
Topic: Which Xbox exclusive franchise would you like to see on the PS4?

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I would have to go with the Forza Horizon series. Don't get me wrong, Driveclub is great in it's own right, but I reckon nothing really touches the Horizon series. It's just a nearly flawless mix of open world design, arcade like racing (with a touch of sim), and great atmosphere. In fact I find both Horizon games to be very relaxing to play. The dialogue can be pretty cringe worthy, but the music and settings (state of Colorado in the first, French-Italian Med coast in the second) make up for that.



I wouldn't mind playing Sunset Overdrive, and the Gears of War games are great fun.

I also hope Superhot makes the jump to PS4 at some point. That game looks really cool.


PSN: Quintumply | Twitter:



Sunset Overdrive was great! I didn't play it until early 2015, but IMO it was the best game to be released in 2014 (with Mario Kart 8), but yup, better than Middle Earth. Sunset is a nice little mash up of Jet Set Radio and Ratchet + Clank. It is a bit of a shame that Sunset was not a multi-plat title, as I reckon it would have resonated a bit more with the core PS4 audience.



@sub12: Yeah, I'd have definitely bought it. Especially with your Jet Set Radio/Ratchet & Clank description!


PSN: Quintumply | Twitter:


I tend not think about exclusives xbox has because for me it's pointless of me to want a game that's only on a platform I'll never buy into. I just focus on exclusives that Sony have, which luckily is a lot.




@sub12: PS has the GT series to counter Forza. Drive Club reminds me more of the Xbox/DC series Project Gotham.

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To be honest, I feel like mainline Forza has been superior to Gran Turismo for sometime. Forza Horizon on the other hand is an open world racer with more of an arcade / exploration like mentality (although you can mess around with realism and assists). Two different series.




It isn't out yet but It look's like my cup of tea for sure.

[Edited by Splat]

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I honestly wouldn't mind if I was able to play Halo on Playstation, in terms of franchises at least.

With single games I'd like Sunset Overdrive, Ori and the Blind Forest, and (cheating with this one) Rare Replay. All good reasons for me to get an X1.

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Sunset Overdrive, and since the IP is owned by Insomniac it's not out of the realm of possibility that if there's a sequel it will show up on PlayStation. The first one is an awesome game but it didn't sell tremendously well just reaching 1 mil recently. Even Rise of the Tomb Raider has sold more on X1 alone and that game is considered a flop. Hopefully Insomniac will come to its senses. Like Halo and Gears of War are meant to be played on Xbox, Insomniac's games are meant to be played on PlayStation.



Just as gamer83 says sunset overdrive has to come to playstation. The xbox crowd just neglected an awesome IP..... I mean vote with your wallet. If a game sucks like street fighter with no arcade mode you don't buy it. However, a game as good as Sunset overdrive deserves to be loved

PSNid= Sanquine90

PSN: Sanquine90


A few months ago I would have said 'Halo, HALO, Halooooooo'
But then I bought a Xbone, got Halo 5, played it for a week...then sold my Xbone.
I still love the Original trilogy + Reach, but the 'new' Halo just isn't for me.
(rest of the Xbone experience just felt meh as well....I quickly returned to my (imo) more comfortable PS4.)

So yeah, Sunset Overdrive would be my pick as well.
I love the R&C series, and this game really looked like great fun.....



It'd probably be at closer to 2 mil, 2.5 mil had it released on PS4. Still not great given the size of the PS4 userbase but better than what it's at now.



like many others have said Sunset Overdrive would be a game i would love to see on PlayStation, besides i think that game would have a much bigger crowd on the PS4

still the only game i was really bothered about was Rise of the Tomb Raider but that's coming to PS4 this year anyway

now i could just buy Sunset Overdrive on my XB1 but it's disc drive has broke and NO WAY IN HELL am i paying the stupid Digital Download prices, DD's on ALL consoles are far too expensive considering that physical versions are cheaper even though physical has the added cost of manufacturing and distribution, IT MAKES NO SENSE!

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I don't know what all the fuss about Sunset Overdrive is for. Its certainly not as great as Resistance or even Ratchet and Clank. Maybe a bit better than Fuse though. If all those saying its 'better suited to PS audiences', are they saying that PS audiences are more immature, puerile and moronic because that seems to be the calibre of the 'target audience'. Yes it can be 'fun' in small doses and has some funny parodies but overall the game isn't that great. It has very repetitive missions and unsatisfying enemies too, I bet if it had been multi-plat, it wouldn't have sold 'that' much more - obviously more than double but I doubt 4m+. It may not have sold a 'lot' on XB1 but to be fair it released less than a year into the next gen life.

Personally I own an XB1, so I don't necessarily want any exclusives specifically on PS4 because I can play them regardless. In my opinion, Halo, MS's big flagship exclusive, is no longer 'great' now 343 have taken over. I have my concerns over Gears of War now too because its no longer 'Epic' at the helm but I admit the first trailer looked good. Crackdown 3 also concerns me with its 'destructive' elements - it doesn't seem right to destroy a city you are supposed to be protecting and cleaning up the criminal element. Quantum Break looks OK but I don't like the fact it has a TV show to watch after each chapter. Sea of Thieves doesn't appeal because I don't really like MMO's ReCore looked interesting but haven't seen or heard enough to decide one way or another. Scalebound though looked great ad definitely going to purchase (unless something changes my mind between now and release of course).
Compared to Uncharted4 and Horizon: Zero Dawn though, no Xbox exclusive is anticipated as much as these, Scalebound though is probably the game that comes closest

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Wouldn't mind trying the Gears of War series, Ori and the Blind Forest as well as Scalebound.

[Edited by WanderingBullet]

Huntin' monsters erryday.


@WanderingBullet: I must admit, the Gears trilogy (1-3 - not Judgement) are my favourite Xbox exclusives. Where Halo defined the Original console, Gears defined the 360 era. Ori looks great but its still just a 2D platformer. Its certainly an impressive looking platformer and its controls are pin-point accurate. Its just not for me.

I know Forza gets a lot of praise and in fairness, I do prefer it to PS's GT franchise. However, like all racing games, I do find it somewhat repetitive. If you like racing though its definitely a great franchise and Horizon (not actually made by Turn10) takes the Racing sim into a more open world and mixes it a bit with a more arcade situation - not many (if any) pits you racing against an aircraft.

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

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I played Sunset all the way through, I had a lot of fun with it, just as good as Infamous: Second Son IMO......perhaps you just didn't like it as much as most people? As far as the humor, a lot of it was stupid, but I find it hard to criticize a game that refuses to take itself seriously in a fun manner.



@sub12: I actually prefer Second Son even though that is the 'weakest' of the franchise. I maybe don't like it as much as others because I am not an 16-21yr old gamer anymore (its been a very LONG time since I was in that age bracket) and find the humour quite immature in general. I must admit some of the parodies - like the respawn animations - are 'fun' but thats mainly because I know what they are parodying. As a game, the repetitive structure, the unsatisfying enemies and even unmemorable characters are not great. Its also not bug-free or runs consistently well. Its certainly not as good as the Resistance trilogy or Ratchet and Clank and seems to want to try and fit in between these for its target audience. In fairness though, it is one of the more unique titles available. There isn't anything else currently that's like this and for that it does deserve credit. It may not take itself 'seriously', which isn't my main issue, I just wish they had taken the game-play seriously.

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

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PSN: TaimeDowne

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