
Topic: Sony's CES 2016 conference

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Some of you may not be aware but Sony are to hold a conference at 5pm PT/1am GMT today (January 5th) ahead of the annual Consumer Electronics Show. Now this event usually is more for announcements for Smartphones, TVs and for unusual pieces of tech. So why should the conference interest gamers? Well Sony have already confirmed the PS VR will be there and with it the very real possibility of a price and release date. Sony actually has form with making PlayStation related announcements at the event (Playstation Now was revealed 2 years ago) plus the event is seen as a pretty big one within the whole of Sony. Now of course a lot of us thought we'd get a price at PSX but it didn't happen. Though I do wonder if a bit of business gamesmanship is at play since both Occulus and HTC have yet to announce prices either so might be a case of seeing who blinks first. Either way you can watch the conference on hopefully something will be announced otherwise this forum post is going to be rather redundant very quickly

[Edited by AdamNovice]




No idea what the price will be but Oculus Rift is $599 so guess it will be around that price point


PSN: noodledreamz

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