
Topic: Does Peter Parker in spiderman 2 look more like the PS4 original or remake?

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I'm thinking of getting either the remaster of the original with his new face model or just sticking with the OG PS4 version. What about Peters look in miles morales and spiderman 2? Does his look resemble the OG or remaster?



They all use his remaster face now. I definitely prefer the original, he looked more like a character than a beige stand-in for the player.

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@Truegamer79 The old Peter is only in the non-remastered version. Everywhere else is the new Peter that more resembles Tom Holland (at least to me) as he is Marvel's Spider-Man.

To be honest I really liked the OG Peter but in 2 I got used to the new one. Still missing the OG


they all look weird in 2. harry is a toddler



Both faces were kind of generic looking, but I’m fine with either. The original face is canon in my head, but as with Ellie or Elena or Lara Croft, I’ll get used to the new facial model. In the case of Peter Parker though, I’m not sure why they didn’t just go with the new face from the beginning. It’s a weird circumstance to swap the face so quickly like they did.

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