I appreciate there are active threads on both VR and Pro, but I'm hoping this will be of use to people like me who can afford to buy one but not both, and have no idea which to get.
The thought of VR blows my mind but I haven't had a chance to try it yet and I'm far from convinced that there will be a decent selection of quality games coming out during the launch window, or that it will be more than an expensive novelty. But but but... it also feels like the future.
Pro gets me excited on the technical front and I see myself getting more benefit out of it in the long run, but I don't yet own a 4k TV and won't be getting one until Christmas 2017 in all likelihood. I also plan to buy VR somewhere down the line (but not before a new tv).
So what should I get first? Enjoy VR without the added oomph of Pro, or get in early with Pro before being able to fully utilise it with 4k?
What do you want for your purchase? PS4 Pro is just going to allow you to play the games you have but at least you know you will use it a lot and make use of it.
If you get PSVR, don't expect to play it that much. So really you're investing in an idea and concept which I doubt you'd get that much use of initially.
Unless your PS4 is on it's last legs, I'd say go with PSVR as it's a new way to play. Do you really need to get a new PS4 with slightly better graphics?
I'd wait and see what is better once they've both bedded in, it's what I'm doing. If you aren't sure, why make a decision now with limited information? Save the cash and get a feel for the user feedback/hardware quality.
@mrobinson91: I don't really know what I want, to be honest- well, both if I'm being really honest! I see Pro as more of an investment as it will allow me to play my current games (hopefully) at better rates and with enhanced graphics, and when I get a 4k tv it'll really come into it's own. But as you say, VR is a new way to play and as an avid gamer that really excites me. Perhaps you've nailed the point there.
@RPE83: Well that would be the sensible move But you're right, I'm not going to dive in without more information; I'm hoping to get some good advice (so far so good in this thread) and read up a lot more over the next month or 2 and then dive in. To be fair, I'm in a win win situation here.
I'd say Pro then you can get PSVR down the line for optimal VR performance, I read in a Pushsquare article that the PSVR is louder than the fan on the regular PS4, do you really want the 2 noise machine's humming away at the same time My missis already complain's about the noise of the PS4 when she's watching TV. You also don't need a 4k tv rto take advantage of the Pro, look at the comparison vid's (if you haven't already) that show the difference the Pro make's on a 1080p.
To be perfectly honest, as I see things, the VR wave of this generation is just another gimmick. The same as accessory based gaming during the PS2/GameCube/Xbox generation. The same as motion based gaming last generation and the 3D craze as well. It won't replace gaming with a controller in your hands sitting down on the couch. These days, no one games with a dance pad or an imitation guitar or drum set. No one games with 3D glasses on the PS3 or an Xbox 360. To be honest, unless you don't have a PS4 yet, save your money and buy the upcoming PS4 Slim. Don't waste your money buying a 4KTV as it will need to be at LEAST 50" big, and to see the necessary details, you'll have to sit within 3-4 feet of the screen to see the real difference. Just a tech's opinion here.
Sitting in the silence... Everlasting night breeze...
Kurasugite mienai dake sa... ...
Sitting in the silence...
Dream Scape
Personally I have gone with the PS4 Pro. At the same price as the Headset, neither are cheap but I won't need to spend 'extra' on games or accessories (like the camera and move controllers) as my library of games will be instantly playable. To me VR is interesting but its still a long way from delivering the level of experiences found in non-VR gaming.
Very few of the VR games launching actually appeal to me. Its telling that a couple of the 'best' are Batman which sees you putting on a Batsuit and analysing static crime scenes and Tumble where you stack blocks as high as you can. Some games may well be enhanced by VR - games like Driveclub for example and other games like CoD, RotTR etc have a VR bonus which could be nice.
PS4 Pro though, enhances some games that I already own and will enhance a lot of the games I am looking to buy. I already own a 4k HDR screen and HDR is very impressive and far more beneficial than just the jump in resolution. As stated, I can set it up and instantly have a collection of games that will be noticeably enhanced - games like Last of Us, Uncharted 4, CoD (BO3, MWr and IW) etc Some maybe with an increased resolution and/or HDR. Games with unlocked frame rates and/or Dynamic scaling should be improved without the need for a patch. Even if I had a 1080p screen, I would be more interested in the Pro as it would enhance all these games. Games like Battlefield 1 and Titanfall 2 should run at the full 1080p instead of the 900p.
Maybe in a few months (or longer) some PSVR games may well appeal. RE7 sounds interesting for example although I am more interested in the increased resolution and HDR that the Pro offers in that game. If and when VR does appeal more and has a decent back catalogue - especially as I would have a few 'bonus' VR modes in a few games as well by then — I will consider jumping onboard. At that time, I will have a more powerful PS4 that would 'enhance' the PSVR experience - boosting frame rates and visual quality.
I don't see VR as a Fad at all but I do think its still in its infancy. I really can't see VR disappearing soon. If its too soon for this generation of consoles, it will almost certainly be available and improved upon for next. Its been around for many, many years waiting for technology to catch up with the concept and now finally we are just about there, PSVR is more limited than its other main rivals - thanks in part to the set-up - but its potential is huge - not just for gaming either. Unlike 3D (limited to a select few TV's), Kinect (limited to Xbox), VR will be available to all soon as Scorpio will offer VR support as well as the PC market which has Oculus and Vive. I though am prepared to wait a while until there is a bigger catalogue of experiences I want and invest in something now that enhances what I already own as well as games I have pre-ordered and intend to buy which will also benefit VR when I opt to jump in.
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If you have a PS4 already I wouldn't bother with either. The games for PSVR aren't exactly reviewing well and the Pro is just something a bit better than what you have now that does the exact same thing. Much like buying an Audi TT when you have a Golf GTI. I'm going to see what this Scoripo thingy will do.
Pro makes things look a little better and probably run a bit more smoothly but thats not every game. VR whole new experiences. For me the only choice would be VR.
Pro makes things look a little better and probably run a bit more smoothly but thats not every game. VR whole new experiences. For me the only choice would be VR.
I saw the Pro running this weekend on a very expensive telly with the Horizon demo and admittedly it looked glorious - then again, it was on a 55inch + top end 4k TV. I think if you want the best performance from a console, then Pro is what you are looking for. Games and gameplay will be the same.
VR is a different way to play games, a different experience as others have said. The cons are that yes, it is new tech so you have all the risks of any early adopter of a new tech. Could be the next PS4, could be the next PSMove.
If neither are grabbing you, I'd wait a few months, see them for yourself and decide.
Now I may be an idiot, but there's one thing I am not sir, and that sir, is an idiot
I'd say Pro. Being able to run Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 at a sturdier framerate makes the choice obvious. Not to mention you can save some money and purchase PSVR a bit later when more games are out for it and you'll have a better experience thanks to the Pro. Of course Project Diva VR will be out for PSVR at launch so it makes the choice a bit harder. Still though, steadier framerates would be the most important thing as far as I'm concerned.
I've read both positive and negative things about the VR, so I'd hold off that until later. If you lack a PS4, a Pro will be good, though if you have one I don't see the point of buying a Pro.
If you have a PS4, don't get either of them right now.
Hold off on the PS4 pro until you get a 4k tv. And don't bother getting VR until you find 5 games you absolutely want to play.
If you still have those 400 dollars burning a hole in your pocket, go out and buy some new games.
Get a PS Pro for sure. It'll improve games, even without a 4k TV.
And I suspect that more and more games will need the pro to perform well, with "less than ideal" performance on the original PS (IE lower FPS or reduced effects).
The more reviews that are coming out the more I'm deciding that holding off on VR for a while is a good idea. I love the idea of it but couldn't honestly say any of the games look unmissable- though I know I haven't actually played them to see how transformational the experience is.
@Mega-Gazz: that's pretty much exactly what I'm thinking now. As mentioned above, the money is burning a hole in my pocket but I'm more inclined to splurge it on Pro than a load of games at the moment (cue moans about backlog etc...)
I see a lot of comments saying the Pro offers little to those with 1080p TV's and little to those who already have a PS4 if anything at all. Whilst it won't enable you to play any games you can't already play, it will offer 'improvements' to games - even for 1080p TV owners. Games will no doubt be at least 1080p, some higher but 'shrunk' to fit a 1080p screen. Others will have better visuals - higher quality lighting, shadows, reflections etc. Some will have higher frame rates if not significantly higher (like 60fps compared to 30fps) a number of games will have higher, more consistent frame rates - especially those with unlocked frame rates. The XB1s has a 7% boost over the XB1 and that has proven to give a 7% increase to frame rates in unlocked games - no patch required. Of course its difficult to say 'exactly' what will be improved as each developer has the freedom to decide on what to use the extra power for. All Sony stipulate is a minimum 1080p. Rise of the Tomb Raider has 3 'Pro' modes, 2 of which are 1080p modes. 1 with all the visual effects turned up and the other with an unlocked 60fps option. The ONLY way to play at over 30fps on console. Of course this ,ay not be important to some - its not as if the PS4 won't play the game at 1080/30 with the visual settings lower than the PS4 Pro but the 'story' and content is the same.
A number of games - like BF1, TF2 etc all play at 900p and no doubt unlocked 60fps - the Beta for BF1 rarely (if ever) actually hit 60fps so it will be interesting to see if the Pro actually has a higher average frame rate whilst running at the higher resolution. We don't yet know the full details of BF1's 'Pro' option(s).
Whilst I do have a 4k HDR TV and likely to see 'more' benefits of the Pro, I would still buy the Pro even if I gamed on a 1080p TV. The fact that it is around 2.5x more powerful overall and will improve my gaming experience in the games I play/pre-ordered etc is enough of a reason for me. Whilst it is expensive, its cheaper than jumping on-board with VR as I would need the camera, controllers (I know the DS4 works but most recommend move for the 'best' experience) and of course the games to play on it. PS4 Pro will still play all my library - many with better performance. In the back of my mind, I would also be wondering if VR would run and look better on the Pro too. At the moment, the PSVR games don't appeal greatly so its an easy decision for me - maybe in a year, PSVR could be cheaper, have a few games I really want and I know they will be running at their best on my Pro.
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Topic: Should I buy VR or Pro?
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