
Topic: FINALISTS ANNOUNCED! - The Official 2023 Screenshot of the Year Competition!

Posts 1 to 20 of 116


Hello, sweeties. I've taken over as your lovely host, at least for this year. Welcome!

@HallowMoonshadow and @AgentCooper were good enough to volunteer their talents as judges, so I'd like to extend them thanks.

Also, the former head honcho @RogerRoger for his advice.

This is going to be run largely as it has in previous years. You'll submit no more than three screenshots for consideration from any game you happen to have been playing this year across any platform. If you submit more than three, your first three will be considered and the others removed from consideration. The shots can be for any combination of categories your little heart desires.



We're going back to the 2021 category spread: Action, Character, and Landscape. As implied by the names, Action submissions are for dynamic shots emphasizing conflict, Character submissions should draw attention to a character within the shot, and Landscape submissions should focus on the environment within a shot.

I'm not horrendously worried about which shot goes where as long as they're not completely unrelated to the category, so if you're confused about which category to submit a shot under, just go with your gut, and it'll be fine.


How to Submit

As per previous years, submit screenshots directly to this thread using an intermediary. Imgur, X/The Platform Formerly Known as Twitter, etc.

information that should accompany each shot:

1) The category your shot is being submitted under (Action, Character, or Landscape);
2) Your shot's title
3) The game your shot was taken in

In that order, please.


When to Submit

All shots should be submitted by the end of December 22nd, 2023 CST. Shots submitted after this point won't be considered for inclusion.


Finalists and the Public Vote

Shots from each category will be whittled down to three each by myself and my two judges, including a wild card shot that I'll determine, based on some input from the judges. The final group of ten shots will be put up for voting as quickly as possible thereafter. I'll notify people with the tag list when the finalists are up for a vote.

Voting itself will remain open until the end of 2023. Winners will be announced on January 1st, 2024.

Good luck! ❤️❤️❤️


Tag list:

@Anti-Matter @Ravix @AdamNovice @AFCC @amersga @andreoni79 @AngryChainsaw_ @ApostateMage @Arisen @Bamila @Bentleyma @BearsEatBeets @BlockPunch @Blue_Persimmon @BowTiesAreCool @b1ackjack @carlos82 @CJD87 @Clankylad @crimsontadpoles @CuteBoyMnM @DanM @Deadlyblack @DerMeister @Drax-UK @Elodin @evildave333 @GhostofJettatura @Hispanicguy @hypnotoad @ishaajo840 @Jackpaza0508 @Gremio108 @Jaz007 @Jimmer-jammer @JohnnyShoulder @JudgeDredd @KAIRU @Kaka @Kidfried @kreativekontrol @kyleforrester87 @leucocyte @lieutenantfatman @LivewireCLS @Lizergamid @lolwhatno @Loyal_Dan @LukeNI @MB81 @Mega-Gazz @Mr_B021 @nessisonett @nicc83 @nomither6 @NYJetsfan123 @0ld_boy @Perturbator @ralphdibny @r4r3Un1c0rn @RR529 @Rudy_Manchego @Ryall @Sam-Bridges @Shigurui @Signosis @Sorteddan @Star-Lord @TheIdleCritic @themcnoisy @themightyant @the_pathos @ThePizzaMule @Th3solution @Thrillho @Throb @Tjuz @Tomato_Goose @TowaHerschel7 @Unreal @WanderingBullet @XOF and @zupertramp

[Edited by Ralizah]

Ugh. Men.

PSN: Ralizah


@Ralizah hey, lots of thanks for running the competition this year!

It takes quite a lot of time and efforts, so I (as well as all the participant's and screenshots' enjoyers) appreciate this.

Would gladly post some shots a little bit later even though had little to no time to make something decent this year.

Good luck to all the participants



@Ralizah argh, just the 3 and no 'comedy' or 'artistic/arty farty' category. That's me royally stuffed 😅😅 hmm, I've got some serious choosing to do, and maybe some creative shoehorning (edit:void)

I'll post my 3 here when I've wittled them down and set up a hosting account, anyway.

Can't wait to see everyone's entries 😄
Thank you for hosting, and good luck, all.

[Edited by Ravix]

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


Ravix wrote:

Do we think we could do a non competition thread as well, just to share some of our other stuff. I'd always be happy to see more of people's shots that don't make the comp


You mean the screenshot thread we've always had that's right here?

Previously known as Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy

"You don't have to save the world to find meaning in life. Sometimes all you need is something simple, like someone to take care of"


@HallowMoonshadow thank you. I don't usually venture far into the forum 😅

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


Okay. Let's get some posted 😁 I'm not going to worry too much about ones I'm leaving out, as I can't really argue that they are 100% character, landscape or action despite wanting to shoehorn some in 😅

I'll go for:

No Filter, Just Bombs (ft Yennefer and Geralt)
The Witcher 3 PS5

Tears of a Clown
The Witcher 3 PS5

Finger Painting with Geralt
The Witcher 3

Edit: added all 3 to one post.

[Edited by Ravix]

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


@Ravix Yeah, no problem. Great snaps! Where'd you find that clown?

Ugh. Men.

PSN: Ralizah


@Ralizah cheers 😄 the clown is in Novigrad, somewhere near triss' house, that general area. Part of a gang. There are probably more dotted around too as they reuse npc models. But TW3 NPC's make for good subjects, I've found

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


@Ravix Novigrad's a pretty impressive area in general. So much detail in terms of the people you encounter.

Ugh. Men.

PSN: Ralizah


@get2sammyb, @ShogunRok, @Quintumply & @LiamCroft

I know Ralizah already tagged you all the other day (unfortunately just before the game awards) but we only have 4 or so days left to the competition but if you're not too busy I don't suppose you could do as you've done the previous years we've done this and give us a little signal boost on the main page?

If you aren't too busy of course! Running a website over the christmas season certainly isn't easy! Have a good one guys! 👍

Previously known as Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy

"You don't have to save the world to find meaning in life. Sometimes all you need is something simple, like someone to take care of"


@nessisonett, @Gremio108, @Th3solution, @BearsEatBeets, @Thrillho, @ralphdibny, @Kidfried, @Tjuz & @Throb

Thought I'd try and tag some regulars who've done the comp a number of times over the years and may not've got a notification through Ral's giant tag list when the topic was made... Sorry for the hassle if you're just not interested/got nothing good to contribute this year!

[Edited by HallowMoonshadow]

Previously known as Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy

"You don't have to save the world to find meaning in life. Sometimes all you need is something simple, like someone to take care of"


Extending the deadline by five days for obvious reasons. Dec. 22nd now.

We'll re-evaluate if participation is still low at that point.

Ugh. Men.

PSN: Ralizah


I’ve got a few snaps I’d like to contribute. Promise they’ll be in by the deadline! Thanks for putting this on, @Ralizah

“Reason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning.” C.S. Lewis


May jump in, just as a protest that I can’t keep posting all of my pics directly to Twitter from the PS5. 😝 I promise no Fortnite.😂 I only played HFW when the dlc came out so I should have some good ones I can find and embed. Oh and Cyberpunk when 2.0 dropped. These days it pays to play games years after release.😎

Edit: OK 1 Fortnite pic b/c Spider-Gwen flying off into the sunset to see if it embeds from Twitter still.

[Edited by rjejr]

Someday we'll find it
The rainbow connection
The lovers, the dreamers and me


Ok actual submission time.

‘Gliding into the sunset”
Horizon Forbidden West

Someday we'll find it
The rainbow connection
The lovers, the dreamers and me


Hello, first time posting here. I have a few pics I'd like to share, but not really sure how to get them on. I have Twitter but I've not signed in for a looooong time. Does Instagram work?

Explain it like you're talking to 4 year old!



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