I can understand the decision to merge the sites, but it would be nice if there was a quick and simple way to view just Vita or Move-related articles.
Sometimes you (well, I) just want quick access to those articles, and at the moment, you need to find an article with the relevant tag, then click it... which is a bit of a PITA. Or am I missing something obvious? (Always a possibility...)
until we've got tabs up and such, it doesn't get much more simple and easy-to-remember than those URLs, really :3
BEST THREAD EVER future of NL >:3
[16:43] James: I should learn these site rules more clearly
[16:44] LztheBlehBird: James doesn't know the rules? For shame!!!
I mean, they're about the same thing, so why have 2 different sources for it? Both are constantly being updated, too. Maybe you could just use one of them instead of both? JS
Why did you guys start dumping all of the news at the same time? It used to be a lot more exciting, knowing that you're a click away from the LATEST PlayStation news. Now I only have to check the site once a day.
PS: I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who has a problem with this. I've seen many web sites being updated like this, and not many users seemed to appreciate it. Me thinks, gameinformer still does that. That's why I stopped getting my news there.
Why did you guys start dumping all of the news at the same time? It used to be a lot more exciting, knowing that you're a click away from the LATEST PlayStation news. Now I only have to check the site once a day.
PS: I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who has a problem with this. I've seen many web sites being updated like this, and not many users seemed to appreciate it. Me thinks, gameinformer still does that. That's why I stopped getting my news there.
We update regularly throughout the day, but when important and exciting news breaks we want to bring it to our readers as soon as possible.
To back that up, here's what we posted on Friday with time stamps:
21:30 Robert Bowling Reveals Human Element for 2015 20:45 Jet Set Radio HD Features the Full Original Soundtrack 20:15 Learn More About Foosball 2012's World Tour Mode 18:45 Battlefield 3: Armored Kill Attacks in September 18:15 EA Confirms Need for Speed: Most Wanted for E3 17:45 Rumour: Hitman HD Collection Slipping onto PS3 17:30 Talking Point: E3 2012 is Vital for Vita 690 Push Square 17:15 LEGO Lord of the Rings Scales PS3 and Vita This Fall 16:45 Aliens: Colonial Marines Collector's Edition Stalks PS3 16:15 Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance Trailer Is a Cut Above 15:45 Ni No Kuni Reaches Europe on 25th January 2013 13:00 Rumour: Sony Working with Gaikai on PlayStation Backwards Compatibility 12:45 YouTube Broadcasting to Vita in June 12:30 Explore the Criminal Underworld of Star Wars 1313 12:15 EA Officially Acknowledges Dead Space 3 12:00 Game of the Month: May 2012 - Velocity 11:45 Debut Dishonored Trailer Deserves More Honour 11:30 Metal Gear Rising Demo Included with Zone of the Enders HD 11:15 Konami Officially Confirms Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 09:45 Soul Sacrifice Is Coming to Europe and North America 09:05 Tomb Raider Confirmed for Release On 5th March 2013
That's a huge amount of news content and all spread out throughout the day. Not sure why you say we dump all our news at the same time when, as you can see, we update from 9am until 9pm.
Why did you guys start dumping all of the news at the same time? It used to be a lot more exciting, knowing that you're a click away from the LATEST PlayStation news. Now I only have to check the site once a day.
PS: I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who has a problem with this. I've seen many web sites being updated like this, and not many users seemed to appreciate it. Me thinks, gameinformer still does that. That's why I stopped getting my news there.
ARE YOU KIDDING this site consistently updates throughout the day
Topic: Since you've merged...
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