
Topic: Would now be a horrible time to get a PS3

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its never a bad time to get the best PlayStation ever made. The OG fat PS3 should be worth more than a PS5.



@DarriusBanjo1998 I agree with everything @RogerRoger said. Once Sony got back on track during that generation, it was a great time to be a PlayStation fan. Some fantastic games on there. I don't use mine regularly since I found it in the basement several months ago, but I do have it hooked up and will gladly go back to it from time to time whenever I get the opportunity to either finish some games I never did or play the occasional game I missed.

As long as it's in good shape and it's reasonably priced, I would have no issue with getting it. Even if you are like me and don't end up using it regularly, it still should be a solid investment given the amount go great games on it.

PSN ID/Xbox Live Gamertag: KilloWertz
Switch Friend Code: SW-6448-2688-7386


It’s the perfect time when you consider how cheap most PS3 games go for.


PSN: Bentleyma-


What’s the point of this topic? Did I miss something ps3 related?



The PS3 is old, slow and has poorly maintained servers. At this point at only get one if you have a desire to play a specific exclusive game.

It’s a retro system and will only continue to deteriorate so waiting isn’t going to make the situation better.



@Arnna Server problems, people having to make multiple attempts to re-download games.



@Ryall ps3 is still the only playstation that can play ps1/2/3 games on it

edit: with a disc!

[Edited by nomither6]



@nomither6 Somewhat true. PS1 emulation is spotty at best.



@Ryall I’m honesty staggered that the servers even still exist in 2023!



I use my PS3 to play PS1 games



@Mikey856 And that’s great. But many games do not run in a barely functional way let alone properly.
X-men Children Of The Atom
Muppet Racing
Bishi Bashi Special
Guilty Gear
Marvel Superheroes
Are a few I can think of right now.



@nomither6 Only the 60GB PlayStation 3 plays PS2 games I think, and they're probably pretty hard to get I would think. When mine died Sony couldn't even replace it and had to offer me a 120GB instead, which gave me more space but meant I could no longer player PS2 games.




Never too late to play PS3 on this year 2023.
I bought PS3 Slim 320 GB late December 2019 and still playing and keep collecting PS3 games I have never played before.
Currently my PS3 games collection = 61 games.
Go get the PS3 Slim model with size at least 320 GB and enjoy the games.



I bought a used Super Slim 500 GB in 2019 alongside a brand new copy of Metal Gear Solid: The Legacy Collection.
And I loved it.
It was the very first home console I ever actually owned (most of the time, I just got to borrow from my uncle's PS1 and PS2 as a kid). And I bought it specifically because I wanted to get into the Metal Gear games, which I keep hearing great things about. The PS3 was the only console where all mainline Kojima games could be played in one place.

Thanks to hacks, I even got to enjoy some delisted games. And I do hope to buy more legit physical PS3 games since I never bought one again, because I am quite poor.

Emulation and preservation advocate. Tails fan.
The 3DS looks best with the 3D Slider set to Full.
Metal Gear will never die.
Healing through content creation.
Regularly watches films in 35mm at the cinema.
#SonicMovieSweep #GhibliSweep #MiyazakiSweep


RogerRoger wrote:

@Hydra_Spectre Of course you loved it, you used it to play some of the greatest games ever made! That fact, that it's (currently) the only console you can play the entire canon Metal Gear series on, will forever make the PS3 an important piece of hardware to treasure.
Also, completely unrelated, but your taste in Sonic characters is equally excellent!

Thank you.

Emulation and preservation advocate. Tails fan.
The 3DS looks best with the 3D Slider set to Full.
Metal Gear will never die.
Healing through content creation.
Regularly watches films in 35mm at the cinema.
#SonicMovieSweep #GhibliSweep #MiyazakiSweep


If you want to play the games it has, it's never a bad time to buy it. It's just a matter of income and time. What makes you think it could be terrible? Maybe we misunderstand why you are asking?


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