@JaxonH: Good idea, I'd forgotten I selected a difficulty at the beginning.
Just spent 45m with Job Simulator as a Gourmet Chef. It's superb*, but one thing I found is that with the camera at EXACTLY 6' away (as per Sony's recommendation), it actually tells you to stand a couple of feet further away than that, which meant camera jiggery pokery. Absolutely no wobble or tracking issues of any kind (the few small issues I've had have gone since I put the camera on a tripod, at the right height depending on whether I'm sitting or standing). It's rock solid.
*I 'put' the move controllers on the counter at one point and wondered why they fell onto my tiled floor. Doh.
Any one play that new Tethered? Or Hustle Kings VR? I'm debating Tethered... Hustle Kings I got in the mail (UK physical version import) but haven't had time to try it because, ya know, Skyrim happened.
All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans
God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John
Amazing! I was so turned off by the free to play version and the fact that when I downloaded the VR version it said I needed the base game but then it would tell me the base game was unavailable, where I get the base game and then try to download the VR version and it would say I can't because the base game isn't installed.
It was just cluster of the purest form.
So that's what drove me to want to buy the physical release and I'm so glad I did because it comes as a complete game and it's on disc. And it's a fantastic game in VR! There is nothing like lining up your shots in virtual reality to enjoy a good game of pool. And while it's not overly unfair it's definitely difficult to provide a healthy challenge. Think I lost it nine ball three times in a row because I get up to the six or seven ball and make a blunder and then they'd rack in the last three balls on me. When I finally beat it it felt so good and gave me such a sense of accomplishment like I had earned it by actually improving my skill and getting better.
Highly recommend. You don't use the move controllers or anything, it's all with the dualshock. But this is classic pool at its finest and all in virtual reality. What a fantastic gaming experience, truly.
All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans
God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John
@JaxonH: I've played the first island in Tethered, and it's good. I think there are 13 in total, so there's a few hours of play (first one took me 35m). It's mainly controlled with your head, so I can see how it will get a bit frenetic on busier levels. Hoping to get some more time with it today after football.
@Drawfull: not
I bought the game and just played for half an hour (at least) but I turned it off because there was no indication of how much longer I had to go and there was no way to save. I was devastated when I discovered that I now have to start all over from scratch again after making it through several nights on the island.
But I do like it. Very nice VR game. I just really love me some VR. Everyone was saying how horrible Hustle Kings was, and maybe they're just referring to the extra features brought to the table through VR, but as someone who is playing the game for the first time it's a fantastic VR game. The mechanics are sound and it's got a lot of different games and the campaign and all this other stuff, lots of difficulty levels, and playing pool in virtual reality it's just awesome. The only way they can mess that game up as if the mechanics weren't sound but apparently the game is been around for some time so the mechanics were never going to be an issue.
All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans
God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John
@JaxonH: Yeah the lack of a save option is strange - though you can tell how far you need to go by pressing triangle (I think), it will show you how much spirit stuff you have and how much you need. It also shows your total above the shrine when hoovering it up.
I finally got round to playing the Croft Manor DLC for Rise of the Tomb Raider. As a character piece and companion to Rise of the Tomb Raider, its ok but they really couldn't figure out the controls. You can either control as first person or 'teleport'. The teleportation system is a bit cumbersome but the first person controls are pretty vomit inducing (and I'm fairly good with my VR legs.
It is a nice little demo but you only walk around and read things.
Now I may be an idiot, but there's one thing I am not sir, and that sir, is an idiot
@JaxonH I've just bought my PSVR and have been looking at getting either Hustle Kings or Sports Bar VR, I don't suppose you've tried the latter to see how they compare?
Older than I care to remember but have been gaming since owning a wooden Atari 2600 and played pretty much everything inbetween.
I haven't played Sportsbar. I haven't heard good things though. If pool is your main draw, Hustle Kings at least has solid mechanics and is known for being a good pool game.
All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans
God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John
@JaxonH pool is the main reason it's just that the whole social thing looks really cool on that, reminds me a bit of Playstation Home but I hadn't heard anything of the actual mechanics. Hustle Kings it is then
Older than I care to remember but have been gaming since owning a wooden Atari 2600 and played pretty much everything inbetween.
Finished the campaign on Farpoint a day thought the game overall was pretty good. No real depth to gameplay but so much fun regardless with the aim controller. Also the story was pretty good for a game of this sort. If you own a psvr I think this is a must buy even at the price.
Now I may be an idiot, but there's one thing I am not sir, and that sir, is an idiot
Just got PSVR for my birthday! I got the launch edition so I already have PSVR Worlds and the demo disk.
Any other must-buys? I want to get Farpoint but am waiting for when Sony will provide more stock for the PSVR aim accessory, as I heard that it's necessary for the full enjoyment of the game. Other than that, I wasn't sure what else to get.
Are any other PSVR games story driven? It seems like a lot of them are intended for quick sit-down sessions or multiplayer battles. Farpoint and Resident Evil 7 seem like the only major story-driven ones.
@Kogorn733 Hey happy birthday! Hope you like the PSVR. First question, did you get the Move Controllers?
You are right in that the majority of the games are relatively short experiences as opposed to longer games. Even the Farpoint campaign is only 5-6 hours (though lots of additional content).
There are some MP aimed games, like Battlezone and Eve Valkyrie that are more like matches. They have some SP content but the bulk is MP. These both just need the controller.
There are lots of other great times to be had though. Batman Arkham VR is only an hour or so but incredible. Bound and Here they Lie are also quite good.
Now I may be an idiot, but there's one thing I am not sir, and that sir, is an idiot
Also, got a friend in the military to order the Farpoint bundle for me on the Navy Exchange website, where it's still available. Can't wait to play it!
My PSVR suggestions:
Batman: Arkham VR
DiRT Rally
Eagle Flight
Farpoint (bundled with the Aim)
I Expect You to Die
Job Simulator
Resident Evil 7
Rez Infinite
Until Dawn: Rush of Blood
Superhot VR
These are based on what I own. Look at the genre to see if it's something you're interested in.
For freebies, I recommend the following (not all are games):
Air Force Special Ops: Nightfall
Call of Duty: Jackal Assault
Chainsmokers Paris VR
Cyber Dangronpa VR The Class Trial
Spider-Man: Homecoming VR
Also, if you own Battlefront, there's an X-Wing VR option. It's short like the COD one, but you get to pilot an X-Wing!
@JaxonH So I see you haven't been in here since Switch released, coincidence?
Big PSVR sale until tomorrow - I'm thinking Windlands and SPVR World, got Rigs w/ PS+ this month. PSVR is $299 at Target w/ 25% off w/ Cartwheel, so that's only $225 for a system that was $399 12 months ago. Plus my 5% Redcard discount helps w/ the 8% tax.
So, whadaya think? I'm saving for Switch games, but I'm in a bad mood, and when I'm ion bad mood I spend my wife's money. Though I have $200 from my birthday I haven't spent yet. Wish the camera wasn't $50, that's the current crimp in my plan. I don't care about the new PSVR version, sounds the same as the old one.
Anyway sorry I haven't gotten back to you about the USB stuff yet, but I will.
Someday we'll find it
The rainbow connection
The lovers, the dreamers and me
Honestly, PSVR is amazing, but after a week I hung it up and haven't really touched it since. I play it once in a while, but not too often.
I think you'd be blown away by it, but I don't know if you'd care to play it once the awe wears off. In the case of my brother, I did recommend VR, but on PC because he wants to play Metroid Prime in VR. For you? It's hard to say. VR is very tricky recommending to people. It's a high buy in and a small library in return. It's super amazing at first, and while it's always cool, the novelty wears thin after a week or so. It's still amazing, just only half as much.
I mean, ya. Screw it. If you have the money to blow, I think everyone should experience VR at least once. Just... understand what you're getting. You'll probably play it for a week, then slow down and not touch it except once in a while. I think it's the fact that it's such a hassle to play- I have to grab TV controller and turn TV on, then change inputs, then grab HDMI switcher remote and change inputs, then grab visor and unwrap cord, get earbuds out of Switch case and connect to the visor, grab PS4 controller and turn system on, go grab a game and put it in, turn on visor, put in the earbuds, fiddle around blind for where I set the controller, adjust helmet until the focus is right, start game, realize I need the Move controllers, take the visor back off, grab Move controllers, put visor back on, play game... until I want to switch games and it's visor back off, earbuds back out, get game, swap games, earbuds back in, visor back in, readjust to get into focus....
Idk. It's probably not as bad as I make it sound but at the same time it's certainly not instant on/instant off, in/out like it is on say, the Nintendo Switch. With that system all I have to do is grab it and play it, because it wakes from sleep mode and you're instantly back in the game. Which is probably why I play it so much. It's just so easy to jump right back in and right back out. With VR, it's a real commitment every time you want to play it. And I think subconsciously it just turns me off from playing at most of the time.
With that all said, I think if you have the money to burn... you should buy it. I mean, you're getting a Switch already, and beyond that I can't think of anything else that would be a better purchase. I do think VR is going to be way more amazing in the second generation. But that likely won't come until the PS5 is out. And that's if Sony continues to pursue VR which they may not. Either way, the second generation will come on PC regardless of what Sony does. And note that you'll also want a camera and pair of Move controllers, even though the Move controllers are recycled 7th gen hardware and don't have analogs. So if you want to use motion in Skyrim you'll have to teleport, and if you want smooth movement you won't have motion. Serious oversight on Sony's part.
The only other alternatives I can really think of that might be worth considering instead... is just putting that money into more games for systems you do own (buying a new system requires buying a handful of games, and there's tons of Switch/PS4 games worth buying- could get Zelda BotW, Arms, Splatoon 2, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Mario Rabbids, Super Mario Odyssey, FE Warriors, Xenoblade 2, MH World and Ni No Kuni 2 all for the same price), buying a gaming PC (can do a lot with a good gaming PC) or keeping the Xbox One (which... eh, depends how much you want to play Ori and the Will of the Wisps, but a Gaming PC could play all those games anyways).
Idk man, I say sleep on it and see how you feel about it.
All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans
God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John
@JaxonH Well you know me, I always sleep on stuff, though the PSVR games sale ends noon tomorrow so I am pushed for time. And I know exactly what you mean by al, of that. I do have some counter measures in mind - only buying digital games, keeping the PSVR always hooked up and connected and ready to go. I do know it's a limited experience, I don't think I'll ever play a game on it that lasts more than an hour. But from my brief experience with it I do think it's worth it for the experience. I'd never get it for myself but my kids and wife and any guests we have over can all mess around with it.
We do own 2 Move controllers, and 1 Nav if that gets used. Spending $50 on the camera is still a sticking point.
You are right about - What else is there for $200? PS5 is years away, just got a new $100 smartphone on sale for $70. $400 Switch is Christmas gift for the family. It's either a PSVR or a New 3DS XL. And that's not even a real comparison, 3DS is still games, PSVR is a new experience. You know what I mean, you were head over heals about the new tech a year ago. So I'm not really thinking of it as buying a game console, but an amusement park ride at home. $225 for last year's $400 headset, it's tempting.
Someday we'll find it
The rainbow connection
The lovers, the dreamers and me
@rjejr I'd go for it personally. @JaxonH is right in that it is amazing but sometimes it can be a pain to drag it all out. However, if you go in eyes open and know that it is a fun but niche device that may or may not have a bright future, then why not?
As for having guests etc. over, pretty much anyone we have over wants to play it and we do some of the PSVR World mini experiences and everyone loves it and it is great fun watching people freak out. Also the PSVR room has some good coop gaming experiences which are child friendly.
Now I may be an idiot, but there's one thing I am not sir, and that sir, is an idiot
Topic: The PSVR Recommendation Thread
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