I click on PS Plus and I found a thread about Shadow Fall. Oh well.
The Japanese games do not make it any better for me as I indeed have all three, and I haven't touched any of them. I played KZ 2 and 3 but not the PS4 one. 3 specifically because of the splitscreen.
I will comment in this thread, never being able to find it again.
As the month nears its end, I usually start thinking about what games will be added to the PS Plus IGC for the upcoming month. It’s always kind of exciting, hoping for something good to be revealed. It’s kind of like opening a loot box .... wait, ignore that. I don’t intend to open a debate about PS Plus being a glorified loot box system.
But what I was wondering, since I’ve noticed that a lot of people have actually played MGSV:TTP this month, was what some of the community’s favorite IGC games on PS Plus have been. I have only been a subscriber for a few years but some of my favorite games I played from PS Plus have been Until Dawn, Life is Strange, Brothers: TOTS, Tales from the Borderlands, and Injustice. I had already played Infamous SS and MGSV but these are also top notch offerings. The PS3 era had some really awesome additions, especially toward the end of the generation — Batman Arkham Asylum and City, Tomb Raider, Bioshock Infinite, Uncharted 3, Borderlands 2, Shadow of the Collosus, Yakuza 4 & 5, Rayman Origins .... there were some real heavy hitters given away a couple years ago.
Anyway, I know most people will likely feel that Rocket League was Sony’s best PS Plus offering in recent history, if not of all time, but I actually never got into it. I played it for a little while but didn’t become obsessed like many have.
So what to you think? What are some PS Plus IGC gems that you could recommend over the last few years that might be sitting in our game library that we got but maybe never played?
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
PS Plus's biggest success story must be Rocket League. As for me, I can't remember a single release I've thought was really great (I didn't enjoy RL much myself). That's not to say Plus doesn't have some good releases, just that I tend to buy what I want long before it hits plus. Of course some of the offerings last gen were pretty good, I didn't download a whole heap of them though because of my tiny PS3 hard drive.
I don't expect much from Plus each month in terms of the IGC. Love the discounts, though.
Rocket League was indeed a phenomenal success on PS Plus, and it remains a huge amount of fun. In terms of other PS Plus titles I'd recommend, one I'd definitely mention is Furi, a short, tough, but super satisfying action game. MGSV: The Phantom Pain was obviously a big win for October, and while it's taking me a while to get into it, what's clear is the gameplay is extremely tight, and it's well worth playing.
Invisible Inc. was a good one, too, a moreish stealth strategy game from the makers of Don't Starve.
I'm struggling to remember more, but there have been some really strong PS Plus offerings this year.
@Kidfried I'd be happy with those for sure. I love Worms and Bound always looked interesting. Not the sort of games I'd buy right now given the number of other games fighting for my attention. But sweet!
Topic: PS Plus
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