
Topic: PS Plus Future (The Push Square Way)

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As I assume most of you will be aware, next month's Plus lineup was released and as seems so often the case there's a lot of negativity with even this site having a bit of unpleasantness. So if possible I want to start a different kind of discussion with regards to Plus's future. Let's not forget that the IGC is only part of the package with bigger discounts, free themes, exclusive betas and of course the much maligned (but necessary) online access added in. But is that enough now, are there other ways to make Plus more enticing (aside from the old "less retro indie platformers and more AAA)? Any thoughts?




I don't know how the economics work, but I think Sony can move forward with PlayStation Plus by reducing the selection — I would imagine most subscribers don't care about the PS3 games in particular — and start coveting a better variety. Rocket League was an excellent example of a game that was 'indie', but was still very well received. Super Time Force Ultra, too. The problem with this coming month's lineup is that — with respect to all of the developers involved — it's like they're scraping the bottom of the barrel. There's lots of good stuff on all PlayStation platforms, so it really shouldn't be this way.

Of course, the other issue for them is that they set a precedent during the PS3 era that PS Plus was frankly insane value, and sadly they're not living up to that now. Some of that is understandable — the PS4 is still relatively new — but they have to manage this situation. They're not going to do that with Chariot and Kung Fu Rabbit...

[Edited by get2sammyb]


they have to go back to the previous format where there were evergreen, if they gave three huge AAA games per year that stay there the whole year like they did before, people wouldn't be so mad that the monthly offerings are always indies

PSN: Fertheseeker


Sony are is a difficult position here. As @get2sammyb says, during the launch on PS3 it was brilliant but now PS+ is a must if you want to go online then you need it. Lets take the example which a lot have been talking about and dropping the PS3 or PS Vita titles. There are still a lot of players who still use these consoles and I should imagine it will no go in Sony's favour if they do that.
@DualWielding Is right - 3 huge AAA titles a year would be great again.
Another point is that we do not know how it works behind the scenes. Obviously it is easier for them to go to an indie company and present an offer as getting heard in the gaming world is tough. As for AAA publishers they have no issues.


PSN: KratosRisesAgain | Twitter:


Problem is people are comparing PS+ for the PS4 to it for PS3.

For PS3 you didn't need it for online play, so Sony had to do something to entice people to get it, what better way to do so then with free games.

For PS4, you need it to play online and with so many heavy hitters like Starwars Battlefront, GTA Online and fan favorites like Battlefield and CoD people are going to get PS+ for the online reason alone so really they don't have to try as hard to get people to buy PS+.

Honestly I enjoy PS+ if nothing more for the discounts on games that they give. I have bought so many games due to that that I probably wouldn't have digitally wise.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

PSN: Tasuki3711


I wouldn't drop titles for PS3 or Vita because you only anger that user base. It's worth bearing in mind that a lot of games on Plus are "crossbuy" titles. I think Sony do that because it offers more value per platform. Clearly publishers have gotten savvy with deals like this, so it would probably cost Sony a lot more now. And Sony probably feel that the money is best spent elsewhere.




@adf86: Your right - we often forget about the discounts. I bought ff4,7 and 8 for £12 one month and infamous last month for £11.

I always compare, Sony had some of the biggest games as ps plus games and now its lacklustre in comparison. Or so I thought....
I checked my library and have enjoyed 14 games from psplus since December 2014. £40 / 14 = £2.80 per game and I still have 2 months to run. That's good value.

Forum Best Game of All Time Awards

PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7

PSN: mc_noisy


If I get a ps4 is PS plus a good thing or a bad thing to have.Also why can they put PS one games on plus the ones that do not sell well.




@andrew20: Well if you want to be able to play online multiplayer games on your PS4 then you will need to have PS+. Other then that I think it's worth it. I mean the discounts you get on games is worth it for me and even the free monthly games are nice most of the time.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

PSN: Tasuki3711


Should I wait until ratchet of make plans tearaway better with the PS camera or not.



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