
Topic: Just bought a PS4 and I have questions

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As an owner of a PS3, I had PS+ and over the past year I've been collecting the PS4 games. I've already downloaded a few and now the home page is all cluttered. Are there any folders or is there any way I can at least organize it? There are even stuff there that I won't even use like the playroom and share factory.

How is the Internet Browser? Can I watch Twitch on it or is there a specific app on the ps4?

I also can't seem to view trophies offline? What's up with that?

Thanks for your answers and if there are any general tips you guys want to give, I appreciate it!

I forgot to mention that it came with a $10 PSN card and I'm up for any suggestions on which game to buy!

[Edited by CrispyGoomba]



Sadly there are no folders.  They did an update where they will show the last 15 I think it is apps and the rest can be found under library.

There is no Twitch app not sure if one will be coming or what.

As for viewing trophies offline not sure on that since I am always hooked up to the internet.

Also if you want to exchange your PSN with fellow PS4 owners you can do that right here … d=1012&p=1

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

PSN: Tasuki3711


The only organization is the libary, and the fact that you can make it so only the last 15 applications appear on the normal menu.
The internet browser is alright, not fantastic, but works fine. I think there is a twitch app, and it can watch some videos, but I'm not if you can make if full screen.
I have no idea about the trophys.
I can't really reccomend what to donwnload since you have all the Plus games (unless you want to know what to try out), execpt for the fact that Octodad would probably be worth it if you have someone to replay it with if you catch it on sale.
Edit: General tips, yes there are a few. Adjust power saving settings, that way controlers will turn off after not being used when you want them to, and the PS4 will or won't turn off on you when you do or don't want it to. Adjust the PS4 light bar brightness setting to your preferences. And just look through the setting in general.

[Edited by Jaz007]



Thanks for the quick responses! I've already played Octodad on Steam (great game), but I was looking at Flower or 1001 Spikes and I'm kind of 'meh' on those two. I may just wait for a PSN flash sale and see if anything good comes up. If I think of any more questions, I'll report back.



You can also use the credit towards the purchase of a AAA game as well.  (I did that about a year ago when Injustice was on sale for 35 and got it for 25).

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

PSN: Tasuki3711



I do believe you can view trophies offline, but they're just not going to sync up and show you the latest (I think). I know that I collected 6 new trophies in Far Cry 4 last night, and when I went to view them it attempted to sync up before showing the new trophies. And while it was syncing it still showed the amount I had prior. That's why I would assume you can view them it just won't show the latest that you've earned.

As for the menu, we all share that complaint. Fortunately they did update the system so that it's relegated to just 15 tiles. But yes, all that Playroom/Video Unlimited crap is very annoying, and no it does not allow you to delete them.

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John

PSN: jaxonholden


Thanks for the quick responses! I've already played Octodad on Steam (great game), but I was looking at Flower or 1001 Spikes and I'm kind of 'meh' on those two. I may just wait for a PSN flash sale and see if anything good comes up. If I think of any more questions, I'll report back.

If you've never played it and have an open mind, Flower is a fantastic game.

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