Hey guys! Quick question...I heard that Ubisoft was considering bringing Rayman Legends to all the systems and not just the WiiU versions that's been advertised, but I've been reading the term WiiU exclusive too often with it. Does anyone know if this has been confirmed?
I think this would be a grave mistake by Ubisoft. I know the controls for the WiiU lend itself to this kind of game, but for how popular and critically acclaimed it was, I think it would be ridiculous to isolate your fanbase.
I can think of games that went from exclusive to multiplatform (bioshock) and companies that left one platform for another (Square from Nintendo to Sony), but I can't think of many (if any) successful games that go from multi to one system.
Then I guess you're only option is to hope for a port. They did say they might bring it to other platforms, but other than that nothing is confirmed. It's exclusive to the Wii U and that may or may not change.
Wii U's pretty cheap, PS4 will probably cost twice as much. Just buy a Wii U now and a PS4 a couple years after it's released. You probably would spend just as much that way as you would getting the PS4 on launch.
A) I never said anything about getting a ps4 at launch. I'd probably wait for a price drop there too. I don't really have hundreds of dollars to drop on a video game system right now.
B) regardless, the real thought is that I get exclusives. it's part of the reason why someone buys a certain system over the others. But I don't get turning a successful multiplatform series into an exclusive afterwards. Imagine if batman arkham asylum was on all three systems, and then arkham city was only on wiiU. That's how I feel. Or even in actual terms if they ripped off the ps3 users and only put it on Xbox or vice versa. I just don't think it seems like such a wise move. Although, I guess rayman origins wasn't nearly as popular as arkham city - for different reasons, I think it should have been.
Yeah, Rayman Origins didn't sell very well. Ignoring any behind the scenes deal that Nintendo and Ubisoft might have, you should realize that Rayman Legends is a bright spot on the Wii U's launch line up. It's competing with Mario and ZombiU so no, it won't be the one title everyone picks up with the Wii U but it should fair much better against those two than against the massive line up on the other consoles. Part of the reason why Origins didn't sell much is because of all the other games being released at the same time.
Ubisoft said Rayman Legends will be a Wii U exclusive. They said that it would be possible with Smartglass/ Vita PS3 Crossplay. But those both require two console purchases, while the Wii U has the same thing right out of the box. Makes it more accessible to people with not as much cash to get two consoles.
Games I'm playing currently: Legend of Zelda: A Link Betweeen Worlds, Tearaway
Games I'm excited for: Super Mario 3D World, Super Smash Bros. 4, Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, Mario Kart 8
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Topic: Rayman Legends
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