
Topic: Hustle Kings question

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My wife has a Taiwan PSN account, so I downloaded Hustle Kings as 1 of their Welcome Back REward titles.  I did the update.  Now I load the game and don't see the Move Support load screen.  Within the game I don't see an option for Move controls.

Admittedly, I've spent about 1 minute in the game and haven't played it yet, AND my Move/Eyetoy isn't connect as my friend is boring those to use while playing his new Socom 4 game.  But I'm curious if anyone thinks this is not normal?  I didn't see any additional free DLC in the store to enable this.

I can do more extensive testing later, but does one usually at least see the Move startup screen when loading the game?  My copy is the Chinese/English version.



I'll load it up when I get home and see if I can be of any help. I'll just shoot you a PSN message letting you know if I got the Move splash screen or not.

Just my 2cents, but I think the game is much better without move anyways

To save our Mother Earth from any alien attack
From vicious giant insects who have once again come back
We'll unleash all our forces we won't cut them any slack
The EDF deploys!!


Yeah, the game is really fun, I was pleasantly surprised.  I'm not much of a pool player, but the tutorials, though brief, did a great job of showing me how to hit the cue ball to properly use spin and even swerve.



One more reply hoping site admins will read this:

This site does a good job of informing us about whether their talking about Europe, N. America...  But the world's still pretty big and some things go unnoticed.

There might be times when things mentioned on this site don't apply.  One example is Hustle Kings.  For whatever reason developer, VooFoo, didn't update the game from the Taiwan PSN Store (Chinese/English but also seeming Korean/English) to include support for the Move.

There are other games that while they'll play on anyone's PS3, not all DLC will work.  LittleBigPlanet is an example.  I own the Chinese/English version, but my PSN account is in the U.S.  When I downloaded some DLC from the U.S. PSN Store, it didn't work.  Fallout 3 is another example, though at least they refer to the proper version required in the DLC description.

My point:  Just be aware that there are different versions of games out there and not everything is always compatible.  Even in the U.S., a game like Resident Evil 5 requires the gold edition, not just any edition to get Move functionality.


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