
Topic: New Bend Studio logo

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The letter styling looks weird. They chop off the corner of the first letter of both words, but only the corner of the last letter on the second word. Either both should have the last cut off, or "studio" shouldn't have the first letter cut off.

Also the "i" in studio is only lower case letter and the only thin character, it's very distracting from the rest of the logo.

All in all, it's very amateurish. Probably done by some intern or the CEO's kid.

Edited on by Milktastrophe



I like it. I think it's better than the last one.
New game when.



Eh. It’s fine, but I’m a little worried that they are covering up the ‘B’ so it’s almost saying “End Studio” …and we all know this is the first-party studio with the shakiest foundation. A harbinger of things to come? It might be the end of Bend.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


trash . it doesn’t look video game enough or fun .

even push-square’s looks better

Edited on by nomither6


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