Namco Bandai Just announced that a Special edition of Tales of Xillia will be released in North America and Europe, a copy of the game, special packaging, "The Art of Tales of Xillia" booklet, a limited edition Millia figurine, and a special music selection CD.
They also announced Armored Core: Verdict Day will be releasing on Fall 2013 in North America. I can't seem to find a European release date, though it is announced for Europe and Australia. (Also for 360)
One Piece Pirate Warriors 2 will also be coming to NA and PAL regions in the summer of 2013. NA will be PSN only, while PAL gets a disk version as well as a collector's version, which is scheduled for August 2013, presumedly after the regular edition releases. (Please note, the west is NOT getting the Vita version)
Amazing I'm really looking foward to this game I kinda want to get back to the series still planning to get the standard edition though. Glad must of them are stand alone titles xD Wish One Piece Pirate Warriors 1 & 2 get a disk bundle version someday.
Well, they never ever report on any news tips I send them, except for that one time when I was wrong. So yeah. They only report on it when they know I won't be here.
Well, they never ever report on any news tips I send them, except for that one time when I was wrong. So yeah. They only report on it when they know I won't be here.
Well I can't speak for those who pick apart the news tips, but rest assured we've known about this particular story - it should be up on the site tomorrow as far as I'm aware.
Well, they never ever report on any news tips I send them, except for that one time when I was wrong. So yeah. They only report on it when they know I won't be here.
Maybe they just didn't recieve them. I don't think they are capable of ignoring a story maybe you can try to send them through twitter DM or something.
Well, they never ever report on any news tips I send them, except for that one time when I was wrong. So yeah. They only report on it when they know I won't be here.
Maybe they just didn't recieve them. I don't think they are capable of ignoring a story maybe you can try to send them through twitter DM or something.
It's likely we received them - but it's like I said before, we have to prioritise news for various reasons. There are some days where I know Sammy is completely bogged down with work, and since this is such a time-sensitive industry, the bigger stories have to go up first.
Of course, that's not to say you haven't done a very nice job here with this post in the first place, @CanisWolfred.
I like that package a lot. I've never played a tales game but for me those are the perfect things to add to a special edition. A soundtrack, a nice looking art book, and a quality figurine.
Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet. -Albert Einstein
just a shame you can't order it from anywhere but the NamcoBandai Store
if they had made it available through other retailers i would have got it, guess i'll have to make do with the standard edition
"I pity you. You just don't get it at all...there's not a thing I don't cherish!"
"Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!
Hey you guys! Apparently in Europe and Australia, there's a Day One edition which is the same thing as the collector's Edition, but without the figurine! Also it comes out in PAL regions on August 9th. … re-lovely/
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