
Topic: Alan Wake 2

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I watched this review by one of my favourite reviewers the other day its not my usual sort of game but it looked like it could be worth trying, skip ahead a couple of days and i am playing the original remastered version rather than jumping straight into Alan Wake 2.

You can tell its 13 years old from the character animation which is kind of stiff but they have done a good job remastering it and its definitely playable, Radbrad does say in the video that the original Alan Wake character has the lung capacity of a field mouse (or something similar) and he is right but i think that adds to the terror as you are being chased down with very few bullets and batteries for your torch, i am enjoying playing the original and the second version will probably be my next purchase.

How many members played the original and plan to buy the new one?
(No spoilers please)


Edited on by Max_Headroom



No spoilers please. Then you link to a 1 hour walk through video.

PSN: mpquikster


Played the original when it first came out and then the remaster about a year ago.

I agree the first game, even the remaster hasn't held up well at all but the story is what pulls you through not the game mechanics.

I'm roughly 6 hours in AW2 and I've got to say it's everything I'd hoped and more. I loved Control and this is more of the same vibe but with the Alan Wake twist to it.

Can't say much more without spoiling it but whatever your thought on this genre of game you should certainly give it a chance. Ideally play the first one but it's not imperative as it's easy enough to get a grip of it if you pay attention.



@MatthewJP It makes perfect sense!

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


"I'm roughly 6 hours in AW2 and I've got to say it's everything I'd hoped and more. I loved Control and this is more of the same vibe but with the Alan Wake twist to it"

Glad to hear from someone who played the first and is enjoying the second.

Edited on by Max_Headroom



MatthewJP wrote:

No spoilers please. Then you link to a 1 hour walk through video.

I asked for no spoilers for the first game by that I meant the ending.

The title of the walkthrough video is self explanatory no one is forcing anyone to watch it, I only posted it because as I said it's not my kind of game but once I saw the review I was hooked I hope others enjoy it and it persuades them to give it a go

I don't consider the review a spoiler it's only showing the plot at the beginning not the game end.

Edited on by Max_Headroom



Max_Headroom wrote:

I watched this review by one of my favourite reviewers the other day its not my usual sort of game but it looked like it could be worth trying, skip ahead a couple of days and i am playing the original remastered version rather than jumping straight into Alan Wake 2.
You can tell its 13 years old from the character animation which is kind of stiff but they have done a good job

I finished the remastered version last night and am glad the gamble paid off i enjoyed the game so will now get Alan Wake 2 .


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