I forgot all about this game until I saw the release date announcement now for September 11th. I re-watched the trailer. I might jump in at the right price point.
Never heard of it.
After watching the trailer I think I would echo @RogerRoger ‘s sentiment.
Of course, I hate Minecraft, so pretty sure I’m not the target audience.
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
I'm not big on minecraft, but something about exploration always intrigues me. Although I'm one of the few who liked No Mans Sky even before the updates. It did enough for me. This one I'll wait and see.
@Elodin Oh, I really love exploration as well. I didn’t take to NMS; I liked it alright for the first 10 hrs or so, then lost interest. I will be trying NEXT when I get some time, but in addition to exploration, I need some variation and integrative gameplay as well. I need to feel some degree of progression and purpose to my exploration. Just rummaging around and building things for the sake of making things doesn’t appeal nearly as much as searching and exploring to find a treasure of some sort that will advance a plot or give a reward to use somehow. I’m not an artist, I suppose, who just wants to make something so he can look at it. Now it it is to make something that other people can see and use, then that appeals a little more, so perhaps this game would be better than Minecraft (which I know your creations in Minecraft have a purpose and can be shared, but still, there is a significant lack of overarching narrative or purpose). Dreams appeals to me a little bit, because of the sheer possibilities it holds and that there is actual varied gameplay possible. Creation tools will be there to build and shape things, but with a goal in mind to have a game to share.
This game appears to check some of the boxes of being innovative and varied enough to be enjoyable, but like @RogerRoger said, something in the trailer just didn’t quite seem attractive to me, unlike Dreams or even NMS, which pull me in a lot more. Maybe it’s the art style that is a turn off to me. I think that’s part of it.
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
I have this game and I am ADDICTED to it. I agree the trailer is bad and it turned me off as well.
That being said... the game has literally everything. The crafting is fun and challenging, and obtainable by anyone. The community is supportive and friendly. The devs listen and act when the community speaks up. The economy is player based and it fluctuates. There are, I think either 52 or 56 planets to explore of 6 levels of difficulty. You develop your character and build it to suit your needs depending on how you want to play the game. Also, unlike any other MMO I’ve played, they release new content about every two weeks. The newest update is happening this week... they are introducing guilds.
I would recommend this game to anyone. It’s also cross platform with PC.
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