit might evolve into something actually useful 😂:

-Themed quizzes
-Category selection e.g. PS1, First Party, Game Design, Execs…
-Bonus question where maybe there’s been something hidden in the quiz to be identified.
-Some kind of competitive/reward elements. Maybe the user can see what percentile they place in, maybe there’s a rank on their profile, maybe each right answer earns the user points which can be spent in the push square store for exclusive avatars or whatever…

Just spit balling here. Looking forward to the return of the quizzes, which are pretty great as is. Cheers

“Reason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning.” C.S. Lewis


I’d like specific rounds ie PlayStation history (PS, PS2, PS3), modern PlayStation (PS4 & PS5), indies, third party and also external platform (Nintendo, Xbox, PC etc.). Then a users results can be held and summarised as a whole and by each category. PSN Profiles this ****! Hell, award site-specific plats, golds, silvers and bronzes depending on results.

[Edited by graymamba]

#deraufrichtigstejäger - the artist formerly known as @colonelkilgore


@ShogunRok I like some of the ideas already given.

As far as frequency I think it could be successful as a monthly feature. Or even a series of weekly quizzes for a month and then repeating that once a quarter. That method could incorporate the aforementioned idea about breaking it down into categories — so one week would be retro questions, the next week RPGs, the next week Sony exclusives, etc.

As for number of questions, 10-15 would probably be a reasonable number. Over that amount could discourage participation for people that just jump in for a few minutes at a time.

I do recall that, in my opinion, the prior iterations of quizzes were skewed a little heavy on retro and obscure subjects for my taste. I’m not as attentive to things like old industry news and what was said at E3 20 years ago. There’s certainly a place for those questions, but I suspect readers would enjoy inclusion of plenty of questions about recent topics too, like within the last few years. Or maybe more questions about really big popular franchises, even if they are older (MGS, God of War, BioShock, etc.) I enjoy questions that revolve around actual specific games and their gameplay and narratives too, which I realize is a double edged sword since not everyone will have played said game and trying to avoid spoilers is also challenging. But something like showing a picture of Sebastian in Hogwart’s Legacy and asking ‘Which house does this character belong to at Hogwart’s?’ would be fun, not too obscure, and also not a spoiler.

I do think the use of media like gameplay video, music, etc would add a nice touch. Like showing a video of Amicia in A Plague Tale making her way through a rat-infested area and then asking ‘What’s the name of the alchemical ammo that was used in this video’. Or having some of the musical sound track from Skyrim and asking what game it is from.

A little off subject, but I still like the idea of a community tournament like the ‘Best PlayStation Character’ that we had a few years ago. That subject came up again in the recent article and seemed to stir interest. I know it’s a lot of work and has potential to create unrest but I enjoyed that poll a lot.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


Monthly or quarterly would probably suit me as far as frequency.
Again 10-15 questions so as not to be too much of a time sink.
I like the idea of themed quizzes, like if a big sequel or franchise was releasing that month then give us questions on that. And definitely a Halloween horror special or based around but events like footie games for the world cup, general sports at Olympic time or films based on games when the Oscars are going on.
Personally I'm more up for recent PS4/PS5 era stuff as my memory is not up to the retro stuff like remembering what the final fantasy character was called on the PS1 game I didn't play etc.
Oh and if you could give me trophies on my user profile I would probably be intetested... Though I may be tempted to cheat then so maybe not.

Looking forward to seeing how it turns out.

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


@ShogunRok I enjoy the quizzes in all their forms. A big quiz of the year in December would be good.

Monthly quizzes are probably the best balances, for both us and yourselves (you've got to write the things after all). A leaderboard would be great, although I'm not sure how you'd enforce people not just googling the answers.

Of course you could go the other way. Instead of making them fun, make them absolutely brutal. Let's separate the wheat from the chaff here. Lifetime bans as well for the lowest scorers each month. Even if it's Sammy

Good job, Parappa. You can go on to the next stage now.

PSN: Hallodandy


Thanks for the feedback so far everyone, a lot of these ideas are things we've discussed as a team, so it's nice to know we're on the same page!

Just a couple of things:

  • Special subject quizzes are definitely something we want to do, coinciding with new game releases and the like. For example, a big Final Fantasy quiz when a new Final Fantasy game comes out.
  • I think we're leaning towards having General Knowledge quizzes be bi-weekly still, but they could be reduced to 10 questions from 15. Would you be okay with that?

@Gremio108 Now we're cooking.

[Edited by ShogunRok]



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