
Topic: When do you predict that "everyone" will be able to buy a PS5?

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This week, the CEO of AMD said that the shortage of parts on their end will persist into the second half of this year, which will directly effect how many PS5 units Sony can get onto the market. So even before you get to the problems caused by Covid and the evil scalpers, there have to be consoles being made to get to the people. And whenever production is able to ramp up more than it is - whether that's July, or later, then my guess is that the current problems we're facing will still take months to go away. So we're probably looking at September as an absolute best case scenario right now.

Edited on by Unlucky13



Well, here we are in mid-March, and the situation isn't any better. I was at my local Target yesterday and asked their department Manager about it, and he claimed that they haven't ever gotten a single one in stock. Really, things don't look any different to me today than they did three or four months ago.



@Unlucky13 Yeah, we’re at the four month mark. Perhaps it does seem to be a little ‘better’ access just because I’m noticing more drops and I like the aspect of the lottery system that retailers may start to implement to combat scalpers, but you’re right — there is still a whole effort involved that is too high for most people to access purchasing. There are still many people with $500 burning a hole in their pocket but lack the time or mental energy to jump at every stock report. It’s starting to look like probably late 2021 before you’ll see them sitting in retailers inventory. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was early 2022 before you can walk into a Target and see them sitting on the shelves.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


I just got lucky with getting one in the UK. There is a very good stock alert Twitter account that was pretty spot on with stock drops so I had tabs open and ready to go and as soon as I heard the alert on my phone I just hammered as many tabs open as possible.

After that, it was just luck but it did pay off at last. I was just lucky that some of the drops of stock came on some days off I’ve had recently.



@Thrillho My biggest successes (if you can call at least getting the opportunity to click the “add to cart” button as a success) have been when I just happened to have a day off work when there was a restock. Otherwise, it’s just not practical to halt the workday for it.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution I got to that stage twice with GAME (even getting it on one bundle on the day I got one!) and once with John Lewis.

If I’d been at work during the drops I would have been less fussed about getting one but had good fortune on my day off!



I've gotten to the point where I have one in my cart and been unable to check out and pay with Walmart and Best Buy, several times over. Every time I fail, it just makes me less enthusiastic about trying again. It shouldn't be this hard. The only thing that's made me feel any better at all in the whole process is that my local Best Buy did appear to actually have at least one unit in stock, but I wasn't the lucky one that got to buy it.



Do you think mid may might be a possibility? I got a birthday coming up and it sure would be nice if i could make a PS5 my present! So far still haven't seen one in stores.

"Freedom is the right of all sentient beings" Optimus Prime


I think around the next three months, I don't think this "No one can buy a ps5" will last much longer.

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I think around June because Sony decided to release Ratchet & Clank then with perhaps a delay if PS5 stock is still very limited.



I think in 2023 when the slim version came out everyone gona have a ps5



For 'everyone' who wants to and has the money ready to buy a PS5 to actually be able to buy, supply has to exceed demand. However, there is also competition for those consoles from 'scalpers' and thus the 'demand' is increased - although those consoles do end up back on the market.

Technically, if you want a PS5, there are numerous available now! There are over 2000 consoles (both Disc and Discless with more than 1500 Disc versions on Ebay right now - I have just checked. That's a LOT of consoles IF someone is desperate enough to pay the price. Therefore, there are consoles available NOW for 'everyone' to buy.

I don't want to discuss the issue of scalping or buying from scalpers, but at least 2000 people 'could' buy a PS5 today IF they really wanted one...

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In the UK non essential shops should be open in June and AMD I believe said that is about when they should be back on track, so the 2nd half of this year should be a lot better than the 1st half.

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@BAMozzy Anything more than face value/retail price doesn't count, in my book.

My basic point remains when do we think that on any given day, an average person will be able to go to a retail store or website and buy one, with little to no hassle, for the MSRP? I keep getting more and more pessimistic about it. I now think that Autumn is a best case scenario, really.

My PS3 was my primary console for eight years (2006-2014). He's hoping that the PS4 doesn't surpass that! At least its lasted seven years so far with zero issues, which is more than I can say for my PS1, PS2 and PS3(s).



Well, now Sony is saying that it will be at least another YEAR from this point (early May 2021) before they're able to increase production. I read someone speculate that it could be Autumn 2022, a full two years after release, before they're even available in stores.

This all lead me to wonder whether Sony may decide to further delay some first part games more than they already have. I mean, how many people who want a PS5 already have one by now. Maybe 10% of those who would buy one if they could? That has to be depressing software sales by a ton. At this point, by the time the consoles are widely available, some of the release window games could be discount games.



@Unlucky13 I think it’s absolutely going to affect the release schedule for games. I also think it will affect game prices; I think PS5 games will remain higher priced longer because the incentive to sell in bulk at a lower price point is not there. There is simply a limited number of units out there so there’s a cap on software sales at this point, and seemingly into this time next year. That’s not good.

For example — if we look at the oldest PS5 games like Miles Morales and Demon’s Souls, they are six months out. Released in November of last year. Neither has even come close to being on sale or having a price drop. If you look at, the graph for those games is a straight line. At this point on the life of The Last of Us 2 it had already been on sale 3 times and by the 6 month mark it was on sale for $30, half its original cost. And shortly after — around Feb or so, I was seeing it permanently at $30, and that’s only 7 or 8 months into its lifecycle. Same applies to Ghost of Tsushima — it was put on some sales by 3-4 months after release and went to a low of $40 a few times, and now has been permanently at that $40 price point at retail, 9 or so months after release.

So those hoping for price drops for Returnal and Ratchet & Clank will likely be disappointed. The lack of PS5’s out there is probably keeping Sony from discounting games and so prices will remain high until the volume of PS5’s is higher.

And yes, the big releases like Gran Turismo and God of War (assuming it’s not cross-gen) will be much slower to come out. Some of that is COVID, but some of the delay will be because developers will be told to take their sweet time because of console scarcity. Forbidden West will likely still make it into 2021 since it can rely on cross-gen support.

Of course all of that is conjecture by me. Maybe I’ll be wrong.

I feel for you man, I do. My having a PS5 now is such a relief after hearing this news that it’ll be another year until they are easy to find. I lucked out. But if it’s any consolation, the lack of PS5 releases should mean that the FOMO should be minimal. (Returnal and Rift Apart notwithstanding 😛)

Edited on by Th3solution

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution I'm personally not buying any cross gen titles on the PS4. I'm just going to wait it out instead of getting the lesser experience. But I do agree with almost everything that you said.

The biggest change otherwise for me was that while I was, and am, extremely interested in some early PS5 games like AC: Valhalla and Sackboy, I had fully intended and looked forward to trying out some of my PS4 games on the new system, and giving them another playthrough, until those latter titles eventually came out, which I figured would be about a year after release. I have a standard PS4, and I imagine that the leap for a few of them is pretty nice.

But now, if like many people I'm not able to get my hands on a PS5 for another year to 18 months (if then), at that point I'll already have quite the backlog of PS5 titles that I want to buy and play, so who knows if and when I'll go back and play the older ones more.

When Biomutant and Mass Effect Legendary Edition come out this month, they'll be two of the last PS4 games I ever get. After that, I'm just gonna wait and see. 2014 was similar with the PS3, but back then I didn't really have any fear I wouldn't be able to buy a system. It was just a matter of waiting until there were games out that I wanted to play.



@Unlucky13 It is strange that Sony is saying it’ll be another year, given the state of the pandemic and how it seems society is significantly more stable now versus a year ago.
There is a certain comfort in having a little extra time to catch up on backlogs.

My plan is also to try to experience any last gen games that have a PS5 upgrade on the new system. Control has made me a believer in that. So I pushed FF7R down further into my backlog until Intergrade comes out in July. I’m not touching Cyberpunk until the PS5 version comes out (if even then). I’m also waiting on the inevitable PS5 upgrade for TLoU2. Etc, etc.

I have the luxury of waiting since I have so many games to play.

I am feeling like there are PS4 games that will end up dying in my backlog and I’ll never get around to as I prioritize PS5 games in the future. In happened for me with PS3 also. Even with backwards compatibility, I’ll eventually have enough current gen games that I’ll just never go back, I figure.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


When hell freezes over that's when! Or when people stop wearing masks while sitting alone in their cars or walking down the sidewalk no where near another living person. Whichever comes first.

"Freedom is the right of all sentient beings" Optimus Prime


@Th3solution I see a lot of people say things like that, but I've never had any sort of backlog personally. I typically buy one game, put 80-200 hours into it over six to eight weeks, and then move on to another one. A lot of the time, there might be four to six games that come out in a year that I want to play, but sometimes fewer.


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