
Topic: Grand Theft Auto V issue?

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Did you try checking the IGN wiki? There might be something you have to do to trigger the mission.



Have you done the other character's missions that are available on the map? Sometimes you'll have to complete whatever they have left before the story can continue, even if it seemingly has nothing to do with the current heist/plot.




Yeah some of the freaks and strangers missions unlock stuff for story mode.  I ran into that problem.  Also you might have to do something with one of the characters to open up something with the others.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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PSN: Tasuki3711


OMG, flying is a p.i.t.a.  Not enjoying it one bit.

Flying is fun once you get the hang of it.  It took a few goes until I managed to get what I needed to do.  Once I worked it out I went and "claimed" a plane & hit the skies!

Just keep at it.  You get it in the end


PSN: KratosRisesAgain | Twitter:


I only fly if forced to in a mission I hate it.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Pawn ID: OM7GKB029K3D

PSN: Splathew


I only fly if forced to in a mission I hate it.

You are not alone even though I sometimes use it as an escape way when cops are chasing me :/
Its kinda a pain sometimes.

PSN: Epic-ZX

PSN: Epic-ZX


Flying blows. That's the thing with GTA, as much as I enjoy the series there's always at least one thing I hate, in V it's the flying. It makes me want to snap the controller in half.



Not a fan of flying myself. Idk who over thought the flying mechanics but they did just that.

Madd_hatter401 Proud owner of: PS4, PS3, PS2, PS1, PS Vita, Xbox one, Xbox 360, 3DS, Nintendo 64, Gameboy advance, Sega, and Sega Nomad.

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