
Topic: The getaway / 8 days

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The Getaway

With some of the answers coming up in some articles, I just can't switch my brain off for what could be an amazing game.
But instead of just a yes please answer suggest what you think would make it a Killer app, system seller!!

Open world? story driven? get Guy Ritchie and co on board (mostly to help with the advertising)hmmm now that i think of it a time jumping Guy/Tarantino style would be awesome.

Basically what could it do not to be considered a GTA wanna be?

On a personal level A MAP!!!!!!!! would be awesome lol

PSN ID : piper8v



Yeah, I'd love to see The Getaway 3. The originals really pioneered that cinematic style of gameplay, but they controlled really poorly. Titles like Uncharted have found a good balance, so hopefully they'd be able to make the actual moment-to-moment action more enjoyable.

I do wonder what London Studio's up to aside from Wonderbook. They were given the role of a casual game studio, but I wonder if the focus on hardcore gaming on PS4 has encouraged Shuhei to give them a more hardcore project to sink their teeth into.


Its sad but they will probably be busy with the new playstation home. That said I think a very gritty underground london gangster story would be ace.

Personally set it in the 90's (not too old, not too young) my perfect game would be a hybrid of Soho studios with Infamous open world, naughty dog (last of us)storytelling, and a Guy Ritchie plot with multiple characters. Don't forget 8 days style time elapsed, it's next gen why not throw in real time weather if its raining in london it's raining in the game.

Graphic! In Your Face! yet somehow get you engrossed with the characters, multiple endings depending on how you play the game (quantic dream)

online multiplayer: build your gang take over London underground, maintain rep, controll over an area, Gang shootouts for your team deathmatch junkies.

Co - op Jobs/Heist that has to be completed changing on a regular basis by devs first gang to do it gets extra in game currency

Easter egg mission: Buy a caravan from sa pack gypsies lol

Wow sounds like all I want is a mashup game of the WWS

And do it all before "Zee Germans"

[Edited by 8vpiper]

PSN ID : piper8v


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