
Topic: The State of the Industry

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Just watched this great interview from Shawn Layden talking about the gaming industry is always informative but I found this interview particularly interesting and very topical. Also, I thought it might be good to have a specific thread to chat about the signs and portents from the dire happenings during 2023 and the first half of 2024 and what it could mean for the future:

Edited on by colonelkilgore

**** DLC!


Oooohhhh, cool stuff!! I’ll put this on while sipping tea.

Steam Friend Code: 1176431257

Switch friend code: SW-7391-1388-5607

My discord is “yousef.” All lowercase and a fullstop by the end, send a friend request if you like!

Xbox Gamertag: ForgetMeNot3495


@colonelkilgore Got about half way through before bed last night, as usual he's talking too much sense. Thanks for posting mate. He's starting to resemble an old sage or some kind of gaming samurai 😂

That gum you like is going to come back in style!

PSN: Bundersvessel


@AgentCooper yeah the beard, hair in a bun and super chilled delivery really does give off that vibe. Love listening to the guy.

**** DLC!


Not a massive fan of Red Gaming Tech if I’m honest but I do appreciate the thoughts of Mark Cerny whenever he makes them public. Some interesting stuff here that undoubtedly provides an insight into what he must be considering when preparing PS5 Pro and PS6:

Edited on by colonelkilgore

**** DLC!


AgentCooper wrote:

@colonelkilgore Got about half way through before bed last night, as usual he's talking too much sense. Thanks for posting mate. He's starting to resemble an old sage or some kind of gaming samurai 😂

Yeah I was completely enamored by it. It’s Shawn Layden after all. While I usually have a pretty high attention span, not many interesting talkers like him today.

colonelkilgore wrote:

@AgentCooper yeah the beard, hair in a bun and super chilled delivery really does give off that vibe. Love listening to the guy.

Same same, I completely forgot to get back to this thread after I was done listening since I got caught up in usual weekend shenanigans, cooking, travel plans but this was super chilled. Totally my kinda stuff.

colonelkilgore wrote:

Not a massive fan of Red Gaming Tech if I’m honest but I do appreciate the thoughts of Mark Cerny whenever he makes them public. Some interesting stuff here that undoubtedly provides an insight into what he must be considering when preparing PS5 Pro and PS6:

Yeah Mark is a G. Has his name printed on all the good stuff. Super fun guy to listen to and this’ll be great to watch while having my afternoon tea right now. It’s a pretty chill Saturday today.

Steam Friend Code: 1176431257

Switch friend code: SW-7391-1388-5607

My discord is “yousef.” All lowercase and a fullstop by the end, send a friend request if you like!

Xbox Gamertag: ForgetMeNot3495


@Yousef- enjoy buddy, unfortunately RGT is merely quoting Cerny from a text-based interview so we don’t get to listen to his Deadpool-esque delivery… the info itself is choice though 🤌

**** DLC!

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