
Topic: Dreams beta

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I have been playing around with the Dreams beta and come to realize that I am a terrible artist. The game is complicated, but in a good way. What I mean is, yes you can be simple and lay shapes down and adjust sizes and colors, but to make it look good you have to dig deeper into the tool set. It definitely has a learning curve. Like most things, you slowly pick up more as you play more. For me though even with knowing a bit more, my stuff comes out more like Jackson Pollock and less like Michelangelo. When I dream surf, there are some amazing artists though, so don't let my difficulties discourage anyone.

I have just started into the music side of things and the tool set there is fantastic. Once again, the deeper you go down the rabbit hole the more detailed you can get. While I will slow get better, Im sure I'll be more of a dream surfer then creator.

[Edited by Elodin]



@Elodin I’m really interested to read your impressions of the beta. I have been excited to see what the average user experience will be like. I wonder if the game will be worth the price of admission to just be used as a dream surfer. I think I can possibly summon some creative ideas of my own, but I’m not sure if I have the patience to delve deep enough to make them a reality. I am curious to see what the community creates though. ....Kinda similar to the recent screenshot competition we had. I’m not confident enough in my creative and artistic capabilities, but I enjoy seeing what everyone else came up with.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution I have been waiting for this game for years. I think the idea of it is great. So far the execution is well done. There is so much to learn, but you can baby step your way in. They have beginner and intermediate tutorials that are well done. You can work in the tutorial while a small video screen plays the tutorial on the side. I have referred to them a lot. Each video shows a part of dreams, be it sculpting, music,animation and so on.

My biggest frustration is not knowing if there is a quicker/better way to do something. For example I made some mountain scene with a bonfire at the base near a cave opening. I am quite proud of my fire. I did borrow sound from Mm creations to get the crackling sound, but everything else was my own and It actually looked like a decent fire with movement and even the heatwave above the fire. The frustration came from thinking I want snow capped mountains but I couldn't figure out how to only color part of the mountain so I made white triangles for each mountain top. Needless to say, it took awhile to align each triangle on each mountain top. With effects and blur though it turned out ok.

Dream surfing will be a viable purchase reason based on what I've seen, just from the limited beta users. While not many games are made yet, I see many in the works, and great art overall. As I have more time over the holidays I will do more exploring, although my daughter will be wanting to play her Sims pets expansion too. Maybe I'll just make her a sims pet in Dreams 😉. If you want me to check on something just let me know.

[Edited by Elodin]



@Elodin Shouldn't there be a brush or spray function you can use to cover the top of the mountains? Like the ones you use in Paint basically. I imagine that's standard colouring stuff, I could be wrong though!



@Octane That's what I thought, but couldn't find it or maybe I had the wrong configuration like set to group or something. I'm sure it's a simple thing, which is what led to my frustration. Im sure there will be plenty of "how to" YouTube videos when the game comes out.



@Elodin Yeah, I'm sure of that. And maybe it's very obvious, but the icon isn't what you expect it to be or something like that.

Anyway, I was wondering, is there anything like cloth/rope physics in the game? And in regards to the thermometer, is there a lot you can build in a single level?



@Octane As far as I can tell you can create any object and tie it to a certain movement or gravity if that's what you meant by cloth and ropes.
As far as the thermometer, I will have to test it. From what I can tell so far there are some pretty elaborate dreams with plenty of "thermometer "space to go.



@Elodin Yeah, I'm just wondering what the limitations are. How far can you push it before it won't run smoothly anymore. Like big open spaces, I don't expect giant open worlds, but is it possible to make a small city, etc.

I hope I get an invite in January.



@get2sammyb So what has Sony done to stop porn from filling up Dreams?



@Jaz007 Not letting me in the beta obviously.



@Jaz007 Yeah, I wonder how the ESRB will even be able to rate this game. Obviously there will be M rated stuff made out there and it will be difficult to control. Many games place a rating on the existing content out of the box (for Dreams that will probably be an “E” rating based on what I see) and then place the disclaimer “online content not rated” — kind of a “play at your own risk” type of disclaimer. That typically just covers them for all the F-bombs and slurs dropped by other players in multiplayer games. This game is so different and we have nothing like it out there. I’m sure the really severe content will be monitored by mods, just like having content watched for copyright infringements.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”

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