
Topic: PS3 Games with Good Stories?

Posts 1 to 20 of 22


exclusives:  Heavy Rain
and while there's hardly a story at all, Demon's Souls still engrossed me with it's atmosphere.  It's a very compelling RPG, IMO.

non-exclusives:  Dragon Age Origins, Red Dead Redemption, and I just got Aliens Vs. Predator for Christmas -- that game got mediocre reviews, but I'm finding playing the three campaigns in parallel is actually pretty interesting, and for me playing as a human marine is more frightening than the experience in Dead Space.  I think the game's production values are surprisingly good.



exclusives:  Heavy Rain
and while there's hardly a story at all, Demon's Souls still engrossed me with it's atmosphere.  It's a very compelling RPG, IMO.

Why do I keep forgetting about Heavy Rain? And Demon's Souls' atmosphere is the reason I need it so badly. Someone else brought up Uncharted, I recall. My brother might like that.

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


@Mickey... Uncharted is basically playing through a new Indy film. The story is excellent with extremely lifelike characters, which is why the series is held to such high praise.

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Well, maybe you forgot Heavy Rain, but how could I forget the Uncharted games?  LOL  Each game has both a good story and great game play.



Ah, inFamous is another game my brother might like. Maybe God of War, too. I'm already interested in FlOwers and 3D Dot Heroes. Wait, whatabout the PS3 Ratchet & Clank games? The PS2 R&Cs always had great stories.

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


I've played a couple of levels of Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction, and it was pretty damn good. It has almost Pixar-like visuals and voice acting.

I literally just beat the first Uncharted not 30 minutes before typing this, and I gotta say... Wow. One of the best games I've ever played with an equally-good story to match. Get it.

"Where are all the Sour Patch Parents?"


You HAVE to play Heavy Rain if you are looking for a game with a story.  And - bonus - not only does it support the move, it actually plays much BETTER with it.



Yakuza 3 has an amazing story if you like Grand Theft Auto and games made by the Japanese (yakuza is what came after shenmue and shares many of its gameplay themes)

Same as always. All bark, and no bite!


My top 10 games with good stories on ps3:
10.God of War 3
9. Mirrors Edge
8. Vanquish
7. Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time
6. Bioshock
5. FEAR 2
4. White Knight Chronicals
3. Bayonetta
2. Final Fantasy 13
1. Heavy Rain - just avoid spoilers at all cost or it is ruined

Probably not a list that will get me much popularity, but that's my list. Full explanation of each if needed.

To save our Mother Earth from any alien attack
From vicious giant insects who have once again come back
We'll unleash all our forces we won't cut them any slack
The EDF deploys!!


My top 10 games with good stories on ps3:
10.God of War 3
9. Mirrors Edge
8. Vanquish
7. Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time
6. Bioshock
5. FEAR 2
4. White Knight Chronicals
3. Bayonetta
2. Final Fantasy 13
1. Heavy Rain - just avoid spoilers at all cost or it is ruined

Probably not a list that will get me much popularity, but that's my list. Full explanation of each if needed.

10 - Main dude aside, I could see that
9 - I felt the story was disappointing, but to each their own.
8 - LOL WUT? I've watched letsplays of this, and I cannot believe the story is anything but abysmal. Explain plz.
7 - I hope you're right. It's a series with a good track record.
6 - Agreed, but deserves a higher spot, IMO. Like, on the top. Explain how it doesn't deserve that spot.
5 - Agreed, splendid story
4 - You'll have to explain this one. I've heard loads of complaints about the story here. Along with everything else about it.
3 - If you could comprehend that clusterf***...well, more power to you.
2 - Agreed, but I wouldn't place it that high. Plz explain.
1. - I've already heard numerous times how good the story is here. I think I'll trust you on that.

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


My top 10 games with good stories on ps3:
10.God of War 3
9. Mirrors Edge
8. Vanquish
7. Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time
6. Bioshock
5. FEAR 2
4. White Knight Chronicals
3. Bayonetta
2. Final Fantasy 13
1. Heavy Rain - just avoid spoilers at all cost or it is ruined

Probably not a list that will get me much popularity, but that's my list. Full explanation of each if needed.

10 - Main dude aside, I could see that
9 - I felt the story was disappointing, but to each their own.
8 - LOL WUT? I've watched letsplays of this, and I cannot believe the story is anything but abysmal. Explain plz.
7 - I hope you're right. It's a series with a good track record.
6 - Agreed, but deserves a higher spot, IMO. Like, on the top. Explain how it doesn't deserve that spot.
5 - Agreed, splendid story
4 - You'll have to explain this one. I've heard loads of complaints about the story here. Along with everything else about it.
3 - If you could comprehend that clusterf***...well, more power to you.
2 - Agreed, but I wouldn't place it that high. Plz explain.
1. - I've already heard numerous times how good the story is here. I think I'll trust you on that.

8- The gameplay + minimalistic story is refreshing imo. I liked the contrast between the two main characters (I did however forget their names lol). In the end, I loved the twist and look forward to seeing how it really ends if ever a sequel is made.
6- Honestly, I didn't start to appreciate the story until pretty late into the game. When I first played it, I got about 2 hours in and didn't play it for over two months until finally getting back to it. I really enjoyed it near the end, but with such a dull beginning I felt 6 was appropriate.
4- White Knights is definitely a "generic" story idea... princess needs to be rescued.. yada yada. What really makes up for that is the characters and event twists laid out in the story. My only real "problem" was how the evil guy always escaped with the princess so easily. That was just silly.
3- Lol, it did take me 2 play-throughs to understand it all Spectacular game though
2- I absolutely loved FF13. While the story was really easy, it's just a step closer to making a solid FF movie haha. The character, environments, mood, and atmosphere were all very well put together. I know it received iffy reviews, but it is my personal favorite FF (NOTE: I've only played 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 13, Dysidia, and 14).
1- It is excellent, again though, try not to read about it anywhere lol. I got it on launch day and read a massive spoiler on accident via twitter about halfway through...

To save our Mother Earth from any alien attack
From vicious giant insects who have once again come back
We'll unleash all our forces we won't cut them any slack
The EDF deploys!!


I didn't have time to run into spoilers for Heavy Rain...preordered it and I don't recall turning my PS3 off between getting the game and beating it.

I've seriously never been more engaged in a game experience in my entire life, maybe save for the first 6 hours of FF VII....that night was unbelievable for me.

-Swerd Murd

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I've never played Heavy Rain, but I watched a let's play of the entire game on a trip once because I heard it was good, and at the time I had no intentions of getting a PS3 xD

The story was amazing, and it would be better if I was controllin the characters. But yeah, hate spoilerness. I was looking up a quote for one game that I found funny, and saw something that ruined the entire game for me :/

[15:36] Corbs: Vita rules - 3DS drools!

zezloggery | i haz youtube | PSN ID: zezhyrule

[23:11] Phoen...


WOW-I just realized not one person has listed Metal Gear Solid 4!

I actually completely forgot about that.. I haven't played it in well over a year lol. I put that as new #3

To save our Mother Earth from any alien attack
From vicious giant insects who have once again come back
We'll unleash all our forces we won't cut them any slack
The EDF deploys!!


White Knight Chronicles is not a good story. It's a really good *game*, but the story is poor.

Good stories on the PS3 (exclusive or otherwise) that I play and enjoy:

Dragon Age Origins
Final Fantasy XIII
Star Ocean IV
Dante's Inferno (Hey, it's a better story and setting than God of War)
Nier - I can only assume no one else here has played Neir, because by far and away that game's plot is the compelling reason to play it.

[Edited by Bankai]


There aren't many. Resistance: Fall of Man is pretty good, especially considering it is a shooter. Another good one is Bioshock. Despite being not an exclusive and featuring a rather weak plot, the atmosphere is priceless.

I disagree with many popular choices: MGS4 is pretty much a convoluted mess, whereas there are plenty of plot holes in Heavy Rain. Story wise, neither are any good. That said, MGS4 is an excellent game and, although I didn't liked Heavy Rain, I recommend it as it is an experience like no other.



I replayed chapters in heavy rain so id get the best ending, the only plot holes are the ones you miss out on yourself.

Same as always. All bark, and no bite!

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