
Topic: Is Knack really that bad? (thinking about buying it)

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So I just finished up Need for Speed: Rivals, and I have been eyeing up Knack as my next PS4 purchase. I'm a pretty big fan of platformers, and I was just wondering if Knack is as bad as some of the critical reviews have indicated? What is your opinion of the game thus far, garbage, or a decent purchase?

I remember how everybody panned Sonic: Lost World on the Wii U, but personally, I thought it was a good game. Nothing mind blowing whatsoever, but if you take it for what it is, and not what you want / hyped it up to be, it's nice little title. I kinda have the feeling that Knack might be in a similar situation.



So I just finished up Need for Speed: Rivals, and I have been eyeing up Knack as my next PS4 purchase. I'm a pretty big fan of platformers, and I was just wondering if Knack is as bad as some of the critical reviews have indicated? What is your opinion of the game thus far, garbage, or a decent purchase?

I remember how everybody panned Sonic: Lost World on the Wii U, but personally, I thought it was a good game. Nothing mind blowing whatsoever, but if you take it for what it is, and not what you want / hyped it up to be, it's nice little title. I kinda have the feeling that Knack might be in a similar situation.

I enjoyed Knack more than Puppeteer, Sly Cooper: Thiefs in Time and even Ratchet and Clanck: Nexus. Have no idea why it has so low score on metacritic. Maybe journalists just played different game. Yeah Knack is repetative at some levels, but everything else is pretty good. I think it's great game, and I'll buy sequel day one, no questions asked. There are only 4 epic boss fights, though, but a lot of mini-bosses...  Anyway, you should try it out, one way or another, maybe wait for price drop, if you not sure, or even for free in PS+. One of the best platformers I've ever played. It's not pure platformer, though, more like beat'em up + easy platforming + some very easy to solve puzzles. And I liked Knack as a character, too. Very charming and adorable beast he is.



Thanks for your input, I think I'll pick download it overnight, a decent little title to hold me over until Tomb Raider comes out.



I bought knack a couple days ago and it's very good in my opinion. It could be better but it handles itself very well.


Thanks for your input, I think I'll pick download it overnight, a decent little title to hold me over until Tomb Raider comes out.

Oh, man, I am scared to suggest it to everyone. Because of reviews. Maybe it's just me who like it. Also, it's pretty long like 12-15 hours long. But not sure if you can stick with it for like two weeks =). But it depends on how often you play and if you want to go for platinum.

But like I told before, I think everyone should to try it out. I liked it a lot =).

Also, you can start playing after 4GB download. It took about 30 minutes for me =).



knack is pretty awesome cant see the problem reviewers have with it tbh.




This feedback is encouraging. I considered purchasing this but went with something else instead. A price drop or sale would be really tempting...



Personally I am waiting to rent this game from Gamefly.  I don't think I would want to pay full price for this one but I will defiantly pick it up if it was offered for free for PS+

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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PSN: Tasuki3711


I'll pick it up after a price drop. Some of my favourite games received middling/low review scores.

PSN: KALofKRYPTON (so you can see how often I don't play anything!)

Twitter: @KALofKRYPTON (at your own risk, I don't care if you're offended)

"Fate: Protects fools, little children, and ships named Enterprise." - Cmdr William T. Riker


Actually, I found Knack one of the best launch games on PS4 I played. Just rented it, because I couldn't afford to buy it, but I kept it a week or so, completed it two times and started my 3rd playthrough. Would buy it without hesitation if I stumble upon it in a bargain bin, but I guess it'll be in the IGC soon.

A charming, enjoyable game in the best tradition of 90s jump 'n run platformers...sure hope there'll be a 2nd part.



When i played it (beet it 4 times) it felt like a 90's platformer. I think you should only buy it if you can grab it for $30. I will say on vary hard you will be taking on a challenge.


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