You've might have read my other post regarding buying a PS Vita if there was a price drop in NA, sadly that's not the case. So, I've decided to pick up a PS3 instead.
Moving on, I've already done some research and here's are my options:
- Uncharted 3 Bundle: $300, 320GB, and comes with, of course, Uncharted 3.
- Amazon's Family Entertainment Bundle: $250, 250GB, and comes with PS All-Stars Battle Royale & Rartchet & Clank Collection [However, they're not in game cases apparently, which sucks a lot]
- Classic White Instant Game Bundle: $350, 500GB, Playstation Plus for 1 year
Now, I need some advice from you guys. Price is not my concern. How many GB's should I have? Should I not go for these bundles and just get a regular PS3 by itself? If so, how much would that cost and how many GB's does it have (Did not look it up)? I was going to purchase the Family Entertainment Bundle, but not having those 2 games in cases really puts me in a tough spot (I don't like sleeves). Anything will be helpful so thanks in advance!
[Also, I wouldn't mind some suggestions for PS3 games considering I never owned one...]
It pretty much depends on how you plan to use the PS3.
In all reality, even 250gb should be 'enough' for a while if you're careful with your data. Do you plan to buy most games retail or buy a lot off the PSN? Personally, I generally tell people to stick with a 500gb drive, but remember, you can always buy a lower GB PS3 and upgrade the drive yourself for a lot less usually.
If 250gb isn't enough, 320gb won't be either. Here's what I'd recommend: Buy the Amazon bundle. If you plan to buy most games retail, stick with 250gb. If you plan to buy a lot of content over the PSN and also use your ps3 for a lot of your movies/music, buy a 500gb+ drive from newegg and do the upgrade yourself. PS3 accepts any 2.5" sata drive. I recommend getting something with 7200rpm, but the difference (over 5200) isn't super noticeable.
Regardless of which bundle you get, I highly recommend getting a years worth of PS+. Even if you never buy a game for PS3, you'd have a solid instant collection with +.
If I had to recommend 5 retial games (I'll stick to ps3 exclusives), here's what I'd say: 1. Demon's Souls - personally, I feel this is the best game of this generation. (also on PSN) 2. inFAMOUS collection - really strong series with a lot of gameplay. 3. God of War Collection - God of War is the reason a lot of people bought a PS2/PS3. If you like the genre, it's easily worth the coin. 4. White Knight Chronicles 2 - I'd only recommend this if you enjoy RPG. This game (includes WKC1) has well over 200 hours of non farming gameplay NOT including awesome multiplayer components 5. Heavy Rain - this isn't only a great game, but it's an amazing story as well. It's a lot of fun with Move if you were going that route.
Here's what I'd recommend for 5 PSN games: 1. Dead Nation - well made game with a lot of content for the price. Awesome with 2 players 2. Anything PixelJunk - all of the games in this series are awesome. Find one in the genre you like and give it a shot 3. PayDay: The Heist - huge amounts of adrenaline and tension with this one. It's a bit like Left 4 Dead only with cops and money. win/win 4. DUST 514 - free to play FPSMMO. Worth a tr and offers some pretty awesome gameplay. Takes getting used to. 5. Burnout Paradise - simple fun. Drive fast, drive crazy, drive everywhere. Fun open world racing game.
Honorable mentions: Metal Gear Solid 4 (if you've already played 1-3), Journey (I didn't care for it, but most people do), wipeout HD (tons of content, all pretty similar), Tokyo Jungle (never played this yet, heard a lot of good things), Sly Cooper 4 (amazing game, but aimed a bit lower in age group)
To save our Mother Earth from any alien attack
From vicious giant insects who have once again come back
We'll unleash all our forces we won't cut them any slack
The EDF deploys!!
Ditto the comments above, especially about space. After 2 years my 320GB drive was consistently full. I have upgraded to 1 TB. Easy to do yourself with many youtube demos.
No best PS3 exclusive list is complete without : * The Uncharted Series (action adventure) * Grand Tourismo 5 (racing sim) * Killzone 3 (fps)
However, if you are looking for great games generally (not just PS3 exclusive). Then I would also consider : * Elder Scrolls : Skyrim * Mass Effect Series * Assassins Creed Series * Dead Red Redemption * Batman Arkham City * Grand Theft Auto 4 * Far Cry 3 * Tomb Raider (reboot). I could go on.....
The more, the better bro. Go for the 500. Although I have the 250 of the ps3 slim (not super lim), it was enough for me. I got around 10 ps3 games (gow1&2 among them), a lot of hd movies (hd720), saves data for over 35 ps3 games. And I still a lot of space to spare. Still, if I were you, I'd go for the 500gb, who cares if I'm gonna use them or not, I might someday...
@nathanuc1988 I'm planning to stick with retail except for PSN only games (like Journey & PSOne Classics). I use my computer for music and I hardly watch movies. I have to say, I'm strongly considering the bundle with Playstation Plus for one year just because of the deals they give on there. I'll definitely bookmark this page to refer back to the games you listed!
@Splat All of these prices are from Amazon, so idk.
*Splat Whoa, nice! If I had the money to buy one right now, I would totally buy that it. Let's hope they will have it in stock (and the same price) in the coming months.
Topic: Needing advice for buying a PS3
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