
Topic: Latest UK COVID lockdown PS5 release delay?

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Hopefully everyone gets their PS5 console to play on during lockdown?


PSN: Total_Weirdo


@Total_Weirdo Retail and hospitality are once again the ones being shafted. Those industries are being absolutely annihilated.
Manufacturing, logistics etc are staying open. If you have preordered it, chances are things will remain unaffected. If you preordered in-store, best case scenario is that retailers will probably scramble a delivery alternative to store pick ups. If one doesn't accept changing to delivery (why wouldn't you, but there's always someone), your PO will probably have to be cancelled - or at least held until December or whenever we reopen - considering they literally aren't allowed to open their bricks-and-mortar stores.

But there's no reason there will be a release "delay".

[Edited by TheIdleCritic]


Lots hope everyone stays healthy and we get through this nightmare soon!


PSN: Total_Weirdo


@Total_Weirdo The lockdown itself will do nothing. People MUST adhere to the rules. I'm so sick of seeing people not wearing masks on the bus. I wish no harm or ill on anyone, but if I could donkey punch them I would. The government also need to get on top of track and trace and take this opportunity to get a hold of the cases, like in Australia for example.
If these two things don't happen then this is futile. We'll be back here before too long and this will never end.


@ChilledGamer I contemplated that, but I've already sold my PS4, and now that we're stuck inside again for at least a month I'll need something to do.


@TheIdleCritic are you sure you want to donkey punch people? 😂 Maybe it means something else nowadays...

See ya!


@TheIdleCritic ok good haha, yeah might want to skip the first part or you might catch more than the coronavirus

See ya!


@Arugula haha so sorry, I'm actually just remembering it now and it was quite a good horror movie. quite scary after the titular act when the girls are just stuck on a boat with these immoral blame escaping rich kids

See ya!


@Arugula fair enough, I think we've all elaborated enough without breaking the forum rules!

See ya!


@Total_Weirdo Yep. I kept the games I wanted. Looking forward to starting Tsushima NG+ on the PS5.

Although I'm funny with games and movies - I have a collection of ones that mean something to me or ones that are collector's editions, stuff like that. Everything else I sell.


@NickTheGeek I am thinking the same. Let´s cross our fingers and hopefully we will stay healthy until then and after the release. I wish you all the best.



Game twitter provided info Series X pre-order no mention of PS5 yet, also advised to check local stores twitter feed.

Smyths Toys

[Edited by InvaderJim]



@TheIdleCritic Just had the same, and 3 more exactly the same for Media remote and 2 games.
Had a payment gone out for one game already after checking my bank account. So hopefully PlayStation 5 console money will be taken early next week.


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