
Topic: When do you predict that "everyone" will be able to buy a PS5?

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@nessisonett you forgot my favourite, deep fried spicy haggis.

@render I don't mind sprouts but deep fried, not sure about those.



They already officially announced that it won't be until 2022 .



@zupertramp I saw that GM has basically shut down car production here in the US due to the issue. So yeah, its totally effecting a wide variety of industries. And I completely agree that the entire setup is just garbage.

I worked retail for a long time, and RAM was very much the same way. Built only in a handful of factories in Asia, and if something happened (storms, fires, or other issues), we would sometimes go months without having any to sell.

I do not, at all, buy the idea that it takes YEARS to build a factory. That's nonsense. I see it as the manufacturers doing all that they can to maintain their current setup because it provides them with extremely high profits. Chips could be built in North America or Europe easily, but they don't want to pay the workers what they deserve to make, so they make up excuses.

And so the world gradually grinds to a halt until someone in a position of power can force their hand.



@Unlucky13 yeah it's quite the predicament. One that governments will probably have to address, as you alluded to.

PSN: frownonfun
Switch: SW-5109-6573-1900 (Pops)

"One of the unloveliest and least enlightening aspects of contemporary discourse is the tendency to presume that whatever one disagrees with must be very simple—not only simple, but also simply wrong." - Elizabeth Bruenig


For now a ps5 in my country costs 800 dollars, so i think it will be a while before everyone can buy one.
It the price drops for 600 dollars i might to get one.



@Unlucky13 Have you tried going into and ordering one from a local GAME (or similar) store for pick a few days later? I'm increasingly hearing that it is possible to get hold of a PS5 this way.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@JohnnyShoulder in the US, none of the stores are doing any kind of preorder. Its all on a first come (to the website) first serve basis, and all that you can do is go to the website and try to order one for pickup. Its chaotic and IMO pointless. I've given up until they're regularly stocked in stores, and I accept that will be a LONG time from now.



@Unlucky13 i made a topic about it yesterday , nobody commented , but its about ps5's being in-stock alot more frequently now but at much higher prices close to $1000 (tax & shipping) . so you CAN get one now if you want, if you're willing to sacrifice saving 200-300+ dollars

edit : i forgot to mention that im talking about on amazon , whoops.

Edited on by nomither6



@Unlucky13 Ah fair enough, forgot you were in the USA.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@nomither6 yeah that's the one place I've visually seen them in stock, even after minutes of page refreshes. But like you say, problem is they are around $1000.

So I think what many of us mean when we say "readily available" is in-stock at standard retail price.

PSN: frownonfun
Switch: SW-5109-6573-1900 (Pops)

"One of the unloveliest and least enlightening aspects of contemporary discourse is the tendency to presume that whatever one disagrees with must be very simple—not only simple, but also simply wrong." - Elizabeth Bruenig


@zupertramp Yeah, my entire point with this thread originally was to ask when people thought they would be available for anyone to buy at face value from a store or website, with no hard work. Obviously, most of us couldn't have predicted the chip shortage, and I don't think most of us thought that Covid would become a worldwide pandemic either. Its been quite the mess.



@JohnnyShoulder No worries! Often being in the US makes things easier for video games and movies compared to Europe, but this is just a crapshow all around.

In fact Target, the store I've been trying to buy one from, doesn't even have listings on its website any more. When you click on the PS5, it just takes you to the controller.

Edited on by Unlucky13



@zupertramp @unlucky13 i know , i was just saying it to throw it out there if anyone or maybe @unlucky13 ever decided he didn't want to wait anymore.

i said initially that it won't be until 2022 , thats been officially announced .



@nomither6 Nah, I'll wait as long as it takes to buy one face to face from someone. It certainly looks like its going to be the longest I've waited to get a new console after release in a long time.

I didn't really want an original Playstation at launch, and bought one from a friend about a year and nine months later. The only time I've had to wait longer was when i was a kid and my parents couldn't afford to buy a NES for three years after launch.

Otherwise, I've gotten all of them within a year.



@Unlucky13 I think it is becoming a bit easier in the UK, but I think they still sell out quickly when stock goes up. Saying that apart from people on here and a couple of longstanding PS friends, I don't of anyone else that has a PS5. When I went out a few weeks ago with some work mates, they were all pretty amazed I got one and just assumed no one in my area was able to. Admittedly, I did feel pretty smug after that lol.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


With another company coming out about a different part shortage, now the timetable gets even later. 2023.... Really? Yikes. I do think it could be sometime next year still, but I would have guessed it would have been before Christmas of this year. Now we're probably looking at a year from now at best even if something is able to be done to get that particular part elsewhere. So, I guess I say before Christmas 2022 now.

The only good thing about all of this is it continues to make people that actually managed to get one feel lucky. At least it should. Despite all the negative news that comes out on a random basis in regards to PlayStation (like Horizon 2 now), I still consider myself extremely lucky to have gotten one a couple of months ago.

PSN ID/Xbox Live Gamertag: KilloWertz
Switch Friend Code: SW-6448-2688-7386


In regards to the issues with the upcoming first party games, I think it almost all boils down to Sony having no possible clue a few years ago that all of this could happen. They had a timeline for the PS5, and each game that was started years ago with development, and a reasonable expectation of how gamers/consumers would react.

Now, that's all been blown to Hell, and there are far, far fewer people able to buy and play the PS5 versions of games than there otherwise would have been. And so they're having to try and adjust strategy on the fly and its a big mess.

Two years ago at this point, I think that it would have been a safe assumption that by the end of 2021, almost anyone who really wanted a PS5 and could afford one would have one. Now, the reality is far different.



it could also be bad news for future ps5 games because they may not make back what theyve spent developing the games due to it being significantly less ps5's out there. they'd probably have to make ''cross-gen'' versions i.e. sacrifice a full-fledged current gen experience for a half-baked one because of last gen , with more games. its a shame & it sucks for both sides - ps4 players don't want to play new games on old hardware ( i know i dont) and ps5 players don't want their experience downgraded .




I've actually given up hope of buying a ps5 tbh,. I've held off on playing so many games such as ac Valhalla in the hope I will get a 5 soon and play them on there that after having £500 ready for a year I bought a new PC instead



@QualityGeezer so many people are getting into PCs now , its intriguing but giving up console is so hard for me . the controller in-hand on a couch in front of a big tv is hard to let go .


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