
Topic: Overwatch - OT

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@Tasuki bit rough too say that after surely what was only a couple of matches?


PSN: bbtothe


@bbtothe The problem is the design right on the first capture the defending team can set up a Reinhardt, Bastion, Torbjorn and Symmetry literally right on the capture point. Once they do there is no way to get them out of it. Every match has been won that way.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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PSN: Tasuki3711


@Tasuki Hmmm I see. Will be trying it out tonight for sure. Maybe a good junkrat or dva bomb could counter that (havent seen what your talking about yet)


PSN: bbtothe


@bbtothe That's what I was thinking, but still if that's the only way a map shouldn't be designed that you can only win with a certain Ultimate. I could see maybe Zarya's ultimate working as well but only if your team follows up.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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PSN: Tasuki3711


@Tasuki I think there are a large number of capture point maps that really come down to correct ult usage to win (2nd point Temple of Anubis & 2nd point Eichenwalde come to mind), but they both are 2nd points, whereas your saying this is the 1st so is it more attacker advantage? Maybe a EMP or Mei ult also? Keen to check it out in a few hours


PSN: bbtothe


@bbtothe The only problem I see with D.Va's is Reinhardt's shield he could if positioned right can totally block it. Sombra might but does EMP make it so Bastion and Torb's turrets not fire.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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PSN: Tasuki3711


@Tasuki Yeah I was thinking about his shield too after I posted. I'm not 100% of torbs torrent but I'm fairly sure EMP will disable it and it defiantly flips bastion back into recon mode


PSN: bbtothe


@Tasuki Yeah she needs a coordinated team to be effective thats for sure. Patching now!


PSN: bbtothe


@bbtothe Yeah as much as I like Sombra and find her hack ability alot of fun I just don't do well with her and feel like I am more of a hindrance to the team. I vary who I play depending on what the team composition is. But for the most part my mains are Zenyatta, Reaper, Junkrat, and Zarya.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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PSN: Tasuki3711


@Tasuki that shows how interesting the game really is. I've played like 10-15 hours so far (pretty new at it) and I've only played one of those characters you mentioned (reaper) and only for like 15 minutes.



@ztpayne7 I honestly think the timer on how long you play the characters is broken or bugged. I feel that some of them should be higher then what I have especially Lucio. But I don't know if the time counts actually play time, like loading screens, and skirmish battles don't count or something or what.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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PSN: Tasuki3711


@Tasuki I think the timer originally defaulted to one mode of play. For example, my career profile gave quickplay stats by default (not sure if it would default to competitive if you've played that or what not). yesterdays patch included a bunch of ui improvements, including it being "all game modes" as default. It also separates hero damage and barrier damage



So Doomfist has been announced and is playable on the PC test servers. I haven't had a chance to watch any gameplay of him just saw his video introduction.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

PSN: Tasuki3711


Watched some gameplay and he is just the hero I wanted my golden weapon in the end of the season will be Doomfist


PSN: AFCC_13 | X:


To me that Rising Uppercut move feels kinda uninspired since is a rip-off of Ryu's Shoryuken.

[Edited by WanderingBullet]

Huntin' monsters erryday.


I really want Blizzard to poke some fun at Terry Crews by releasing a voice line or emote for Doomfist called Crews'in for a bruising XD


PSN: ScarySim6 | X:

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