
Topic: Xbox One and PS4, compare and contrast

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I recently picked up the XB1, I've been a long timer Xbox gamer (bought the original in Dec of 2001 and had a 360 during the last gen). I just figured it was a good time to make the purchase now that they have a decent amount of exclusives, so I brought home Halo: The Master Chief Collection (Halo is probably my favorite FPS franchise) and Forza Horizon 2.

So far I'm really loving the XB1!! I'm going to use it as an exclusives box (PS4 will still be my main console), because honestly, I do like the core Microsoft franchises, and I reckon they will put some more effort into creating unique experinces (in both quantity and quality).....given that they are playing catch up now with Sony and Mattrick is gone.

So far, the XB1's interface leaves a lot to be desired compared to the PS4's elegant simplicity. The XB1's media and kinect focus is still evident in it's design, and hence it's a bit sluggish and messy.

Controller wise, I prefer the DS4, but the XB1's version is still very nice. The rumble triggers are a solid addition, the bumpers aren't a problem once you learn to tap just the edges, and the joysticks are superior in quality to the DS4's. However, the XB1 controller is every so slightly less comfortable than the 360 and DS4 (not a deal breaker though, I said slightly), and the lack of an audio jack or rechargeable battery via mini USB is just plain annoying (granted you can buy the attachments for an extra 30-40 bucks total).

Graphically, so far I only have Horizon 2 and Halo: MCC (Halo 2 and 4 look phenomenal btw), but like we all know, unless you intend to sit 6 inches from the screen and count pixels, both systems are mostly comparable in visual flair.

Hardware design, the PS4 wins hands down, the XB1 really does look, and feel in weight, like an early 90's VCR with a thick cost of glossy black applied for good measure. The power brick is also absurd in size for a 2013 product. Least it was better thought out than the mess of wires that is the Wii U.

But yeah, so far that's my thoughts, I doubt I'm going to have any buyers regret, and I'm already planning for Sunset Overdrive and Ori after Forza Horizon 2. With that said, it won't be upstagging the PS4 as my main console.

Any individual thoughts from owners of both systems, and how you think they compare???



The PS4 is a much better designed console. There's really only two things I'd say work in MS' favor. The first is store integration. The second would be the fact that Xbox One allows you to use an external hard drive. Of course, while extra memory is always nice, and I'd love for PS4 to have the option for an external hard drive, things are offset by the fact the PS4 moves so much quicker than the Xbox One so item management, even with only 500 GB isn't really an issue. The Xbox One takes forever to install games so it's imperative to have that extra memory because deleting but then later re-installing a game if you want to go back, is a far more annoying process on the slow as dirt X1.



Gamer83 wrote:

The PS4 is a much better designed console. There's really only two things I'd say work in MS' favor. The first is store integration. The second would be the fact that Xbox One allows you to use an external hard drive. Of course, while extra memory is always nice, and I'd love for PS4 to have the option for an external hard drive, things are offset by the fact the PS4 moves so much quicker than the Xbox One so item management, even with only 500 GB isn't really an issue. The Xbox One takes forever to install games so it's imperative to have that extra memory because deleting but then later re-installing a game if you want to go back, is a far more annoying process on the slow as dirt X1.

Yeah, pretty much agree on the external drive, it's a much simpler solution, I already replaced the PS4 model with a 2 tb variation, but I would have rather just plugged in a external drive tbh.

I kinda like how the Playstation store is set up, just personal preference I guess.

The download times are attrotious for the XB1, I feel like a kid in 2000, waiting for his 20 songs to download via better be ready to turn it on before bed and hope for the best.

But yeah, so far I really like the XB1, but Microaoft would be stupid not to launch a slim model with a new interface sometime this fall.




The PS Store itself is fine, but sometimes it's inconsistent. Whenever I want to start up the store on X1 it goes right to it. Every once and a while I'll get a blue screen when trying to go to the PS Store then have to wait for things to re-set themselves. As for the store itself though I have no problem how it's set up. It's design is actually more appealing the Xbox One marketplace.

Also want to say, I like the X1 as well. The exclusives I've played, Killer Instinct, Forza Horizon 2, Sunset Overdrive and Dead Rising 3, are all excellent and there's more on the way this fall. But MS did a really terrible job in certain aspects. There is no excuse, especially with how quickly the 360 moved, for a console in 2015 to be as slow at downloading and installing things as X1 is. I keep hoping MS can fix this with a future firmware update.

[Edited by Gamer83]



They are practically the same, ps4 has a bit more grunt and that's about it. Both companies pads are great and both consoles are pretty ugly. The big difference is Sony is happy for drm free, MS profits from DRM with virtually every business product it offers. So as an oldskool gamer ps4 wins every time.

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PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
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PSN: mc_noisy


I have both the XB1 and PS4. I bought my XB1 in Feb/Mar 2014 - primarily as it worked out cheaper to buy an Xbox at the time. I had a years Gold, I had a Ghosts Season Pass on my 360 which would transfer to the XB1. I can't say I am disappointed with the size of the console, even though it is large, it runs quietly and cool - its not that different in size to my Sky HD box. I know visually there are a few differences in games but even those that are running at a lower resolution to the PS4 play well and look stunning anyway. Its not all 'roses' as the UI is a bit slow and clunky - partly (I think) because the XB1 has a couple of OS's and that everything has been separated into apps - its now an App to look at achievements, its now an app to start a party. For some, having the option to snap TV, youtube, twitch, party etc whilst playing is a significant plus point - although for me it isn't. The controller is identical in essence to the previous although I do think the build quality is less. The plastic casing feels thinner (maybe to reduce weight) but doesn't feel as 'tough'. I also have a 5TB external HDD plugged in for extra storage which actually improves loading and installing times - USB 3.0 is quicker than SATA (the connection of the internal hard drive) and my External is quicker than my internal. It also has a HDMi in so I could plug my Sky box into the Xbox and watch TV whilst gaming for example.

I know that the overall loading, downloading, installing etc is slower on an XB1 and seems in someways a step backwards from the XB360 but its still faster than the PS3 was (I think). I remember having to wait hours just to play Resistance 3 when I bought it with installing the game and then updates... Although that could also be down to my internet speeds at the time compared with now.

Moving on to the PS4, the console is a lot smaller and equally as quiet but I do think it runs hotter. I think the extra space inside and more ventilation of the XB1 helps this. Design wise, I am not overly enamoured by the angular design but it does show more 'flair' than the XB1 hear. The UI isn't significantly different to the PS4 and works in the same way. Installing games does seem quicker. I still miss the days of buying a game, putting the disc in and playing immediately - assuming no updates - also meant that storage wasn't so much of an issue either and on this at the moment at least, XB1 has the edge because of the ability to add external storage. I don't know if you can add a 5TB internal HDD but that would still be less storage as I also have the 500GB internal on my XB1 - I expect it will cost more too. Moving on to the controller, I much prefer the DS4 design to the DS3. I used to find the DS3 uncomfortable and my hand would cramp up with prolonged use - mainly due to the trigger's and particularly bad whilst playing racing games. Sony must have known this as FPS games used the shoulder button to shoot. I can't deny that I prefer the asymmetrical layout of the XB1 controller but at least I find the DS4 a lot more comfortable and easy to use for prolonged gaming sessions. In terms of costs though - extra peripherals like controllers are more expensive on the PS4 - unsurprising as they have the touch pad but still an issue as the build quality doesn't seem as good as the DS3 - thumb sticks (inc the rubber on top) and I hear that the triggers can be an issue too. In terms of using either the DS4 or XB1 controllers, both feel comfortable and easy to use. I do find that the DS4 though loses charge very quickly compared to the XB1's - even the rechargeable pack lasts longer on XB1 - Not an issue if you don't play for many hours at a time and you can easily plug in a recharge cable and keep playing.

I have touched on the games but to go into more detail, I know the PS4 has the edge here in terms of visual resolution running a lot of multi-platform games at a native 1080p compared to XB1's upscaled 900p. In terms of actual gaming experience though, there is no real difference. Unless you actually have the same viewpoint and compare both games side by side and look closely to see these, very often you can't tell. In some cases, you get an overall sharper look but in some cases, I prefer the softer edges as this can look more natural. At the end of the day, if I was that bothered I would be gaming on a high end PC - It doesn't change the amount of content, impact of story, gaming experience etc etc. Consistent performance - frame rate and resolution - is more important than these numbers and the differences between upscaled 900p and 1080p are not that significant. I am not saying that I wouldn't prefer a native 1080p but it isn't going to influence my gaming purchases. Destiny looks and plays the same on both consoles.

Looking at exclusives now, I prefer the options currently available on XB1. At the moment, I have Killzone (preferred 2's story and 3's MP) and Infamous - preferred Cole to Delsin. I am not a fan of Bloodbourne (as I really don't enjoy the 'souls' games), the Order looks great but game play and length puts me off of spending £40+ on it. Nothing else really grabs my attention either - I may pick up the remastered version of the Last of Us but having spent £40 on it for PS3, I am not willing to spend that again. XB1 on the other hand has Halo: MCC, Titanfall (I did enjoy it initially until the lack of options, lack of variety and frustrating challenges needed to 'regenerate' put me off), Forza 5 and Horizon 2, Sunset Overdrive, Dead Rising 3 etc.

In my opinion a Console is just a device required to play games and as such software is the most important. I have both because I enjoy gaming and certain exclusive franchises - I couldn't go without playing Uncharted, Forza, Gears of War, Killzone, Halo, Infamous etc and having both enables me to take advantage of any multi-platform exclusivity deals too - more likely to influence my decision than resolution.

I have no regrets about buying either console and think both have strengths and weaknesses. If anyone was deciding on upgrading and asked my choice, I couldn't pick one over the other and think that if you had to pick one, you should decide based on the exclusive software and friends (if online gaming is your thing). Whatever console you decide on, I think the chances are you will be happy and impressed by the visuals compared to Generation 7.

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

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PSN: TaimeDowne


Yeah, Microsoft's policies are pretty bollock, but I don't look at Sony as the great white knight of gamers either, they just played a smarter game this gen. If anything, Nintendo is probably the most innocent of them all, being a games company first, and not some monolithic corporation with multiple divisions like Sony and Microsoft.

Aesthetics wise, I actually like the look of the PS4, it doesn't stand out obnoxiously in a living room, and it's small enough to throw in some luggage without hassle.

Both are good consoles, hopefully Sony stays grounded, and Microsoft makes ground with amazing software.....and my god is Forza Horizon 2 amazing (probably the best summer game I can think of).



sub12 wrote:

Yeah, Microsoft's policies are pretty bollock, but I don't look at Sony as the great white knight of gamers either, they just played a smarter game this gen. If anything, Nintendo is probably the most innocent of them all, being a games company first, and not some monolithic corporation with multiple divisions like Sony and Microsoft.

Aesthetics wise, I actually like the look of the PS4, it doesn't stand out obnoxiously in a living room, and it's small enough to throw in some luggage without hassle.

Both are good consoles, hopefully Sony stays grounded, and Microsoft makes ground with amazing software.....and my god is Forza Horizon 2 amazing (probably the best summer game I can think of).

Nintendo got taken to court and lost in the 90s for price fixing, they sold the same game twice in pokemon the start of dodgy sales tactics, they have prostituted their mascot in some truly terrible games and sold hardcore gamers down the river. But Microsoft are a horrible company, I bought into them for what? DRM, online only and the power of kinect woo woo.

Forum Best Game of All Time Awards

PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7

PSN: mc_noisy


And Sony greedily made the PS2 and PS3 hard to program for so they could effectively stop third party ports to rival systems because resources would be so strapped in development for the Playstation (backfired a bit with the latter I must say).

Sony is just as bad as the other two, they just smartly learned from the past and the first three years or so of the PS3's troubled years.



themcnoisy wrote:

Microsoft are a horrible company, I bought into them for what? DRM, online only and the power of kinect woo woo.

Lets be honest both DRM and online only were both removed prior to release. The Kinect - although not great in gaming senses is very useful for navigating and 'record that' moments but again taken out of the equation by tweaks in the OS (developers can utilize its portion of the RAM set aside for it) and removing it from console sales. The way an XB1 works in terms of online, DRM etc is no different from a PS4 - In some things it actually works better as you can look at your achievements with needing to go online but I don't think you can do this with a PS4 - well according to a thread here although I haven't checked myself. Xbox certainly doesn't need to 'synch' with online servers to check.

I bet Sony considered online only and DRM - maybe even planned it but unlikely to be so upfront and talk about it - especially after the backlash to MS.

I am sure every console manufactured as well as other gaming devices has things we prefer as well as things we would change too if we could. They have all made mistakes and no doubt will continue to do so. Hopefully these mistakes will either not make it to the customer (i.e us) or if they do, won't be major, get corrected and won't be detrimental to the company in the long term.

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

PSN: TaimeDowne


Gamer83 wrote:

The PS4 is a much better designed console. There's really only two things I'd say work in MS' favor. The first is store integration. The second would be the fact that Xbox One allows you to use an external hard drive. Of course, while extra memory is always nice, and I'd love for PS4 to have the option for an external hard drive, things are offset by the fact the PS4 moves so much quicker than the Xbox One so item management, even with only 500 GB isn't really an issue. The Xbox One takes forever to install games so it's imperative to have that extra memory because deleting but then later re-installing a game if you want to go back, is a far more annoying process on the slow as dirt X1.

I put a 2tb hard drive in my ps4 it was easy and cheap the hard drive cost me $88 on amazon. It was a breeze to install.

gamer 4 life... "stevedfld" on psn & xbox live

PSN: stevedfld | Twitter:


I know most people say the XB1 controller is more ergonomic, and thus feels better. But personally the Dualshock 4 feels more natural to my hands. That and the market for exclusives (I've long been a fan of Sony exclusives; Halo, Gears and Dead Rising have never really appealed to me, but Forza is nice) is what drove me to buying a PS4 over XB1, $100 difference wasn't a huge problem for me.

PSN: Ultranomnom

I'll take the Vita to the grave with me, even if Sony won't.

PSN: Ultranomnom



The internal hard drive requirement isn't a bad thing per say, but I do prefer the option of using an external drive like the Wii U and XB1 (yeah, I have replaced the 500gb PS4 drive with a 2 tb already).


Agree that the DS4 is a slightly better controller, I think you can make the argument that the XB1 has slightly better build quality in some aspects, but overall, the DS4 is nicer.

What drove me to buying a PS4 was the exclusives that I had never experienced (first Sony home console). What made me purchase the XB1 recently was my enjoyment of the Halo, Gears, and Forza Horizon franchises, so I thought it was a good time to jump in.

[Edited by sub12]



stevedfld wrote:

Gamer83 wrote:

The PS4 is a much better designed console. There's really only two things I'd say work in MS' favor. The first is store integration. The second would be the fact that Xbox One allows you to use an external hard drive. Of course, while extra memory is always nice, and I'd love for PS4 to have the option for an external hard drive, things are offset by the fact the PS4 moves so much quicker than the Xbox One so item management, even with only 500 GB isn't really an issue. The Xbox One takes forever to install games so it's imperative to have that extra memory because deleting but then later re-installing a game if you want to go back, is a far more annoying process on the slow as dirt X1.

I put a 2tb hard drive in my ps4 it was easy and cheap the hard drive cost me $88 on amazon. It was a breeze to install.

I'm sure it's easy, I just don't like opening up the system because I feel like something could go wrong. So I would prefer an external option but like I said, it's not a big deal in the end because PS4 actually moves along quickly.

[Edited by Gamer83]



Gamer83 wrote:

stevedfld wrote:

Gamer83 wrote:

The PS4 is a much better designed console. There's really only two things I'd say work in MS' favor. The first is store integration. The second would be the fact that Xbox One allows you to use an external hard drive. Of course, while extra memory is always nice, and I'd love for PS4 to have the option for an external hard drive, things are offset by the fact the PS4 moves so much quicker than the Xbox One so item management, even with only 500 GB isn't really an issue. The Xbox One takes forever to install games so it's imperative to have that extra memory because deleting but then later re-installing a game if you want to go back, is a far more annoying process on the slow as dirt X1.

I put a 2tb hard drive in my ps4 it was easy and cheap the hard drive cost me $88 on amazon. It was a breeze to install.

I'm sure it's easy, I just don't like opening up the system because I feel like something could go wrong. So I would prefer an external option but like I said, it's not a big deal in the end because PS4 actually moves along quickly.

don't be nervous about opening up the ps4 its is made to open, the top literally just slides off no screws... lol. It was simple. Im going to try to control myself this generation with software purchases. My backlog from the ps3 & xbox 360 are huge. But I guess I should wish for to many amazing games to finish, that should be my biggest problem... lol.

gamer 4 life... "stevedfld" on psn & xbox live

PSN: stevedfld | Twitter:


I know its easy to replace the internal hard drive and something I may do - especially if they don't allow external HDD support, but I would still feel happier with an external anyway. I must admit I have wondered about installing the OS or is that on another storage device inside a PS4?

I paid £110 for a 5TB External HDD for my XB1 and can plug in up to 2 devices simultaneously. If I bought 2 5TB, with the internal 500GB, you can see how much potential storage this has. I have not heard of anyone able to put more than 2GB into their PS4.

That combined with having too many great games to finish on any console are real examples of modern life issues!

Another of the modern day dilemmas is which console do you buy a game on? Take games like CoD or Witcher 3 both of whom are linked with Xbox and (in the case of CoD for definite - well historically) can have extra or earlier access to DLC but also have a lower resolution - albeit 900p upscaled as opposed to 1080p - so do you buy the game with slightly sharper visuals or go for the extra or earlier content? I am not saying the Witcher 3 has extra or earlier content (nothing as far as I know has been confirmed) but it has association with Xbox. Some games its an easy decision - Arkham Knight on PS4 as it has extra (the Scarecrow Nightmare missions/skins - although only exclusive until fall 2015 - hmmm sounds familiar - Destiny??)

I like to buy games for BOTH consoles rather than have a 'lead' console and one that's just for 'exclusives' or dust gathering. I think it becomes an extravagance if one is only used for exclusives. I also tend to gravitate more towards the console I have more games on - more choice I guess - but then the other gets less and less used. I know my PS4 is currently lacking in games but that's due to the fact I got it a year after my XB1 - as explained at the time this was purely a financial decision for me - the Xbox worked out a cheaper option as it came bundled with 4 games - 1 of which I had a season pass on my 360 which would transfer and also a years gold - I didn't subscribe to PS+ on PS3 as I didn't need to for online gaming - to get the equivalent content and access along with a PS4 would have cost me around £150-£200 more at the time.

As it stands at the moment the next game I am likely to get on PS4 is Batman: Arkham Knight (unless I opt for the Witcher 3 on this). I haven't planned much beyond this although Uncharted 4 is a definite. I am likely to buy other games between these too but nothing significant is jumping out at me yet. CoD: BO3 is likely to get bought - I will get it on whichever console has the earlier access to DLC - pre-ordered on XB1 for beta access due to historical links but will change to PS4 if they get the earlier access. Other games will be determined by release date, competition from other games, links to consoles, exclusives etc - If the schedule is as busy as last Christmas, I know I can't afford everything I want and on release so certain games may have to wait until finances allow and its quieter

[Edited by BAMozzy]

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

PSN: TaimeDowne

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