
Topic: What PS5 Games Are You Currently Playing?

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@BlAcK_Sw0rDsMaN yeah I do think it comes down to your taste being very niche tbh… which is absolutely fine, we all game very differently and by the sheer nature of entertainment the consumer consumes as they so wish. The problem arises though as the industry has to cast a wide net to capture as much of the market as possible, meaning that each specific genre can only be catered to, to a finite degree. Your situation is further exacerbated by From’s games being of such a high quality, that you struggle to connect with other souls-likes produced by other dev teams.

I used to be a very closed-minded gamer… I’d play GTA, Elder Scrolls, Fallout and then be willing to try games that were similar to those and that was it. It meant that I’d go months where I wouldn’t have anything to play… which was fine at the time as I was in my 20’s/early 30’s and was busy doing ‘other’ things but I always looked forward to the next game release that would fit my very narrow wheel house. Funnily enough it was Demons Souls that widened my gaming horizons, as it was so different from my usual fare… but it was ticking boxes I never knew I had.

I subsequently went on a From-only diet… playing through all the Souls, Bloodborne; Sekiro when it eventually released. And as I started getting towards the end of From’s output I did start to feel a bit anxious. Where was I gonna get my fix etc? So I started giving things like Nioh a try… and The Surge, Lords of the Fallen, Code Vein. Sure they didn’t hit in exactly the same way as what you’re getting from… erm From… but they provided as similar an experience as was necessary while also offering cool new takes on the genre.

In my case at lease, expectations going into a game are vitally important. If I go in expecting a perfect 10, I’m in for a world of disappointment, while if I go in simply hoping that a game will scratch my itch… it invariably exceeds my presuppositions. I’d recommend giving Nioh in particular a go, just approach it with the understanding that it isnt Dark Souls ie.the lore and level design are of a noticeably inferior quality… but you’ll go on to find that the things it does well (combat in particular) are arguably better.

After I played through the vast majority of souls-likes available at the time, I decided that I would start rationing my self to 2 souls-likes per year moving forwards. That way, i’ll never be left with zero souls-likes remaining (at least not for the next 5 years) and then by the time I get to play a souls-like, I’m itching to play one, which helps to supersede any inadequacies the souls-like that I end up playing may have in comparison to From’s masterpieces.

I then fill in the gaps of my gaming year with every other genre available. It turned out I was missing out on all sorts of awesome games that… may not appeal specifically to my wants and needs (ie killing fantasy beasts with an ultra great sword 😉) but undoubtedly provides entertainment on their own merits. The best advice I could give you is try everything with an open mind buddy, not everything will hit but I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the amount of stuff that will.

[Edited by colonelkilgore]

currently residing in PS3 Purgatory


@colonelkilgore I agree, and I can find enjoyment in most things. The important thing is that it works. It's not broken in any way. It's just not outstanding or polished either. The kind of thing that critics love to rip, especially given its IP. It's like the poor cousin of Arkham.



@colonelkilgore Thanks man, very sage advice - I will definitely put greater emphasis on my time with SH2 Remake Deluxe Edition , RE4 REmake , Death Stranding: Director's Cut Digital Deluxe Edition and GTA V in that case!

[Edited by BlAcK_Sw0rDsMaN]

"(Music is) a purposeless play. This play, however, is an affirmation of life" (paraphrased) - John Cage

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic


@BlAcK_Sw0rDsMaN I managed to coax the missus into starting Silent Hill 2 Remake today. Don’t think she’s enjoying it all that much as she wants everything to be like Skyrim - ie be able to interact with everything. I’m hoping it’ll start to click for her with a bit more time.

currently residing in PS3 Purgatory


@colonelkilgore Fingers crossed for missus kilgore!

Edit: And, yes, Nioh 2 Complete Edition is also on my list. I loved Rise of the Ronin and apparently the former game is something of an oft-overlooked masterpiece, in and of itself.

[Edited by BlAcK_Sw0rDsMaN]

"(Music is) a purposeless play. This play, however, is an affirmation of life" (paraphrased) - John Cage

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic


@BlAcK_Sw0rDsMaN we’ve just finished our first session and I think it started to grow on her after we solved a few puzzles and started to make some clear progress, so🤞

[Edited by colonelkilgore]

currently residing in PS3 Purgatory


I’m currently halfway through my NG+ playthrough in Silent Hill 2 Remake. I should be wrapping up the platinum trophy in a couple of days! And then my main focus will be Metaphor Refantazio.



So I just Platinumed Dragon Age Inquisition - 10 days before the Veilguard - It was fun. Now I've 10 days to kill so I think of playing the DLCs again (I finished them 9 years ago on my Xbox One) and maybe some Astro Bot in between.


PSN: Khwarezm_89 | Twitter:


I've been playing the Ys X: Nordics demo and I have to give Falcom credit where credit is due, their demos are some of the best around. I've been playing it for just under 7 hours and I'm still not done. They also released a demo for Trails through Daybreak a few months ago that was 8 hours long.


PSN: Bentleyma-


So I'm playing Mass Effect for the very first time (Well I'd done the prologue mission a few weeks ago but then stopped to play through Gravity Rush 1 & 2).

I've just done the Citadel and became a Spectre. Putting in around 6 hours listening to all the codex entries, talking to everyone and doing all the side quests I can.

My only other experience with Bioware is Dragon Age and that kinda setting really is more of my personal wheelhouse... And yet I've never really liked DA all that much to be honest. It felt very cheap presentation wise (Origins at least), unoriginal for the most part (a bit edgelord too with certain story elements) and the gameplay did not land for me (Ironic considering how much I like CRPG's now).

... And here I am playing Mass Effect and really digging it.

I dropped Ashley like a lead balloon as soon as Garrus came my way and quickly replaced... Blandy Mc Bland headache guy with Wrex (who I immediately then replaced with Tali).

Early days so everything could all fall apart but so far... But I'm really quite enjoying it.

[Edited by HallowMoonshadow]

Previously known as Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy

"You don't have to save the world to find meaning in life. Sometimes all you need is something simple, like someone to take care of"


HallowMoonshadow wrote:

Wrex (who I immediately then replaced with Tali)

glances over at profile picture
The audacity!

But in all seriousness, enjoy the ride. It is still my favourite gaming experience of all-time.

[Edited by Tjuz]



@HallowMoonshadow I’m glad to see your enjoying ME. It’s a real classic. As you’re aware, it really benefits from the ‘sequel improvement’ phenomenon (at least in my opinion). ME2 is usually felt to be much better, and ME3 is controversial but most people agree the gameplay is an improvement.

I forget, are you playing it through the Legendary Edition? Are you going Renegade or Paragon? Is Garrus going to end up being your sweetheart? 😄

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


Only cus I'm locked to a teeny 3 person party @Tjuz. I didn't want to kick him out! I'll no doubt play around with party compositions though and have him in the party now and again.

After all these years of seeing your profile picture I'm pleased as punch to finally get it though

Yeah I'm playing the Legendary edition @Th3solution on the PS5 so I think there's some minor improvements compared to playing it on a PS4??

Like I said in the previous post I'm quite pleased to actually enjoy this classic and have it (so far) live up to the lofty expectations it's garnered.

I'm just kinda winging it at the moment to be honest. I forgot what class I picked (Infiltrator?) but I've got a sniper rifle and seem to be going paragon for the time being.

VERY early days on the relationship front so I can't comment so far. I do like all my new alien chums over my boring human teammates though!

Previously known as Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy

"You don't have to save the world to find meaning in life. Sometimes all you need is something simple, like someone to take care of"


@HallowMoonshadow In my experience, playing it on PS5 did give it a boost. FR felt like 60 and in PS4 it felt like 30 (just my eyes interpretation, not official measurements) and the loading is quite a bit quicker. It takes forever to load from that main menu on PS4.

Paragon choices are probably the best route for your initial experience and do feel like the default canon Shepherd responses, sort of like doing a good run vs an evil run in other binary choice RPGs. But the renegade options often are more entertaining for the sheer craziness of the dialogue when Shep puts someone in their place. Anyway, mixing it up is certainly fine too.

And the romance really doesn’t become all that intricate until ME2. I’m partial to Liara, but mostly because Ashley is so insufferable. 😂 But yeah, if you don’t like any of the options in ME1, then you might find the options in ME2 more to your liking.

I’ll be interested to read your thoughts as you progress and whether you decide to stick with the series. I’ve said this before when talking to
Yousef about the game, but they really don’t make games quite like Mass Effect anymore where your choices carry over to the next game. At least not to the extent that ME does it. It’s too risky nowadays to have a sequel too closely tied to its predecessor and with the cost of development and time involved, companies are risk averse to limiting their potential audience by making the games too dependent on one another. Certainly one could play ME3 in isolation without playing their others, but why would you? 😅 Anyway, don’t expect huge game changing carryover aspects from your playthrough, but there’s enough of your decisions that you’ll see pop up in the next game to make it feel more fleshed out than other sequels and series out there.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


I got the platinum trophy for Silent Hill 2 Remake. It was such an incredible game, start to finish. It was my first time ever playing a game in this storied franchise, and now I can’t wait to see what unfolds next.

I might take a short reprieve from gaming (a day or two), but my next main focus will be Metaphor Refantazio.



@HallowMoonshadow Surprised by your comment on Dragon Age as it's my favorite series of all time but glad that you liked Mass Effect which is my 3rd favorite series

You'll have a lot of fun in the Trilogy. Andromeda wasn't as good as the original trilogy but I thought it was fun in the end.

@Kraven Congrats on beating Silent Hill 2 Remake. How difficult was the Platinum?

[Edited by Khwarezm89]


PSN: Khwarezm_89 | Twitter:

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