I know everyone is probably tired about praising this game, but wow the level design is INCREDIBLE.
Just wow. After a major story sequence I literally just sat there for about 5 mins and put the world together. The last time I did that was the original Dark Souls, which imo has the best world design ever.
The world actually feels like it evolved and changed over the years, rather than being stuck in one present moment.
The sense of discovery is just awesome.
Lives, Lived, Will Live.
Dies, Died, Will Die.
If we could perceive time for what it really was,
What reason would Grammar Professors have to get out of bed?- Robert & Rosalind Lutece
@KratosMD Actually i think that IS that the main purpose of the spoiler thread. It's not called The Story Only Spoiler Thread. Moaning that the game was spoiled for you by going into a spoiler thread is a bit daft. I appreciate you have finished the game and all, but is is a spoiler thread ffs.
Any way thanks for the heads up, i will be avoiding that thread until I've finished with the game.
@Fight_Teza_Fight Glad you are enjoying it still. It still continues to surprise me. I did think the combat might get samey but there is enough to unlock to keep it feeling fresh.
Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.
@KratosMD Righty oh you have made your point, no need to be so aggressive over it.
I still think you are being niave in think only certain elements will not be spoiled on a spoiler thread.
I wasn't telling you where to post stuff, simply pointing out what i thought one of the reasons behind creating spoiler thread. Sorry if it came across that way.
Anyway I'm gonna leave it there on this, I'm sure people are getting fed up with all this.
One thing i will say is that I've noticed you been this way with a few people on here and it can be quite intimidating being relatively new around here.
@JohnnyShoulder I do think its difficult to keep all posts in relation to 'spoilers' in the spoiler thread. The purpose of a Spoiler thread is to discuss 'anything' openly and freely without having to use 'spoiler' blocks. However, unless you have totally beaten the story, then its unfair to expect someone to go to a spoiler thread to discuss other aspects - such as game-play hints or tips. It may well be 'spoiler' for some who have yet to reach a certain point BUT you can't expect them to go to a 'spoiler thread' either and potentially have half their experience spoiled too.
Just so I don't accidentally spoil this game, you wouldn't be asking openly how to beat say an end of level 8 'boss' in non-spoiler thread in case it ruins it for those yet to play or only on levels 1-7 but you can't go to the spoiler thread and ask in case you see details on level 9+ and what happens at the end of the game/story either and have that spoiled for you.
Games that also have side-quests and activities that can be completed before or after the end of the story may also have some 'spoiler' that relates back to characters in the game too. Its not fair to insist that everyone goes to a 'spoiler' thread because they may well have some content spoiled unless they have 100% completed everything - even then with 'secret' endings - they could still have things 'spoiled'.
In these cases, if the person doesn't feel like they are 'ready' to go to a spoiler thread, then why should they? As much as I too hate seeing big blocks of black, at least they are still being considerate enough to block out potential spoilers for those that aren't as far along as they are.
A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!
Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??
Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...
@KratosMD No problemo, thanks for being so civil about it.
I wasn't offended or anything but i do tend to say it like it is if something annoys me or irks me up the wrong way, even if it is a small thing so I'll try and do better in that respect. @BAMozzy Thanks for explanation, that does makes sense. I wasn't expecting for all spoiler tags to stop, as that would be unreasonable. Ah well, first world probelms and all that
@JohnnyShoulder I hope I explained why we will still see spoiler black blocks in threads - even if we do have dedicated spoiler threads. Spoiler threads are really for those that have finished everything - not just the story either - or for people that really don't mind seeing something about a game they haven't yet reached. Some 'end game' content or even side missions can still have spoilers for some people - they don't want to know what reward or what enemies they may encounter - especially if they haven't encountered these enemy types before. Again to not spoil GoW, if through a campaign you only encountered soldier grunts with end bosses being marines with a variety of heavy weaponry, if a side quest let you have a 'tank' battle, that could be a spoiler. Discussing how to beat that boss could spoil that side quest for someone.
If that's all you have left to do, then fair enough - discussing it in a spoiler thread makes sense but games these days are also not 'linear' with just a single campaign. Side quests and end game content can be spoilers. Some would really hate being told how to beat different stages of a Raid as part of the experience is figuring that out themselves, what comes next etc yet they may have beaten the campaign so a spoiler thread isn't always for those who want to discuss the story.
A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!
Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??
Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...
One thing that they should improve in this game is Kratos stance when not moving. The one used is perfect when enemies are nearby, it really look like a fighting stance, but in this game it happens often that the situation is different, when you explore or try to figure out a puzzle, and it would be a nice touch if Kratos had different stances in those situations. Watching him always in the same pose even in situations where it look less realistic ruins a bit the immersion for me.
Anyway the game is really great. It has a few minor flaws and this one is the worse because it have some impact on the immersion but an absolutely great game anyway
I used to be a ripple user like you, then I took The Arrow in the knee
I feel sorry about Mimir, he keeps wanting to tell a story, but I'm just exploring around the lake, docking at every beach I can find. ''Well, were was I? Ah, I remember, I was going to tell you about...'' docks boat ''Never mind, I'll tell this one another time.''
@KratosMD With post game I mean Muspelheim and Niflheim. I can see myself doing the first one, that's pretty straight forward. But the second one? How am I ever going to collect thousands of those Mist Echoes(?)? Seems like it would take an eternity.
So would it be weird that I if had to describe this game in 10 words or less, the words I'd choose would be "Great Game, but only a good God of War game."?
I'm currently at Lake of Nine and I'd give this game a solid 8/10. Will see if something changes down the line, but so far it seems like many reviewers watched this through rose tinted glasses.
@NecuVise Rose tinted glasses? I'm not sure what you mean by that. If that was the case most reviewers would have not liked it so much as this is a massive change for the series.
And if this is your first time Lake of Nine, yeah I would wait until rating it. Without spoiling it stuff changes and it get better and better the more you can play it.
Such a wonderful game and I will be gutted when it is over.
Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.
Personally, I feel that before they do OT, they need to spend a little more time with their Blocking and Dodging flow. I felt that it was way too slow to respond. I've been 4 days on the Queen Valkyrie with the best gear, and still cant beat her because of the slow blocking and dodging. Also, she bugs out each fight and has powerful and devastating attacks one right after another, not to mention she evades 99% of the time making it almost impossible to track her and know where she is. Fixing the looking speed don't help either. She is literally impossible to take down, and maybe thats the way its suppose to be on Easy Mode, I dont really know. The strat guide i have says its very possible to NOT take damage from her, but this is misleading, because she does this blinding light attack in the air that spans the whole entire battlefield that causes massive damage to you even if you look away from it or try to block or dodge. The only real enjoyment I've gotten from it has been the story line, but not worth the money paid for the game. It was a let down for sure for me. Oh, and btw, all of this has been on Easy Mode. So something went wrong somewhere.
@DeathlyPall I beat the queen on easy mode too. It was a little tough at first, but I beat her in 5 or 6 tries. My advice, complain about it online like you just did, now go back and give it another shot. I'll guarantee that you will beat her, it worked for me as well!
I also think it definitely helps if you played the rest of the game on a higher difficulty than the queen fight. So I can imagine that it seems relatively more difficult if you have played the entire game on easy.
@JohnnyShoulder I want to preface this by saying that I like the game. I can't really find anything negative to say about it. I don't think I'm as high on the story as some people(I think its solid though) and the new Kratos voice is really taking some getting used to for me but these aren't things that are hindering my enjoyment of the game.
From my personal experience with this game and the rest of the franchise, if I'm judging this game on its own merits this a great game. Though if I'm judging it as a God of War game I'd rate it as just good, mainly because the combat for the most part didn't really feel like God of War to me. I'm trying to properly express how I feel about the combat in this game compared to previous games(and I'm probably failing at it) but to me old GoW games had more of an arcade feeling to it and this has more of a simulation feel to it. It's more slow and calculated opposed to loose and hack and slashy. I recently went through the 1st three games again (its weird playing a game and seeing your last save file is from 2014) and I was surprised to see how well the game held up when it came to combat and how great it still felt considering how old the games were.
I'm pretty sure I'm one of 10 people who doesn't straight up hate QTEs and they were one of my favorite parts of the GoW games so there absence along with the absence of combos really disappoints me as well as the absence of combos. Especially when it came to boss battles the QTEs added a nice level of interaction that I felt helped me get even more invested in fights. I will say though, if there is one part of fighting in the new GoW that I enjoy more than the old its the fact that the camera is way better.
I'm not saying the changes they made to the franchise, specifically to the gameply were bad or that they shouldn't have made those changes, I'm just saying that the changes that occured in this ittiration of God of War, made this feel less like a God of War game to me.
Topic: God of War OT
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