Its an stealth game developed by Cyanide Studios (Space Hulk, Blood Bowl, Of Orcs and Mens, etc...) and published by Focus Home Interactive.
based on the "Of Orcs & Mens" world, long before the events of the aforementioned game, your mission is to steal the heart of the "World Tree" which lies inside the "Tower of Akenash".
So far (2 hours in, had to leave for work), its a great game, its fun, its 100% stealth, to the point that if you are find out you have to battle and if theres more than 1 enemy you are pretty much dead, theres actually a "Goblin" dificulty which makes the enemy much more inteligent and its "1 hit kill". After all, its called "MASTER OF SHADOWS" and not "MASTER OF FIGHTING"
The game is all about extinguish torches, stay in the shadows, stealth kills and plan your movement, its VERY rewarding in that regard, the platformer parts can be hard but its nowhere near as ive read in some reviews, you just need to "learn" the mechanichs
Loving the game, eager to finish my work day and keep playing , if you like stealth games, give it a look, i decided to pull the trigger and buy it (actually it was because my PS4 was gathering dust, so i wanted a game to play) and im so happy i did
well, lets enjoy & discuss about the game (and see if anyone else actually bought this game )
PD: im sorry about my english, not my first lenguage (which is spanish)
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