
Topic: definately shakes one's confidence in Sony/PSN

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If the 'hackers' have my information- I DARE them- SERIOUSLY dare them to use my card information. The sooner they use it, the sooner the law gets to them. I'm hoping they don't have it but at the same time, if they do have it and use it, I'll be happy to then track them down.

This isn't funny. I wonder why people pull this stunt (well, I don't have to wonder much).

This isn't good. It's fine if they have to rebuild PSN. But to hear they have account info and potentially credit card information is concerning. Just be proactive and check your bank account/purchase history frequently at your bank.



If the 'hackers' have my information- I DARE them- SERIOUSLY dare them to use my card information. The sooner they use it, the sooner the law gets to them. I'm hoping they don't have it but at the same time, if they do have it and use it, I'll be happy to then track them down.

This isn't funny. I wonder why people pull this stunt (well, I don't have to wonder much).

This isn't good. It's fine if they have to rebuild PSN. But to hear they have account info and potentially credit card information is concerning. Just be proactive and check your bank account/purchase history frequently at your bank.

Doesn't even matter if they take anyone's info, they're still getting jailed for sure after this. :/

TurtleLink's backloggery
Brawl FC: 4425-1340-4519
The Sister Complex Kingpin of Steel!


I'll be cackling at them as they get sent to jail--probably while using my PS3 to access the again-functional PSN after no real damage to my person, credit card, or PSN account beyond just that of inability to access.

I vote turbo-harsh punishment.  Something that sets the stage and makes these nerds a bit more wary about hacking--people don't see it along the same lines as actual theft, but it is.  Personally, the prospect of 140 pound, 5 foot 9 confused pimple-faced white kids who've never been outside getting sent to real-person jail with real-person criminals makes my brain smile.

-Swerd Murd

(check my tunes out at


That's IF they get found (which I'm hoping). That's why I want the authorities to get them soon.

This isn't funny, and they thinks it's ALL a joke.



Even if everyone connected is rounded up and jailed, there'll be a bunch of new kiddies trying to do the same just around the corner. Hopefully Sony can make its service more robust and prevent this happening again.

As for me, I already changed my passwords and I never used a credit card online, so I think I'm mostly safe... right?


James Newton

Even if everyone connected is rounded up and jailed, there'll be a bunch of new kiddies trying to do the same just around the corner. Hopefully Sony can make its service more robust and prevent this happening again.

As for me, I already changed my passwords and I never used a credit card online, so I think I'm mostly safe... right?

But what if they already hacked your password an you are actually merely a hacker posing as James Newton in an effort to calm us while we are all robbed blind?!?! /hysteria





@roopa132 That's the thing, you can't change your password. I'd advise you to change any account details that use the same logins - Facebook, email, here etc. Otherwise your PSN is stuck as the same until it returns, I'm afraid!



I know someone who has had to freeze their credit card because of it. Ahhhh and thats why I love nintendo. BTW a inside source claims it was Miyamoto and Iwata !



I thought all registered customers were supposed to get an email from PSN describing the situation.  While I've been following the news and am aware, I still haven't received this email.



I've had two emails so far but considering there are 75 million PSN accounts the messages might take a while to get through the Interpipes.



Well, I've never used Credit Cards on PSN (Since, here in Brazil, we can only use International Credit Cards, which makes it more difficult), and most of my "personal information" was false.
But, I feel sorry for those who might possibly have had their information stolen, I hope that nothing worse happens, and that the PSN go back as soon as possible.

I'm Not Cocky... I Just Love Myself! ;D


@Malv - I'm wishing I'd done the same now...I normally do--but you figure it's PSN/a console--nothing could go wrong!

  I'm glad I didn't use my typical/default password with my PSN account or I'd be in a potential world of trouble.

-Swerd Murd

(check my tunes out at


And now is down.  This is the site that hosts SOE games such as DC Universe Online for PCs.

Yes, Sony is the victim, but this blunder is probably going to end up costing a whole lot more than if they had invested in a stronger security infrastructure to begin with.

Other sites are hacked and lose customer's data, but then there are yet  other sites that have been hacked and still their customers' data remained protected.  I hope Sony will now become one of the latter companies, but I'm not encouraged by their responses thus far.



I actually know someone in Austin (two people actually) who work for one of the companies that's being contracted to help patch up the network infastructure/security for PSN and he says they've already gotten verbal confirmation--waiting on a written contract/signatures.  As of yesterday, he said he didn't think it'd be longer than a few days to get the non-Store portion of PSN back up and running.

-Swerd Murd

(check my tunes out at


Will be happy to see PSN service back up.  Their estimated(promised?) week is almost over.  But I'd just rather them do it right than rush and do something halfway.

New blog post is a positive step, IMO, for Sony: … debix-inc/

Basically it's consumer ID protection for U.S. customers.  Don't know what other folks get, though.

Would Sony have offered this without the pressure/bad publicity?  Probably not.  So, sometimes it does pay to demand more from corporations.



Well, seems like we have to wait a little longer: … on-update/

Here's my opinion/advice for Sony.  1.  People like to stay informed.  Doesn't mean you have to panic everyone, but when there is a problem, just let people know that you're working on it -- and if it affects them, be cautious and make them aware promptly.  2.  Better to error on the other side of the equation.  Estimating having services back in a week and then failing is far worse than saying a month or unspecified time and pleasantly surprising everyone with some time much sooner than expected.

But as I've said before, I just hope it all works out well in the end.  Good Luck!


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