
Topic: Future firmware ideas list.

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Hey guys, some of you might know that Sony of America have a site called Share Blog. It's a site that collects ideas that people have submitted to improve the PlayStation experience. And while I have some ideas myself, I want to give you guys to submit your ideas. After a week of this been posted, I'll send a series a messages to Share Blog to ensure that your ideas and voices are heard. Of course there's no guarantees but as my mam would "You never ask? You never get"
Be lucky.




I'd like for the ps4 to have notifications when other friends come online.



I think things work ok, there are obviously problems being addressed tomorrow (i.e. 15 most recently used items), however...

Friend online notifications - wholly agree with this.

Media server support would be great - PS3 did this well with my home media server setup (Plex)

Ability to appear offline (Just because sometimes I want to play a single player game in peace - has this been announced? I seem to remember something. But still!)

- these are the first few things that spring to mind to me.



definitely agree with the notifications for friends coming online/going offline - i miss those a lot
movie playback would be nice, since the ps3 has it, it seems a shame and a step backwards with the ps4 lacking that feature, but it's still a 'new' console so who knows
communication between ps3/ps4 systems would be nice, since at the moment ps3 users see ps4 users as constantly offline



Also, sorry - remote play-to-Vita for videos/music could be a good one.

Edit - in fact, capitalising on the PS4's success to push Vita (and PS TV) functionality for the various apps on PS4 could work wonders.

[Edited by IanCognito]



Add the Vita store in PS4 store (I am sort of surprised it was not included at launch)

Media Player with subtitle support (mp4, mkv and avi)

Friend notifications

Ability to sort the game icons as I want with custom folders etc.



Thanks for the suggestions guys, keep them coming and I'll add themto the list.




I want all the features the PS3 had which PS4 lacks (video playing, folders, vita content management) plus external HD support....... I think external HD support is the biggest feature Xbox has that PS4 doesn't and can become a big issue down the road if Sony does not implement it (those 500 GB are not going to cut it with next gen file sizes and mandatory installs)

PSN: Fertheseeker


so since updating to 2.0 i can't connect to multiplayer in ANY game, my X1 is working fine online.




* Notifications when friends are on (and the ability to chose which ones so we don't get spammed constantly).
* Play our own music over games.
* A steady supply of themes.
* Folders (even Nintendo have them and how slow are they?).
* Ability to create our own themes (even if it's just a photo for wallpaper).
* Signed promise that Crash Bandicoot will never be brought back from the darkest pits of Hell he currently resides in.

[Edited by rastamadeus]

"Oh smeg. What the smegging smegs he smegging done? He's smegging killed me."

PSN: Rastamadeus | Twitter:


Anyone else think there should be a Spotify Premium app on the Store?



Crunchyroll, a snap-like system and more media center support.


PSN: Baircade | Twitter:


Facebook notification when a trophy has been achieved like with the PS3?
Logitech Steering wheels to work on driving games?

Sorry in advance if these have been suggested before!



* A steady supply of themes.
* Folders (even Nintendo have them and how slow are they?).
* Ability to create our own themes (even if it's just a photo for wallpaper)

Good point well made!

Also a section within the store which has Avatars and Themes?



Thank you everyone for your suggestions, as promised I will send over your ideas to Sony's Share Blog. Of course some might have already written something similar on there but it's worth trying, apparently support for 3D blu ray happened cos of Share Blog, so if nothing else it allows some members of Push Square's community's (a community I have a lot of time and respect for) voice to be heard.




Would like to see-
Friend online notifications
Folders for games etc
Stats on how many hours spent on games etc
More options for blu Ray player



I think External HDD support should be added as a matter of urgency. I know the internal can be upgraded but its not the easiest method of increasing your storage capacity. Its also more expensive per GB to buy as well and limited to just 2GB (I believe at the moment because of the size of the internal drives)

I wouldn't mind seeing the power down options as a 'setting' option which sets your preferred method as a default so that when you turn off it always powers down to your preferred setting whether that's a full power down or into a standby mode. Not necessarily a major issue but would be more convenient and easier. I have occasionally skipped past my preferred full power down option and gone into 'standby' by mistake so had to power my console back up to shut it down properly and can see others doing the same or shutting down when they meant to go into standby.

The only other thing I can think of at the moment would be a way to organise the games on my home page. I wouldn't mind seeing the 'downloaded' games kept together (maybe in a folder/icon?? organised alphabetically or most recently used/acquired) with the only disc based game displayed as the one in the drive. I only use my PS4 for gaming and see no point in having other 'apps' displayed. I think they should be displayed if you use them but if not then don't show them. Its not as if they can't be found if you want to use them! I often have icons for things I haven't used, games not currently in the drive and the few downloaded games are missing as well. It may seem a bit like pinning tiles (like XB1 uses) but I would prefer to be able to select what apps get shown and quicker access to the games I have available (those on disc but not in the drive are not currently available as you need to put the disc in to play - if that makes sense).

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

PSN: TaimeDowne


Offline trophy support.
Those annoying notices at the bottom of the screen darkening the wallpaper telling you to connect to the internet even if you take the connect to the internet tick off.
Fix the annoying issue that causes my controllers to disconnect without reason then flash white and refuse to connect even after being put into rest mode.
Fix the issue where when the above happens and you try and reset the machine to fix it using voice commands and it only shows the rest mode voice command and refuses to respond to "turn of PS4".
Disc based backwards compatibility with PS1 and 2


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