@TheBrandedSwordsman I don’t think it was more difficult, but the gameplay is more varied. So there are more things to keep track of as far as weapons and abilities. I think the combat actually may be easier as a result, since the stealth is a more viable option (climbing in the trees or covering up with mud for a sneak attack, etc) and the weapons more varied. But the puzzles, tombs, and exploration are more difficult. But I never got stumped by anything because you have the difficulty sliders to keep it as easy as you want and it’ll give you plenty of hints if you prefer.
@Th3solution Thanks that was valuable advice, as, yeah, I like to keep things simple and there seem to be plenty of combat options to possibly complicate things, especially when the game wants you to learn yet another new combat mechanic, I am currently learning to utilize the rope arrow to take out enemies and string them up
"(Music is) a purposeless play. This play, however, is an affirmation of life" (paraphrased) - John Cage
@Joshua2255 Yo man I'm glad you remembered! That opening scene on PS5 will just leave you in awe. Any early favorite things about the game? Favorite characters? Areas?
I personally was surprised with how deep the skill trees are and it always feels like you're being rewarded for your play. I also liked how there's story attached with everything that helps you out. For example the assassination skill, I liked how they played the cutscenes for those. Or the bow that you get has a story to it, when you find hot springs to increase your health you're also getting a story nugget. Hope you continue to enjoy it man!
@Th3solution I reckon that the varied ways that the game makes you engage in combat in SotTR trumps Uncharted in terms of variety, thus making it more complicated and harder overall. What are your thoughts on that?
"(Music is) a purposeless play. This play, however, is an affirmation of life" (paraphrased) - John Cage
@Kidfried I just thought I'd give it a go seen as it's only about 12 to 20 hours depending on how much to want to go in to it and I've come off a few big games so was looking for something easy to glide through before I chip away at the backlog again.
So far so good, especially on the ps5 like you mentioned.
It wouldn't be a big miss if you didn't ever play it but it's a overall decent game.
@TraCuz- SotTR is solid, but the Uncharted games are more simplistic. SotTR, as I've mentioned elsewhere, is probably a superior beast, based on what I've played so far, and as @Th3solution says Lara is quite different to Nate, but there appear to be more ways to approach combat than in the Uncharted games, although, overall the gameplay is quite similar. There is more puzzle-solving in SotTR than in Uncharted 2 % 4 though (which are the only Uncharted games I've played) but both feature the usual stuff of stealth and gunplay, puzzle solving, and button-prompts to lift obstacles blocking the way with your companion, i.e lifting something up, your companion goes under the obstacle whilst you hold it up, then they hold it up from the other side, and you go under.
"(Music is) a purposeless play. This play, however, is an affirmation of life" (paraphrased) - John Cage
@TheBrandedSwordsman Ah okay that's all really good insight. How about the story? As far as the content is concerned and also the delivery, how does the cinematography stack up?
To be honest they haven't appealed to me on the surface, but on the flip side I've never put any effort into looking any deeper to see if I'd wanna play or not. I've seen a leak recently that they're getting ready to release an enhanced definitive version of the trilogy, not sure of the validity of that though. If they come out with an enhanced version I might bite, but otherwise I'll just keep looking in from the outside.
Just got too many games to play . I'm currently trying to clear out my backlog so I can focus on the new releases this year. Can't wait till next time we have a game in common though, you always bring nice discussion.
@TraCuz- The story is ok, a bit cheesy but nowhere near as Hollywood-cheesy as the Uncharted games are, it's much more realistic than that. I'd recommend the trilogy in that case, if it comes out, because I'm loving Shadow so far, Yeah, with regard to a game in common. Have you played Control or Resident Evil on PS4 yet? I'm thinking of either of those two as my next game. Or Uncharted Lost Legacy.
"(Music is) a purposeless play. This play, however, is an affirmation of life" (paraphrased) - John Cage
@TheBrandedSwordsman I've started Control but it hasn't grabbed me yet like I was hoping it would, and when you say Resident Evil do you mean 7? If so I actually have that in my lineup within the next couple weeks so we can for sure talk about that one. Lost Legacy is really a compelling expansion story, I played it at release so I forget the story beats but the action stuck with me. Reminded me of Uncharted 2&3 in that regard.
I'm currently chugging thru P5 Royal, just finished the 5th palace. Also playing Nioh 2 alongside that, loving the combat. Coming soon for me is using PS Now to play Metal Gear Solid 2-4 and Gravity Rush 2 as I've never played them. Also coming soon is Resident evil 7 and Little Nightmares 1&2.
@TheBrandedSwordsman Today I actually fast travelled back to White Orchard, as I reached a point in Velen where I seem to be pretty underpowered at level 4, you might know where I mean...it's with one of the colourful characters you mention
Sure enough, I'd missed a sh**load of stuff in White Orchard, including every single Place of Power, or whatever they're called. So I'm having a nice time exploring the place, building up my stocks...
@TheBrandedSwordsman I don’t think I like the Tomb Raider games any more than the Uncharteds, but I do think the gameplay is superior, although the story and character interactions are better in the Uncharted series. Each has its strengths.
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
@TheBrandedSwordsman By the way, I really enjoyed Resident Evil 1 & 2 Remakes on PS4. They are really classics and still so enjoyable, in a horror survival kind of way. It’s definitely a whole different kind of gameplay, with a lot of puzzle solving and searching and exploring for items like keys and puzzle pieces in order to progress, while simultaneously trying to stay alive from the attacking zombies and creatures. But the combat is much more tactical in those games — conservation of ammo, knowing when to run and leave the enemy alone, etc.
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
@TraCuz- No, the original Resident Evil on PS4, the HD Remaster. With regard to Control, we might be able to play that at the same time once I get through SotTR.I tried 7 and fell off of that game, so I am hoping the original grabs me a bit more!
"(Music is) a purposeless play. This play, however, is an affirmation of life" (paraphrased) - John Cage
@Th3solution Yeah, as I was saying, the original Resident Evil is one of the games in my backlog, wanting to play it on PS4, how far have you made it through the game? And with regard to SotTR I wasn't asking about enjoyment but about difficulty, do you find the greater variety makes SotTR more difficult than Uncharted 4 on the whole? Or no?
"(Music is) a purposeless play. This play, however, is an affirmation of life" (paraphrased) - John Cage
@bluedex It's good you went back to level up, hopefully the colorful character won't phase you too much upon your second visit to them, also, are you on the lookout for better gear? Which can then be upgraded as you go along? Always remain on the lookout for sharpening stones as well, as they allow your weapon to do more damage.
"(Music is) a purposeless play. This play, however, is an affirmation of life" (paraphrased) - John Cage
@Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy Hello Foxy! ,just thought you might want to join the discussion about the Uncharted and Tomb Raider reboot games .Where do you stand on them?
@TheBrandedSwordsman As far as RE1, I completed the whole game with Jill. I didn’t yet do the Chris playthrough. I did one run for both characters in RE2 though.
And on the subject of difficultly of TR and UC, it’s hard to say but I’d probably consider that if each game were set to default ‘normal’ difficulty settings, then I think maybe SotTR was a little more difficult than UC4 due to the higher complexity of gameplay. Of course Crushing difficultly on UC4 would be harder and you’d die more than than on the easiest TR settings, but the breadth of things to manage from an RPG standpoint makes the TR game more difficult I feel. But they really are quite different so it depends on what a person is used to. What do you think?
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
Topic: What PS4 Games Are You Currently Playing?
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